| - The session opened in the hearthroom of Mother's Sanctum, with our heroes looking at their Lunar mates and familiars with profound curiosity, while Fern examined her new prosthetic limbs. Leviathan and Shahra began explaining, but were interrupted. Serentatis, who had heard stories of the madness of the Solars, found Largo's reaction quite curious, and examined his reactions perhaps a little more closely than would have been prudent.
| - The session opened in the hearthroom of Mother's Sanctum, with our heroes looking at their Lunar mates and familiars with profound curiosity, while Fern examined her new prosthetic limbs. Leviathan and Shahra began explaining, but were interrupted. The combined stress of the slaying of Amyana, being subdued and speaking with the First and Forsaken Lion, and watching Raven being taken from them, wore at Largo. Upon hearing that both his Lunar mate and his beloved familiar had been keeping information from him, Largo simply snapped, the Great Curse taking hold of his mind. Though exhausted by the previous battle, he dove ferociously at Leviathan, scythe raised. Leviathan assumed a colossal form and managed to pin Largo against the wall, where Serentatis spun webs to pin him in place. Largo continued shouting and twisting, but the combined might of the Lunars managed to keep the exhausted Solar in place. Serentatis, who had heard stories of the madness of the Solars, found Largo's reaction quite curious, and examined his reactions perhaps a little more closely than would have been prudent.