Please leave this page in place for future content and Steamification BrentNewland (talk) 07:07, December 14, 2013 (UTC)
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- Raven Software
- Raven Software
- Raven Software
- Raven Software
| - Please leave this page in place for future content and Steamification BrentNewland (talk) 07:07, December 14, 2013 (UTC)
- Raven Software is a video game developing company based in Madison, Wisconsin. Brothers Brian and Steve Raffel founded Raven Software in 1990. In 1997, Raven joined with Activision, Inc. to create the Star Wars video games Star Wars: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast and Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, among other titles.
- thumb|250px Raven Software es una empresa que se dedica al desarrollo de software de juegos de computadora, con sede en Madison, Wisconsin, EEUU. La compañía fue fundada en 1990 por los hermanos Brian y Steve Raffel.
- Компания была создана в 1990 году братьями Раффелами. В 1997 году была приобретена Activision. Наиболее известными играми являются трилогия Heretic и Hexen, а также Quake 4 и Singularity.
- Raven Software - studio, które stworzyło gry komputerowe takie jak Quake 4, Wolfenstein i współpracowało przy tworzeniu Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 a także Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. Ma siedzibę w Madison w stanie Wisconsin w USA. W 1997 studio zostało przejęte przez Activision. Firma została założona w 1990 roku przez braci Briana i Steve'a Raffela.
- Founded in 1990 in Middleton, Wisconsin, Raven Software has been responsible for such games as Black Crypt, ShadowCaster, and Heretic. In 1997, Raven merged with Activision in an effort to combine publishing and distribution resources with development expertise. Together they have created such games as Soldier of Fortune, Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast, and Quake 4. Their most recent release was Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare.
- Em 1997, Raven se juntou à Activision, Inc. para criar os jogos de videogame Star Wars: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast e Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, entre outros títulos.
- File:Q4.png File:Globe.png Raven Software (or Raven Game Software, Inc.) is an American video game developer. The company was founded in 1990 by brothers Brian and Steve Raffel. In 1997, Raven made an exclusive publishing deal with Activision and was subsequently acquired by them. After the acquisition, much of the studio's original talent responsible for creating the Heretic and Hexen games left to form Human Head Studios.
- In 1997, Raven Software joined forces with Activision in a publishing deal to combine Activision's publishing and distribution resources with Raven Software's development team. The same year, six of Raven's developers left to create Human Head Studios: Chris Rhinehart, Paul MacArthur, Shane Gurno, Ben Gokey, James Sumwalt, and Ted Halsted.
- Raven Software es una empresa desarrolladora de videojuegos con sede en Middleton, Wisconsin. La empresa fue fundada en 1990 por los hermanos Brian y Steve Raffel. En 1997, Raven hizo un acuerdo de exclusividad de publicación con Activision y fue posteriormente adquirida por ellos.
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- Raven Software
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| - Spółka zależna od Activision
| - Middleton, Wisconsin, Estados Unidos
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Key people
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| - Brian Raffel
- Steve Raffel
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| - Heretic, Hexen, Soldier of Fortune, Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast, Wolfenstein y otros juegos
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| - Please leave this page in place for future content and Steamification BrentNewland (talk) 07:07, December 14, 2013 (UTC)
- Raven Software is a video game developing company based in Madison, Wisconsin. Brothers Brian and Steve Raffel founded Raven Software in 1990. In 1997, Raven joined with Activision, Inc. to create the Star Wars video games Star Wars: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast and Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, among other titles.
- File:Q4.png File:Globe.png Raven Software (or Raven Game Software, Inc.) is an American video game developer. The company was founded in 1990 by brothers Brian and Steve Raffel. In 1997, Raven made an exclusive publishing deal with Activision and was subsequently acquired by them. After the acquisition, much of the studio's original talent responsible for creating the Heretic and Hexen games left to form Human Head Studios. Raven has a history of working with id Software: After using id's engines for many of their games (from Heretic in 1994), they took over development of id's Quake franchise for Quake 4 and the new iteration of id's Wolfenstein series.
- thumb|250px Raven Software es una empresa que se dedica al desarrollo de software de juegos de computadora, con sede en Madison, Wisconsin, EEUU. La compañía fue fundada en 1990 por los hermanos Brian y Steve Raffel.
- Компания была создана в 1990 году братьями Раффелами. В 1997 году была приобретена Activision. Наиболее известными играми являются трилогия Heretic и Hexen, а также Quake 4 и Singularity.
- Raven Software - studio, które stworzyło gry komputerowe takie jak Quake 4, Wolfenstein i współpracowało przy tworzeniu Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 a także Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. Ma siedzibę w Madison w stanie Wisconsin w USA. W 1997 studio zostało przejęte przez Activision. Firma została założona w 1990 roku przez braci Briana i Steve'a Raffela.
- Founded in 1990 in Middleton, Wisconsin, Raven Software has been responsible for such games as Black Crypt, ShadowCaster, and Heretic. In 1997, Raven merged with Activision in an effort to combine publishing and distribution resources with development expertise. Together they have created such games as Soldier of Fortune, Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast, and Quake 4. Their most recent release was Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare.
- Em 1997, Raven se juntou à Activision, Inc. para criar os jogos de videogame Star Wars: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast e Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, entre outros títulos.
- Raven Software es una empresa desarrolladora de videojuegos con sede en Middleton, Wisconsin. La empresa fue fundada en 1990 por los hermanos Brian y Steve Raffel. En 1997, Raven hizo un acuerdo de exclusividad de publicación con Activision y fue posteriormente adquirida por ellos. Raven tiene toda una historia de trabajo en conjunto con id Software, luego de usar los motores de id para muchos de sus videojuegos, se hicieron cargo del desarrollo de la serie Quake con Quake 4. Tradicionalmente desarrollaban videojuegos solamente para PC, sin embargo recientemente han ampliado su ámbito al desarrollo de videojuegos de videoconsola.
- In 1997, Raven Software joined forces with Activision in a publishing deal to combine Activision's publishing and distribution resources with Raven Software's development team. The same year, six of Raven's developers left to create Human Head Studios: Chris Rhinehart, Paul MacArthur, Shane Gurno, Ben Gokey, James Sumwalt, and Ted Halsted. Raven's history of working with id Software lead to them becoming the primary developers on two of id's properties; Quake 4, which was released on October 17th, 2005 for PC, and November 22nd for Xbox 360, and 2009's Wolfenstein, released on PC, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3 on August 18th of that year. During his tenure at id, John Romero was the primary link between the two companies. Since id's acquisition by ZeniMax_Media, Raven's affiliation with id has effectively terminated, as only companies which license through ZeniMax can utilize id's engines and technology, and Raven's products are published exclusively by Activision. Additionally, the Heretic and Hexen brands appear to remain with Activision and Raven, rather than id, although this appears to only apply to new products created within those brands (or new ports of the original products); id still has distribution rights over the original releases of 3 of the 4 games in those series (sans Heretic II, which id did not co-publish originally), and in fact publishes them on Steam.
is Developer
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