| - There's nothing better than a stub becoming an FA.
Unless someone unstubs it by September '08, it will not be featured if it wins.
- I have no problems with the awesome Black Mages being a FA...but how is it Christmas related?
- NO! Not Genesis!
Damn it people, I said avoid character articles for the next few months! AVOID!
- Red and white with a black belt and black boots and a red hat.
- I was wondering if there was interest in featuring some of the better game walkthroughs on this site. The crystal would go on the front page . And in the name of flagrant self-interest, if the answer to this is "yes", I'd like to nominate my FFT:WotL walkthrough as the first. ^^
- Your argument would hold more weight, had your vote for Music, and for last month, not been "against an VIII thing", which you openly admit. Your votes appear to be about not getting an VIII article.
- Agreed, or something FFIV related at least.
- I have no objections.
- I officially declare that YOU SUCK! No exceptions!
- It's called a loophole. All the other games you've mentioned have enough new elements to make them different from their predecesors. RW is on a new continent with new characters, The After has a whole new cast of characters, X-2 added a whole job sytem...
The VII compilation? Bar one or two new characters, they're basically all the same. Featured Zach Fair one month? Alright, there goes the FFVII vote. No wait, that was for Crisis Core, this month let's all vote for The Turks as the FA. There, no more FFVII articles. No wait, that was for Before Crisis...
And so on, and so forth. Basically, not enough detinguishing elements among the FFVII games to warrent them being seperate.
- Really? Wow....what about Celes?
- I would agree only for those walkthroughs that are clearly written from a particular user's POV. A neutral walkthrough, whether written by a single user or not, still becomes as openly-maintained as any other article, and still represents a neutral wiki-wide presentation of the facts of its game. We've been around the conversational loop about neutral-POV walkthroughs on the forums, and I think whatever conclusions might have been drawn from that discussion are applicable here. All that being said, I'm also OK with being outvoted.
- I don't know if Lion Heart is a top-notch article, but the topic itself deserves a nomination. Gunblade is TOO broad. Why not narrow it down? Looks like Vana'diel is getting pretty popular too. If character articles were still open to suggestion, I'd choose Zack Fair more than once!
- I would approve of a Golbez nomination if the page is restructured and cleaned up. If no one objects, I'll do it myself.
- Hohoho! Give me winter-related articles! Anything cold and snowy's good to go! Or, one related to the many holidays this month .
Ths isn't a rule, more of a request. Last year we had Moogles for December's FA, and that seemed to be a good pick for the holiday season.
- So suddenly Terra, Rydia, Beatrix and the Gullwings aren't women anymore?
- FFIV articles should be kept for next month.
And Tifa? Ugh. Also, I'm still trying to avoid character articles here.
- I'd just like to say I do not want Tifa to be featured. Many reasons, but mostly:
#I'm still somewhat against character articles. Golbez was the exception since he isn't playable.
#Midgar was featured last month, so that means we've recently had an FFVII article.
#I just fucking hate Tifa.
I can't stop everyone from voting for what the want though, but just know that I will be adding her next month under protest.
- How interesting, our latest votes has put them into a tie.
And if anyone is wondering, I reserve my vote for situations like this.
- I'm thinking of introducing a new system, where we have to get 5 nominees first, then we start voting. I've noticed that the first few nominees usually get so many votes to begin with, they just race ahead of any new ones.
- My sincere apologies for taking my stupid pills. I woke up just half a hour ago. ><
- Tifa comes off as something of a whore to me. Just saying.
- It isn't, but I didn't say the theme was mandatory.
Digging these nominations though.
- Heading in the right direction with Chocobos, but like Moogles, I think they should be saved for December. For one, we have pictures of Chocobos in Santa hats and the like. >_> <_<
Bonus points for obscure articles.
- I mostly said it just to mess with Blue. I didn't choose X-2 for the characters, plot, or anything like that. I chose it because--despite the criticism the game receives--it was the first sequel game. I just think we should give credit where credit is due.
- Alright, next month I introduce a new rule. Voting can onyl start when there are 5 nominations.
I also have a proposistion. Since next month is October, we should have a spooky FA! So I'm wondering if the slate should be cleaned so we can have SPOOKY nominations. This would also let me introduce the new rule now.
- Just a heads up. Final Fantasy IV DS will get its American release date this month. As such, please try to nominate Final Fantasy IV related articles for this month.
Do not nominate here until it is June!
- I don't know, it just seems odd featuring a walkthrough.
Anyway, as long as we avoid featuring character articles for a few months, I'll be happy.
- Doing the clean up now, but I am gonna need someone to fix up the character box once I'm done. Gimme half an hour or so.