| - Xian Mei was born and raised in China by her father, a Hong Kong police force chief inspector who taught Xian martial arts from a young age, and was murdered by a Triad enforcer. She decided to follow in her father's footsteps and joined the Hong Kong police force, where she was selected to join the first all-female anti-organised crime unit. However, the team and its members were commissioned by the police force for the PR boost rather than their skill. Xian was soon planted undercover at Royal Palms Resort as a receptionist, mostly because they had nothing better to do with her, and feels shame and disappointment that her potential is being wasted.
| - Xian Mei was born and raised in China by her father, a Hong Kong police force chief inspector who taught Xian martial arts from a young age, and was murdered by a Triad enforcer. She decided to follow in her father's footsteps and joined the Hong Kong police force, where she was selected to join the first all-female anti-organised crime unit. However, the team and its members were commissioned by the police force for the PR boost rather than their skill. Xian was soon planted undercover at Royal Palms Resort as a receptionist, mostly because they had nothing better to do with her, and feels shame and disappointment that her potential is being wasted.
* Action Girl: Her bio describes her as "a passionate sportswoman" who is "quick on her feet."
* And then there's her in-game biography, which is totally different. The website and manual make her sound like an idealistic young girl who wants to travel the world. If you pick her off the character selection screen, you get the real story, told to you by Xian Mei herself.
* Unintentional edit, or Fridge Brilliance?
* Anime Chinese Girl
* Badass
* Badass Bookworm: She is university educated, and scored the highest in her class.
* Clothing Damage: Though it's a FPS game, cutscenes and artwork showcase that her skirt has pretty much been ripped to shreds due to the zombie event.
* Combat Medic: Her three major Survival skill tree abilities focus on using medkits more effectively.
* Combat Stilettos: Xian can actually learn a move that involves driving her high heels into a zombie's head.
* Fragile Speedster/Glass Cannon: Xian has no damage reduction talents and her health pool grows more slowly than anyone else's. It is not unusual for even a high-level Xian to go down after two or three hits from a Thug or an infected with a weapon, which makes her the single worst character to play in single-player mode. You generally want to focus on evasion and jump attacks with her, and pop a medkit any time she's taken any real damage. On the plus side, her specialization in bladed weapons lets her attack quickly for high damage with very little drain in stamina, and in the late game she's absolutely devastating with a katana or Zed's Demise.
* Fridge Brilliance: Okay, so she's a Hong Kong policewoman who knows martial arts; how does that translate into being good with knives? The game never specifies what style her father taught her, and silat is a style practiced all over Asia that specifically emphasizes training with knives, sickles, and machetes, the three most common kinds of bladed weapon in the game.
* Going Commando: Not entirely sure how someone found the time to discover it in-game, but apparently Xian isn't a fan of underwear. Needless to say, the link is NSFW.
* Knife Nut: Her Rage attack has her pulling out a knife to carve zombies up.
* No Respect Gal: Her back-story.
* Only Sane Woman/Token Good Teammate: In the cutscenes, Xian Mei comes across as the sanest and most idealistic of the four heroes. She disagrees with the other three's suggestions to abandon the other survivors and save themselves, agrees with Jin's desire to help everybody, and is the only person to sensibly point out that they have no reason not to trust The Voice, who's been completely helpful and non-threatening, while the others start screaming at the guy because he's an authority figure (Purna) or because they want to make their own way out (Logan). In the beginning of Act III she even gives a Rousing Speech to the other 3 characters to convince them to search for the vaccine and save the world instead of heading straight for the extraction point and just saving themselves.
* Of course, any Genre Savvy fan of the zombie genre can guess how that turns out...
* Overt Operative: Xian's cover is basically transparent. The rest of the survivors figure out something's up when they revisit the hotel in Act 2, although it's never followed up on.
* In the Dead Island eight-page promotional comic, Roger Howard discovers the hotel staff knew she was a cop from the moment she landed. In the novelization, Purna figures out Xian can't be an ordinary desk clerk pretty much immediately upon meeting her.