| - Liberation theology is a Christian political movement founded in Latin America. The term was coined in 1971 by Peruvian Catholic priest Gustavo Gutierrez, writer of one of the movement's chief texts, A Theology of Liberation (1972), though the idea itself goes back to the 1950s.
- The peruvian bishop Gustavo GutiƩrrez coined the term "liberation theology", and gave the movement its most famous and enduring presentation in his book, A Theology of Liberation (1971). Other leading exponents include Leonardo Boff of Brazil, and Juan Luis Segundo of Uruguay. In the mass media, 'Liberation Theology' may refer to a wide variety of politically-activist Christian thought.
| - The peruvian bishop Gustavo GutiƩrrez coined the term "liberation theology", and gave the movement its most famous and enduring presentation in his book, A Theology of Liberation (1971). Other leading exponents include Leonardo Boff of Brazil, and Juan Luis Segundo of Uruguay. In the mass media, 'Liberation Theology' may refer to a wide variety of politically-activist Christian thought. Orthodox catholics who disagree with liberation theology claim that it takes a narrow view of the Bible, or that it mines the Bible to support a political and social ideology. Pope Benedict XVI, for instance, is known as an opponent of certain types of liberation theology, and issued several condemnations of tendencies within it while prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. These criticisms, in turn, provoke counter-criticisms that the orthodox are in effect casting the Catholic church as a friend of authoritarian regimes; and that the Vatican is not so much trying to defend pure doctrine as to maintain an established ecclesiastical and political order. This conflict could be compared to some aspects of the Protestant Reformation. Outside Latin America, some of Liberation Theology's most ardent advocates are Protestant thinkers (e.g., Jurgen Moltmann, Frederick Herzog).
- Liberation theology is a Christian political movement founded in Latin America. The term was coined in 1971 by Peruvian Catholic priest Gustavo Gutierrez, writer of one of the movement's chief texts, A Theology of Liberation (1972), though the idea itself goes back to the 1950s.