| - In Real Life, the world's largest corporations and government agencies often have a total annual cash flow that exceeds the Gross National Product of smaller nations, own fleets of multimillion dollar vehicles or multiple office buildings. But modern Real Life organizations like Wal-mart or the U.S. Defense Department would be on the bottom end of this scale at best. Merely being an unusually successful Mega Corp is not enough to qualify for this list, nor is an Elaborate Underground Base (or more than one), as these assets may have been around for a while, acquired at a discount, or required to accomplish the organizations whole purpose for existance. These organizations routinely accomplish feats whose mere existance in the setting could result in Fridge Logic or even straining Willing Suspension of Disbelief:
* Construction projects that normally require hundreds or thousands of workers laboring for months or years are often accomplished before the next episode.
* If the organization is responsible for a major national project, they will often build a spare just in case or for their own use.
* The organization funds projects which apparently break the laws of physics using only wealth and the Rule of Cool or the Rule of Funny.
* If some other convenient fictional trope makes something possible, it doesn't count. You don't buy sound in space when Space Is Noisy. It's not impressive to have Infinite Supplies when everyone else does. Building a Humongous Mecha is not noteworthy when any random scientist can make five in a weekend.
* An example might be, in a setting Twenty Minutes Into the Future, while every other spacefaring organization is still working on commercial manned flight to the ISS or missions to the Moon or Mars, this organization is already secretly operating multiple interstellar vessels that could carry the space shuttle in their secondary cargo holds. It pretty much goes without saying that any investor who owns more than 1% or so of one of these organizitions will be a member of the Fiction 500. If an organization is owned largely by one individual or a relatively small group, please file the example under Fiction 500, not here. Compare Fiction 500, Mega Corp, Abusing the Kardashev Scale For Fun and Profit, Where Does He Get All Those Wonderful Toys?. Examples of Organization with Unlimited Funding include: