| - Yeah, like Scorpion had any chance. This match was a testament to how crappy the South division was more than anything else. When you see this big a blowout in a divisional final, you know something is wrong. There are only two notable things about this match. One, Link's vote total was the highest of the contest by far. Two, if Link somehow managed to win his Final Four match and make it into the finals, it would be hard to imagine him not winning the contest outright. Link is not the type of character to receive the ass end of SFF at the hands of Mario, and if Link were to get by Sephiroth, it's hard to imagine Crono beating him. And even if Samus were to beat Sephiroth, we would likely get a taste of how "well" Mario would do against him. Mario may be the #1 Nintendo character, but not on GameFAQs. Link essentially only had to worry about Sephiroth beating him at this point. • Previous Match • Next Match