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| - New York Times
- New York Times
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- In 1935, the New York Times ran a column about President Joe Steele's proposed legislation that would allow the Federal government to draft prisoners out of local, state, and federal detention facilities and put them to work building infrastructure in the Midwest and Rocky Mountains regions. The column was of two minds, seeing value in improving the parts of the country that had been hit by both the Depression and the Dust Bowl, but at the same time wondering about the value of implementing the distasteful chain gang system throughout the country.
- New York Times är en tidning för New York City. När Henry Hayes blev vald till President så var tidningen på väg att inleda en utredning rösta oegentligheter i sex sydstaterna. Hans medhjälpare Stan hade ordnat att Teddy en kollega skulle ta hand om saken. (SG1: "Inauguration")
- The New York Times is a daily newspaper published in New York City by Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, Jr. and distributed internationally. It is owned by The New York Times Company, which publishes 15 other newspapers, including the International Herald Tribune and The Boston Globe.
- The New York Times (a.k.a The Grey Lady, or the NYT) is a newspaper that represents the highest standard of journalism today. The paper has been given one hundred eight Pulitzer Prizes, more than any other newspaper. The NYT has a Liberal bias, meaning it reports facts. The last Republican in a presidential race the editor endorsed was Dwight D. Eisenhower. The paper also supports the LGBT rights movement, the Affordable Care Act, gun control, and a woman's right to determine her own health care.
- The New York Times was a newspaper published in New York City, New York. The New York Times published the Pentagon Papers, a revealing expose on secret government activities and misconduct. (Findings at CTU) The Times was supposedly friendly to Senator Debrah Drexler. Attorney General James Quincy told Brian Zelzer to call the Times in advance of Drexler's blackmailed endorsement of the New American Privacy Act, wanting the paper's staff to "choke on their own rags." (Veto Power)
- This page gives you the opportunity to redirect to the wiki covering this topic or stay on the Crossgen Comics Database. Clicking on the link below will redirect you to the New York Times Wikipedia article. Take me to the Wikipedia New York Times article. Click here to return to the Crossgen Comics Database main page or just hit your browsers back button to return to your previous page. These Redirect pages can be eliminated in either of two ways. Things to think about:
- This page give you the opportunity to redirect to the original article that is on Wikipedia or stay on the American Football Database. Clicking on the link on this page will redirect to Wikipedia's New York Times article. Take me to the New York Times article on Wikipedia. Click here to return to the American Football Database main page or just hit your browsers back button to return to your previous page. These Redirect pages should be eliminated in either of two ways. Things to think about:
- The New York Times is a Wonderland-based newspaper distributed by an espionage group funded by the Democratic Party of the United States. Its two-fold mission is to expose and render inert every legal, classified program that protects the security of the United States and to spread lies about any statesman in the nation who happens to be physically strong, mentally awake, or morally straight.
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| - This link redirects to Wikipedia's article on the subject.
- The New York Times is a Wonderland-based newspaper distributed by an espionage group funded by the Democratic Party of the United States. Its two-fold mission is to expose and render inert every legal, classified program that protects the security of the United States and to spread lies about any statesman in the nation who happens to be physically strong, mentally awake, or morally straight. The solid print version has has been mostly replaced by the New York Times Online. The print version of the New York Times is read by those who are still unable to efficiently read text from a monitor. These human dinosaurs, on the verge of extinction, feel the need to have all their information wastefully printed on paper (a derivative of trees), so they can slowly and methodically pore through the limited information at a snail's pace. They smear their inky fingerprints all over anything they contact, but as readers of the New York Times, their fingerprints (and retinal/rectal scans) are already on file at the NSA. Much of the New York Times is fiction, created and contributed by a staff of writers hoping to win the Pulitzer Prize for making up the most heart-wrenching liberal story they can and passing it off as truth. Typical stories of hopeless drug addicts or homeless single mothers (sometimes known as skank-ass whores) who the system has forgotten often represent the best attempts of the writers to make the wealthy feel guilty and the middle classes despise the rich. Lower classes, including addicts and single mothers, are actually too stupid to read the newspaper. Although the New York Times has a very large subscribership, is read by exactly 137 people every day, all of them Anchormen, making it one of the most widely-read newspapers printed in America. It is used as toilet paper by most of the remainder of its subscribership, who probably can't read anyway. The small percentage of subscribers who can read and prefer comfortable toilet paper use the New York Times to sop up garage oil spills, because not even the farthest right-wing readers would consider fouling the bottom of a bird cage by lining it with The New York Times.
- This page give you the opportunity to redirect to the original article that is on Wikipedia or stay on the American Football Database. Clicking on the link on this page will redirect to Wikipedia's New York Times article. Take me to the New York Times article on Wikipedia. Click here to return to the American Football Database main page or just hit your browsers back button to return to your previous page. These Redirect pages should be eliminated in either of two ways.
* #1 Create a article of our own for this page.
* #2 On every page a New York Times link exists make a direct link to the original Wikipedia article. Things to think about:
* #1 Creating our own page for this article may add a superfluous amount of pages.
* #2 Some of these article links may be on hundreds of pages that would need direct links.
- In 1935, the New York Times ran a column about President Joe Steele's proposed legislation that would allow the Federal government to draft prisoners out of local, state, and federal detention facilities and put them to work building infrastructure in the Midwest and Rocky Mountains regions. The column was of two minds, seeing value in improving the parts of the country that had been hit by both the Depression and the Dust Bowl, but at the same time wondering about the value of implementing the distasteful chain gang system throughout the country.
- This page gives you the opportunity to redirect to the wiki covering this topic or stay on the Crossgen Comics Database. Clicking on the link below will redirect you to the New York Times Wikipedia article. Take me to the Wikipedia New York Times article. Click here to return to the Crossgen Comics Database main page or just hit your browsers back button to return to your previous page. These Redirect pages can be eliminated in either of two ways.
* #1 Create a article of our own for this page.
* #2 On every page a New York Times link exists make a direct link to the original Wikipedia article. Things to think about:
* #1 Creating our own page for this article may add a superfluous amount of pages.
* #2 Some of these article links may be on hundreds of pages that would need direct links. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- The New York Times was a newspaper published in New York City, New York. The New York Times published the Pentagon Papers, a revealing expose on secret government activities and misconduct. (Findings at CTU) The Times was supposedly friendly to Senator Debrah Drexler. Attorney General James Quincy told Brian Zelzer to call the Times in advance of Drexler's blackmailed endorsement of the New American Privacy Act, wanting the paper's staff to "choke on their own rags." (Veto Power) Muhammed Abbas read an edition of the Times at the Four Seasons Hotel while he waited for Ayman al-Libbi to arrive. (Cat's Claw) Senator David Palmer wrote an editorial piece for the Times, entitled "Serb Intransigence and European Destabilization." (Findings at CTU) In custody at CTU Los Angeles, Christopher Henderson explained to Jack Bauer that he operated in the real world, not "the op-ed pages of the New York Times." ("Day 5: 4:00am-5:00am") In early 2014, the New York Times published a CTU world-wide bulletin requesting information on the whereabouts of Jack Bauer, a fugitive wanted on charges of terrorism, and directing those with knowledge to contact the U.S. or Canadian authorities. The notice indicated that the Royal Canadian Mounted Police were among the agencies attempting to find Bauer. (Underground #1)
- New York Times är en tidning för New York City. När Henry Hayes blev vald till President så var tidningen på väg att inleda en utredning rösta oegentligheter i sex sydstaterna. Hans medhjälpare Stan hade ordnat att Teddy en kollega skulle ta hand om saken. (SG1: "Inauguration")
- The New York Times is a daily newspaper published in New York City by Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, Jr. and distributed internationally. It is owned by The New York Times Company, which publishes 15 other newspapers, including the International Herald Tribune and The Boston Globe.
- The New York Times (a.k.a The Grey Lady, or the NYT) is a newspaper that represents the highest standard of journalism today. The paper has been given one hundred eight Pulitzer Prizes, more than any other newspaper. The NYT has a Liberal bias, meaning it reports facts. The last Republican in a presidential race the editor endorsed was Dwight D. Eisenhower. The paper also supports the LGBT rights movement, the Affordable Care Act, gun control, and a woman's right to determine her own health care.
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