| - The Moderate Royalist Union was a short-lived Darnussian political party founded in September 2599, forming out of the Darnussian Democrats, which formed out of the Anti-Theocrat Party. The founder of the party was Alexis Menzies. The party's official ideology was small-l liberalism, which is closely similar to centrism. The MRU had a mix of social liberal, moderate, and conservative views; though it usually falls under the category of centre-left; just as its predecessor, the Darnussian Democrats, did. Other than those views, the MRU was also a royalist party that support reestablishing the monarchy in the United Republic. Royalism proved unpopular and the party soon disbanded and was overtaken by its non-royalist factions. In 2601, the party became the Libertarian Party of Darnussia.