Ro Gale was the father of Ro Laren. He died in 2347 during a Cardassian interrogation. His daughter, lured by the promise of sugar candy, was forced to sit and watch as he was questioned and tortured to death, while begging for mercy. This ordeal was one of the reasons his daughter ran away. (TNG: "Ensign Ro" , "Conundrum" ) Gale played the belaklavion, and used his music to put Laren to sleep as a young girl. He told her that the instrument's song scared away monsters as she slept. When he died, Laren realized that even he couldn't keep all the monsters away.
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- Ro Gale
- Ro Gale
- Ro Gale
- Ro Gale
| - Ro Gale fue un bajorano casado con Ro Talia y padre de Ro Laren. Murio en el 2347 durante un interrogatorio de los Cardassianos. Su hija se vio obligado a sentarse y ver como fue interrogado y torturado hasta la muerte, mientras pedía clemencia. Esta fue una de las razones por las que su hija se escapó. (TNG: "Ensign Ro", "Conundrum") También fue conocido para hacer un hasperat muy picante. (TNG: "Preemptive Strike")
- Ro Gale était un Bajoran du 24ème siècle. Il fut le mari de Ro Talia et le père de Ro Laren. Lorsque Laren était petite, Gale joua du belaklavion pour l'endormir Laren, en lui indiquant que cet instrument produisait un son faisant fuir les monstres. (TNG: "Preemptive Strike") Il fut également réputé pour faire un Hasperat très épicé. (TNG: "Preemptive Strike") Il mourra en 2347 durant un interrogatoire cardassien, pendant lequel sa fille fut forcé de voir son père se faire questionner et torturer à mort. Cet évènement incita Ro Laren à s'enfuir. (TNG: "Ensign Ro", "Conundrum")
- Ro Gale was the father of Ro Laren. He died in 2347 during a Cardassian interrogation. His daughter, lured by the promise of sugar candy, was forced to sit and watch as he was questioned and tortured to death, while begging for mercy. This ordeal was one of the reasons his daughter ran away. (TNG: "Ensign Ro" , "Conundrum" ) Gale played the belaklavion, and used his music to put Laren to sleep as a young girl. He told her that the instrument's song scared away monsters as she slept. When he died, Laren realized that even he couldn't keep all the monsters away.
- Ro Gale was a Bajoran male who lived during the 24th century. In the 2330s, he married Ro Talia and they had a daughter named Ro Laren in 2340. He died in 2347 during a Cardassian interrogation by Joer Varc of the Obsidian Order. Ro's daughter was forced to sit and watch as he was questioned and tortured to death, while begging for mercy. This ordeal was one of the reasons that Ro Laren rejected the Bajoran religion and ran away, subsequently joining Starfleet. (ST - Terok Nor novel: Night of the Wolves; TNG episodes: "Ensign Ro", "Conundrum"; DS9 novel: The Soul Key)
- Ro Gale era il padre di Ro Laren. Morì nel 2347 durante un interrogatorio Cardassiano. La figlia fu obbligata ad assistere mentr'egli veniva interrogato e torturato a morte, mentre implorava pietà. Questa fu una delle cose che indusse la figlia a fuggire via. (TNG: "Il guardiamarina Ro", "Amnesia")
- Ro Gale was de vader van Ro Laren. Hij stierf in 2347 tijdens een Cardassian verhoor. Zijn dochter werd gedwongen om mee te kijken tijdens zijn marteling tot de dood, terwijl hij smeekte om vergeving. Deze gebeurtenis was een schokkende en traumatische ervaring voor de jonge Laren. Dit was de reden dat ze wegging bij de Cardassians. (TNG: "Ensign Ro" • "Conundrum") Gale maakte tevens een pittige Hasperat. (TNG: "Preemptive Strike)
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| - Ro Gale was the father of Ro Laren. He died in 2347 during a Cardassian interrogation. His daughter, lured by the promise of sugar candy, was forced to sit and watch as he was questioned and tortured to death, while begging for mercy. This ordeal was one of the reasons his daughter ran away. (TNG: "Ensign Ro" , "Conundrum" ) Gale played the belaklavion, and used his music to put Laren to sleep as a young girl. He told her that the instrument's song scared away monsters as she slept. When he died, Laren realized that even he couldn't keep all the monsters away. He was also known to make a very spicy hasperat. (TNG: "Preemptive Strike" ) Ro Gale appears in the Star Trek: Terok Nor novel Night of the Wolves.
- Ro Gale era il padre di Ro Laren. Morì nel 2347 durante un interrogatorio Cardassiano. La figlia fu obbligata ad assistere mentr'egli veniva interrogato e torturato a morte, mentre implorava pietà. Questa fu una delle cose che indusse la figlia a fuggire via. (TNG: "Il guardiamarina Ro", "Amnesia") Gale suonava il belaklavion, ed usava la musica per far addormentare la figlia quand'era una ragazzina. Le diceva che il suono dello strumento poteva far fuggire i mostri mentr'ella dormiva. Quando morì, Laren si rese conto che nemmeno lui poteva allontanare tutti i mostri. L'uomo sapeva anche cucinare un Hasperat molto piccante. (TNG: "Il tenente Ro")
- Ro Gale fue un bajorano casado con Ro Talia y padre de Ro Laren. Murio en el 2347 durante un interrogatorio de los Cardassianos. Su hija se vio obligado a sentarse y ver como fue interrogado y torturado hasta la muerte, mientras pedía clemencia. Esta fue una de las razones por las que su hija se escapó. (TNG: "Ensign Ro", "Conundrum") También fue conocido para hacer un hasperat muy picante. (TNG: "Preemptive Strike")
- Ro Gale was de vader van Ro Laren. Hij stierf in 2347 tijdens een Cardassian verhoor. Zijn dochter werd gedwongen om mee te kijken tijdens zijn marteling tot de dood, terwijl hij smeekte om vergeving. Deze gebeurtenis was een schokkende en traumatische ervaring voor de jonge Laren. Dit was de reden dat ze wegging bij de Cardassians. (TNG: "Ensign Ro" • "Conundrum") Gale speelde de belaklavion en gebruikte zijn muziek om Laren in slaap te laten vallen. Hij vertelde haar dat het instrument de monsters wegjaagde als ze sliep. Toen hij stierf realiseerde Laren zich dat zelfs hij niet alle monsters kon wegjagen. Gale maakte tevens een pittige Hasperat. (TNG: "Preemptive Strike)
- Ro Gale était un Bajoran du 24ème siècle. Il fut le mari de Ro Talia et le père de Ro Laren. Lorsque Laren était petite, Gale joua du belaklavion pour l'endormir Laren, en lui indiquant que cet instrument produisait un son faisant fuir les monstres. (TNG: "Preemptive Strike") Il fut également réputé pour faire un Hasperat très épicé. (TNG: "Preemptive Strike") Il mourra en 2347 durant un interrogatoire cardassien, pendant lequel sa fille fut forcé de voir son père se faire questionner et torturer à mort. Cet évènement incita Ro Laren à s'enfuir. (TNG: "Ensign Ro", "Conundrum")
- Ro Gale was a Bajoran male who lived during the 24th century. In the 2330s, he married Ro Talia and they had a daughter named Ro Laren in 2340. He died in 2347 during a Cardassian interrogation by Joer Varc of the Obsidian Order. Ro's daughter was forced to sit and watch as he was questioned and tortured to death, while begging for mercy. This ordeal was one of the reasons that Ro Laren rejected the Bajoran religion and ran away, subsequently joining Starfleet. (ST - Terok Nor novel: Night of the Wolves; TNG episodes: "Ensign Ro", "Conundrum"; DS9 novel: The Soul Key) Gale played the belaklavion, and used his music to put Laren to sleep as a young girl. He told her that the instrument's song scared away monsters as she slept. When he died, Laren realized that even he couldn't keep all the monsters away. He was also known to make a very spicy hasperat. (TNG episode: "Preemptive Strike")
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