| - On one October night in 2009, a group of teenage girls dared Hajime Kunihiro one of their friends to go into the house while Gezol was on vacation, and stay there for the night. The friend in question was never seen again. A week later, the police investigated this mystery, and checked in the blood swamp, where they saw the friend's body perched on the shore. So does that mean all the evil that goes on this house is NOT caused solely by Gezol, as he was away at the time? Mysterious, indeed...
| - On one October night in 2009, a group of teenage girls dared Hajime Kunihiro one of their friends to go into the house while Gezol was on vacation, and stay there for the night. The friend in question was never seen again. A week later, the police investigated this mystery, and checked in the blood swamp, where they saw the friend's body perched on the shore. So does that mean all the evil that goes on this house is NOT caused solely by Gezol, as he was away at the time? Mysterious, indeed... Later, in 2057, a house was built right next to the house. A day later, the new house burned down under mysterious means. However, Gezol does not know of this as he is currently isolated in the German prison. Only the Ruler of all universes can survive here.