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An Entity of Type : owl:Thing, within Data Space : associated with source dataset(s)

  • Shield of Lies
  • Shield of Lies
dramatis personae
  • On Coruscant, capital of the New Republic *Princess Leia Organa Solo, president of the Senate and Chief of State of the New Republic *Alole, aide to Leia *General Han Solo, on detached duty *Admiral Hiram Drayson, chief of Alpha Blue *General Carlist Rieekan, head of New Republic Intelligence *First Administrator Nanaod Engh, administrative director of the New Republic *Senator Behn-Kihl-Nahm, Chairman of the Defense Council and friend and mentor to Leia "Bennie" *Senator Tolik Yar of Oolidi *Senator Tig Peramis of Walalla *Senator Cian Marook of Hrasskis *Ayddar Nylykerka, chief analyst for the Asset Tracking Office, Fleet Intelligence *Plat Mallar, sole survivor of the Yevethan raid on Polneye *Belezaboth Ourn, extraordinary Consul of the Paqwepori With the Fifth Battle Group of the New Republic Defense Fleet, in Farlax Sector *General Etahn A'baht, Fleet commander *Captain Morano, commander of the Fifth Fleet flagship Intrepid *Esege "Tuke" Tuketu, K-wing bomber pilot With the Teljkon Task Force *General Lando Calrissian, Fleet liaison to the expedition *Lobot, chief administrator of Cloud City, on vacation *See-Threepio, protocol droid *Artoo-Detoo, astromech droid *Colonel Pakkpekatt, expedition commander, New Republic Intelligence *Captain Bijo Hammax, foray commander On N'zoth, spawnworld of the Yevetha, in the Koornacht Cluster, Farlax Sector *Nil Spaar, viceroy of the Yevethan Protectorate *Eri Palle, aide to Nil Spaar *Vor Duull, proctor of information science for the viceroy Outbound from Lucazec in the skiff Mud Sloth *Luke Skywalker, a Jedi Master / Li Stonn *Akanah, an adept of the White Current On Kashyyyk, homeworld of the Wookiees *Chewbacca, attending coming-of-age ceremonies for his son Lumpawarump
  • *Dewback *Mudcrawler *Nackhawn *Narkaa *Rancor *Rat *Seamote *Space slug *Toko bird
Book name
  • Shield of Lies
  • *4 ABY *16-17 ABY
  • ''The Black Fleet Crisis
  • *Bacta tank *Blaster *Borg Construct Aj^6 *Chronometer *Comlink *Communications station *Cutting blaster *Cybernetics *Darth Vader's armor *Datacard *Datapad *Deflector shield *Enviro-suit *Gravity bomb *Headset comlink *Holocomm *Holographic projector *Holosimulator *Holoviewer *Hypercomm *Hyperdrive *T-33 plasma torpedo *Identification transporder *Interdiction field *Ion cannon *Laser cannon *Lightsaber *Limpet *Memory wipe *Missile *Moisture vaporator *Particle shield *Personal energy shield *Planetary shield *Power cell *Proton torpedo *Repulsorlift *Servomotor *Superlaser *Tractor beam *Transparisteel *Turbolaser *Turbolift *Vibroblade *Viper 40 ion engine *Vocabulator
  • *Battle of Endor *Battle of Hoth *Battle of Yavin *Black Fleet Crisis **Battle of Doornik-319 **Capture of the Tampion *Destruction of Alderaan *Duel on Cloud City *Great Jedi Purge *Restoration Day *Third General Survey "Three GS" *Thrawn affair *Yevethan Purge / Second Birth **Battle of Polneye
  • Aufmarsch der Yevethaner
Release Date
  • 1996-08-01(xsd:date)
  • Shield of Lies
Cover Artist
media type
  • Paperback
  • *Airlock *Asteroid *Basalt *Basic *Binary *Black Fifteen *Borderland Regions "Borderlands" *Breedery *Carbon dioxide *Carbon frozen *Channel 1 *Charde *Comet *Current Terms & Conditions *D20 propellant gas *Declaration of a New Republic *Doan wine *Dormand family *Farblemumble *Fire extinguisher *Firestorm *Foless Crossroads *Foran Tutha star probe *The Force / White Current **Dark side of the Force **Meditation **Mind trick ***Force illusion *Founder's Contract *Fresher *Fungus farm *General Visitor Agreement *Gold *H'Kig Book of Laws *Hired Hand CarryAll *House of Organa *Hyperspace *Jedi Code *Jedi training *K-18 rations *Koba *Marasi *Micro-jump *Nerf herder *New Republic Common Charter *New Republic credit *Nitakka *Nojic Beanstalk *Oort Cloud *Ormachek *Oxygen *Pedrokk *Principles of Power *Refresher *Rokna blue *Sabacc *The secrets of forming group minds *Scrip *Roast nerf *Shockball *Shower *Sith Book of Offerings and Rituals *Skoa *Snubfighter *Spaceport *Standard Time Part *Star Mother *The Lost Secrets of the Jedi'' *The Shooter *The Sniffer *Thobek *To-mara *Torrock *Torture *Vacuum *Viewport *Viewscreen *Vote of No Confidence *Wehttam *Yevethan
  • Tarcza kłamstw
Preceded By
  • *Adela *Adventurer **Mud Sloth *Agave-class picket ship "Interdiction picket" **Kauri **Nagwa **Wayfarer *Airspeeder *Amanda's Toy II *Aramadia-class thrustship **Aramadia **Queen of the Valkyries *Assault boat *Astrolabe *B-wing starfighter "B-wing" *Belarus-class medium cruiser **Glorious *Bloodprice *BTL-S8 K-wing assault starfighter "K-wing" *BTL Y-wing starfighter "Y-wing" *Corvette *D-type trifoil fighter "Yevethan starfighter" *Death Star I *Defender-class assault carrier **Repulse **Shield *Dreadnaught-class heavy cruiser *E-wing escort starfighter *Endor *Endurance-class fleet carrier **Intrepid **Venture *Executor-class Star Dreadnought "Super Star Destroyer" *Farlight *Ferret-class reconnaissance vessel **IX-26 *Fleet shuttle **Tampion *Fleet tender **Moff Weblin *Gol Storn *Gorath *Imperial-class Star Destroyer **Beauty of Yevetha **EX-F **Forger **Redoubtable *Interdictor *Jantol *Just Cause *Kettemoor *Landspeeder **Bubbleback **X-34 landspeeder *Majestic-class heavy cruiser **Gallant **Illustrious **Indomitable **Liberty **Stalwart **Vigilant *Mark II World Rover *Millennium Falcon *Mother's Valkyrie *Northstar *Out of Touch *Penga Rift *Phalanx *Pran *Prinawe racer **Lightning *Prowler-class reconnaissance vessel *Queen of the Valkyries *Redemption "medical frigate" *Republic-class Star Destroyer *Rift Skyrail *Rode to Ruin *Sacheen-class light escort **Trenchant *Shooting Star *Shuttle *Spaceliner **Star Morning / Mandarin / Pilgrim / Congere *Speeder *Star Hummer *Starstream *Stendaff *T-16 skyhopper *T-65 X-wing starfighter *T-65BR X-wing reconnaissance starfighter "Recon-X fighter" **Jennie Lee *Teljkon Vagabond *Thackery *TIE/IN interceptor *Tobay *TX-65 X-wing starfighter *Type II Orbital Repair Yard **Black Eight **Black Eleven **Black Fifteen *Victory-class Star Destroyer **Devotion of Yevetha *Vigilant *Warrior-class gunship **Marauder *Yacht **Lady Luck''
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  • *B'das *Babbet *Bilar *Bith *Bothan *Corasgh *Dornean *Elomin *Ewok *Fian *Gotal *Grannan *Hortek *Hrasskis *Human **Corellian **Cyborg *Hutt *Kowakian monkey-lizard *Kubaz *Lafran *Ma'aood *Mon Calamari *Morath *Narvath *Norat *Oolid *Ortolan *Paqwe *Ploven *Qella *Squib *Tammarian *Tammuz-an *Tarrack *Thodian *Tobek *Twi'lek *Yevetha
  • Щит лжи
  • Escudo de Mentiras
  • *Alliance to Restore the Republic *Ambassador *Astrographic Survey Institute *Babbet *Blood Prince *Bratan Engineering *Citizen Service Corps *Coruscant Global Newsgrid *CosmiComm *Daughters of the Empath Princess *Doctor *Duskhan League / The Twelve **Darama **Proctor of defense **Proctor of labor **Viceroy *Etaias *Fallanassi *Fokask Banner'' *Free Trader Worlds *Galactic Empire **Galactic Emperor **Imperial Navy ***Admiral ***Prakith Navy ****Captain ****Communications master ****Gunnery master ****Lieutenant ****Navigation master ****Navigator ****Towmaster ****Yeoman **Governor **Grand Moff **Jumptrooper **Moff **Red Police **Stormtrooper *Galactic Republic "Old Republic" *H'kig *Incom Corporation *Indal Properties *Kell Plath Corporation *Koqus Design Syndic *Ma'aood *Max Rebo Band *Medi-Aid *New Jedi Order **Jedi Knight **Jedi Master *New Republic **Admiral **Chief of State **Commander-in-Chief **Ministry of State ***Minister of State **New Republic Defense Fleet ***Captain ***General ***Lieutenant ***Major ***New Republic Second Battle Group "Second Fleet" ****Task Force Bellbright ****Task Force Token ***New Republic Third Battle Group "Third Fleet" ****Task Force Gemstone ***New Republic Fourth Battle Group "Fourth Fleet" ****Task Force Apex ****Task Force Summer ***New Republic Fifth Battle Group ****21st Recon Group ****Colonel ****Commodore ****Executive officer ****Task Force Aster *****16th Fighter Squadron ******Blue Flight *******Blue Leader *****24th Bombardment Squadron ******Black Flight ******Green Flight ******Red Flight *******Red Leader *******Red Two *******Red Three *******Red Four *******Red Five ****Task Force Blackvine **New Republic General Ministry **New Republic Intelligence Service "NRI" ***Alpha Blue ***Brigadier ***New Republic Fleet Intelligence ****Asset Tracking **New Republic Prime Newsgrid **New Republic Provisional Council **New Republic Reference Service **New Republic Ruling Council **New Republic Senate ***Council on Security and Intelligence "CSI" ****Chairman ***Defense Council ***Justice Council ***Ministry Council ***President of the Senate ***Science and Technology Council ***Senator *Norat Sovereignty *Obroan Institute for Archaeology *Pilot **TIE pilot *Pirate *Princess *Prisoner *Seinar Corporation *Sith *Smuggler *Sodonna Syndic *SoroSuub Corporation *The Pure *Toltax *Traders' Coalition *Unlimited Horizons Inc. *Vorkaan *Warlord
  • *Astromech droid **R2-series astromech droid ***R2-R-series astromech droid **R6-series astromech droid **R7-series astromech droid *Pilot droid *Probe droid **Hyperspace probe droid *Protocol droid **3PO-series protocol droid *Refueling droid *S-EP1 security droid *SCM-22 stenographer *Security droid *Tow droid *TT-40 librarian droid
  • *23 Mere *Alderaan *Amfar *Arat Fraca *Atzerri **Galactic Archives **Skreeka **Talos ***Demon's Lair ***Docking Bay A13 ***Jabba's Throne Room ***New Marketplace ***Pemblehov District ***The Revels ***Trader's Plaza ***Trasli District ****Atrium 41 *Babali *Babbadod *Bakura *Bespin **Cloud City *Bonadan *Bosch *Bothawui *Bragkis *Brath Qella / Maltha Obex **Stopa-Krenn glacier *Basarais *Carratos **Chofin *Clak'dor VII *Core **Alland Yards **Coruscant system ***Coruscant ****Biggs Field ****Ice Crypts ****Imperial City *****Exobiology Institute *****Fleet Headquarters ******War Hall *****Imperial Palace *****Museum of the Republic *****New Republic Fleet Infirmary *****Presidential residence *****Senate Building ******Memorial Corridor ****Jagg Island Detention Center ****Kallarak Amphitheater ****Lake Victory ****Phracas ****Trophill Gardens **Farlax sector ***Galantos ***Koornacht Cluster ****Dandalas ****Doornik-207 ****Doornik-319 system *****Doornik-319 / Morning Bell / Preza ****Doornik-628 ****Doornik-881 ****Doornik-1142 ****Faz ****J't'p'tan ****Kktkt ****Kojash ****Kutag ****N'zoth *****Giat Nor *****Hariz ****New Brigia ****Pa'aal ****Polneye *****Ten South ****Tizon ****Wakiza ****Z'fell ****Zhina ***Nanta-Ri ***Utharis ***Wehttam ***Zone Ninety East **Halpat *Corporate Sector *Dagobah *Darepp *Deep Core **Prakith system ***Prakith ****Prall ****Skoth ***Sector 5 *Drannik *Edatha *Elom *Endor *Farana *Fokask *Fwiis *Gavens **Torlas *Gmar Askilon *Golkus *Gowdawl *Gra Ploven *Hoth *Hrasskis *Ithor *Kalla VII *Krenhner sector **Krenher Sector Station *Lafra *Lucazec **Ialtra **North Plateau *M'haeli *Mon Calamari *Motexx *New Alderaan *New Polokia *Nichen *Obroa-skai *Orron III *Paqwepori *Parfadi sector **Black Nebula *Praesitlyn *Praidaw *Rathalay **Illafian Point *Rebel rendezvous point *Stovax *Tatooine **Anchorhead **Beggar's Canyon **Jabba's Palace **Jundland Wastes **Lars homestead **Mos Eisley *Tawntoom *Teyr **Cloud Bridge **Flyway 120 **Greenbelt ***Griann **Harvest Flyway **Noga River **Podadun **Prye Folas **River District Flyway **Sodonna ***Inner River District ***Kell Plath / River Gardens **Teyr Rift **Turos Noth *Thassalia *Tion Hegemony *Trif *Vobos *Vulvarch *Walalla *Yavin 4 *Yisgga
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Other Characters
  • *Gial Ackbar *Amamanam *Padmé Amidala *Raymus Antilles *Arky *Kol Attan *Brakka Barakas *Barth *Bear *Doman Beruss *Boushh *Dormand family *Ab'el Bogen *Brand *Foga Brill *Cligot *Collomus *Condor *Corgan *Molierre Cundertol *Natasi Daala *Biggs Darklighter *Nara Deega *Jib Djalla *Dopey *Ors Dogot *Miranda Doni *Dopey *Dureya *Joto Eckels *Mokka Falanthas *Faylee *Borsk Fey'lya *Fola *Bib Fortuna *Tal Fraan *Fracca *Frammel *Gann *Garch *Joreb Goss *Hannser *Crandor Ijjix *Jid'yda *Jojo *Talon Karrde *Keek *Kei *Obi-Wan Kenobi *Kerrithrarr *Jobath Knox *Krenjsh *Josala Krenn *Kritt *Beru Whitesun Lars *Owen Lars *Ixidro Legorburu *Lillald *Mon Mothma *Nagelson *Nantz *Narth *Nashira *Hierko Nochet *Cair Tok Noimm *Nooch *Isela Talsava Norand *Norika *Novus *Nugek *Oola *Bail Prestor Organa *Belezaboth Ourn *Pacci *Paffen *Palpatine *Jian Paret *Andras Pell *Pleck *Tok-Foge Pokresh *Joa Pqis *Krall Praget *Ton Raalk *Ralls *Dak Ralter *Rattagagech *Jiki Reggis *Po Reggis *Carlist Rieekan *S-EP1 "Sleepy" *Trobe Saar *Davith Sconn *Skids *Anakin Skywalker / Darth Vader *Sojis *Anakin Solo *Jacen Solo *Jaina Solo *Sreas *Kroddok Stopa *Streen *Jennie Lee Taggar *Rone Taggar *Cassio Tagge *Taisden *Wilhuff Tarkin *Tarrick *Liekas Tendo *Tipagna *Tiree *Jabba Desilijic Tiure *Toklar *Tolsk *Liekas Tendo *Totolaya *Trass *Poas Trell *Refka Trell *Kiv Truun *TT-40 *Tuomi *Jon Vander "Dutch" *Warris *Wialu *Winter *Yintal *Yoda *Bowman York *Zilar
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