Star Wars: The Apprentice is a Star Wars fan film directed by Todd Sandler, written by Steven Kobayashi, and starring Paul J. Alessi and Charlotte Keir. It is a described as a "proof of concept" film and an homage to Star Wars, showing what a teaser trailer could look like for a future Star Wars story. The film was released in November 2013. The film is only roughly two minutes long, and it focuses on a brief lightsaber duel between a Jedi Master and his apprentice. As they fight in a mock duel, the master easily bests his student, who is revealed to be a young girl with the surname of Solo.
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| - Star Wars: The Apprentice
| - Star Wars: The Apprentice is a Star Wars fan film directed by Todd Sandler, written by Steven Kobayashi, and starring Paul J. Alessi and Charlotte Keir. It is a described as a "proof of concept" film and an homage to Star Wars, showing what a teaser trailer could look like for a future Star Wars story. The film was released in November 2013. The film is only roughly two minutes long, and it focuses on a brief lightsaber duel between a Jedi Master and his apprentice. As they fight in a mock duel, the master easily bests his student, who is revealed to be a young girl with the surname of Solo.
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| - *Paul J. Alessi
*Charlotte Keir
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| - *Todd Sandler
*Andrew Sachs
*Melanie Klaschka
*Paul J. Alessi
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Movie Name
| - Star Wars: The Apprentice
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| - Todd SandlerStar Wars: The Apprentice on Vimeo
| - Star Wars: The Apprentice is a Star Wars fan film directed by Todd Sandler, written by Steven Kobayashi, and starring Paul J. Alessi and Charlotte Keir. It is a described as a "proof of concept" film and an homage to Star Wars, showing what a teaser trailer could look like for a future Star Wars story. The film was released in November 2013. The film is only roughly two minutes long, and it focuses on a brief lightsaber duel between a Jedi Master and his apprentice. As they fight in a mock duel, the master easily bests his student, who is revealed to be a young girl with the surname of Solo.