Hoe noemde gij? is used to informally ask someone for his or her name. It is normal to just reply by stating your name, or you may also respond Ik noem [name] (I am called... / I call...). The formal way is Hoe noemt u? (more information in this lesson). The special to the verb noemen is that it's both active and passive; Ik noem Jeroen or Hij wordt Jeroen genoemd. In Dutch, it is Ik heet Jeroen and Hij wordt Jeroen genoemd.
Hoe noemde gij? is used to informally ask someone for his or her name. It is normal to just reply by stating your name, or you may also respond Ik noem [name] (I am called... / I call...). The formal way is Hoe noemt u? (more information in this lesson). The special to the verb noemen is that it's both active and passive; Ik noem Jeroen or Hij wordt Jeroen genoemd. In Dutch, it is Ik heet Jeroen and Hij wordt Jeroen genoemd.