This page is part of the On This Day Calendar. To add data on shows or other events, please see On This Day Calendar Help.
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| - This page is part of the On This Day Calendar. To add data on shows or other events, please see On This Day Calendar Help.
- On May 18:
* 1998
* Season 2, Episode 25 "The Wedding: Part 2" aired on television.
* 2006
* Actress Bobbie Norman died.
- 1949: Rick Wakeman
- May 18 is the 138th day of the year.
- May 18 is the eighteenth day in the month of May.
- The eighteenth day of May.
- May 18 is the 138th day of the year (139th in leap years). There are 227 days remaining.
* 1985 – Return of the Jedi Weekly 100 published.
* 2005 – Empire 31: The Price of Power published.
* 2005 – Obsession 5 published.
* 2011 – Star Wars: Blood Ties: A Tale of Jango and Boba Fett trade paperback published.
* 2011 – Jedi—The Dark Side 1 published.
* 2011 – Star Wars: The Old Republic Volume 2: Threat of Peace published.
- A list of events which occurred on the 18th of May. No events as yet.
- May 18 is a date in WoTMUD. For the historical calendars used at various times in the Wheel of Time world, see Calendar.
- On this day... 2006: Bobbie Norman died. File:Helen.png
- 1966: Catherine Speakman is born. 2004: "Day 3: 11:00am-12:00pm" airs on Fox. A new episode of 24 Inside airs live on immediately afterwards. Image:S3ep23.jpg 2009: The seventh season of 24 concludes on Fox with two back-to-back episodes, "Day 7: 6:00am-7:00am" and "Day 7: 7:00am-8:00am." The final installments of Scenemakers and Operation Instinct are posted on Image:7x23main3.jpg Image:7x24main.jpg 2009: "Day 7: 5:00am-6:00am" airs on Sky1. File:7x22 b.jpg 2014: 78th day of filming on 24: Live Another Day.
- See what happened on May 18 throughout FarmVille's years.
- May 18 is the 18th day of May in the Gregorian calendar.
- May 18 is the 138th day of the year (139th in leap years). There are 227 days remaining.
- May 18 es una película coreana basada en sucesos real les acontecidos en Hwangju Corea del Sur el 18 de mayo de 1980*.En que varios civiles perdieron la vida en manos de las Fuerzas Armadas enviadas por el gobierno.En esta película podemos apreciar que un gobierno de autoritarismo solo nos lleva al caos y a la denigracion humana, por parte de aquellos que tienen el poder.
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| - This page is part of the On This Day Calendar. To add data on shows or other events, please see On This Day Calendar Help.
- On May 18:
* 1998
* Season 2, Episode 25 "The Wedding: Part 2" aired on television.
* 2006
* Actress Bobbie Norman died.
- 1949: Rick Wakeman
- May 18 es una película coreana basada en sucesos real les acontecidos en Hwangju Corea del Sur el 18 de mayo de 1980*.En que varios civiles perdieron la vida en manos de las Fuerzas Armadas enviadas por el gobierno.En esta película podemos apreciar que un gobierno de autoritarismo solo nos lleva al caos y a la denigracion humana, por parte de aquellos que tienen el poder. "El 18 de mayo de 1980, estalló un enfrentamiento entre los estudiantes de la Universidad Nacional de Chonnam que protestaban contra el cierre de su universidad y las fuerzas armadas y se convirtió en un motín urbano que duró nueve días hasta el 27 de mayo. Las estimaciones inmediatas de la tasa de muertes civiles alcanzó de unas pocas docenas a 2000, con una posterior investigación completa del gobierno civil, hallando 207 muertes. El ultraje público por los asesinatos consolidó el apoyo de toda la nación por la democracia, despejando el camino para las primeras elecciones democráticas, que tuvieron lugar en 1987.Esta pelicula fue realizada en 2007 y puesta en cartelera el 25 de julio del mismo año".
- May 18 is the 138th day of the year.
- May 18 is the eighteenth day in the month of May.
- The eighteenth day of May.
- May 18 is the 138th day of the year (139th in leap years). There are 227 days remaining.
* 1985 – Return of the Jedi Weekly 100 published.
* 2005 – Empire 31: The Price of Power published.
* 2005 – Obsession 5 published.
* 2011 – Star Wars: Blood Ties: A Tale of Jango and Boba Fett trade paperback published.
* 2011 – Jedi—The Dark Side 1 published.
* 2011 – Star Wars: The Old Republic Volume 2: Threat of Peace published.
- A list of events which occurred on the 18th of May. No events as yet.
- May 18 is a date in WoTMUD. For the historical calendars used at various times in the Wheel of Time world, see Calendar.
- On this day... 2006: Bobbie Norman died. File:Helen.png