| - Be Cool, Scooby-Doo! is an all-new 22-minute animated comedy series from Warner Bros. Animation. The Scooby gang is back with a modern comedic twist on the beloved classic. With high school over and one last summer to live it up, the gang hits the road in the Mystery Machine, chasing fun and adventure. But monsters and mayhem keep getting in the way.
- The show features the "Scooby Gang" (Mystery Inc.) as they finish their senior year of high school. Making plans to spend their last summer break as a team, they decide to travel in the Mystery Machine to seek enjoyment and adventure. Along the way, however, they encounter a slew of monsters and havoc, preventing them from finishing their journey.
- Be Cool, Scooby-Doo! is the twelfth incarnation of Hanna-Barbera's long-running TV series, Scooby-Doo. It is produced by Warner Bros. Animation, and aired on Cartoon Network and Boomerang. It premiered on October 5, 2015 at 7pm and 8:30pm, respectively. Cartoon Network stopped airing new episodes and episodes in general from March 12, 2017, with Boomerang airing one more new episode the next week. Boomerang continued to air reruns for the next twenty episodes (leaving out the one they aired exclusively) for the next year until they stopped due to committing to air the rest of season one and all of season two on their pay service site.
- Be Cool, Scooby-Doo! was announced in March 2014, along with other reboots of Warner Bros. classics, such as The Tom and Jerry Show and Wabbit. Sam Register, promoted to president of Warner Bros. Animation and Warner Digital Series a month prior, will be its supervising producer. Episodes will run for a half-hour.