A 2000 Mockumentary film directed by Christopher Guest and written by Eugene Levy with Guest co-writing. It has many of the same cast and crew as Guest's other films, including the earlier This Is Spinal Tap and Waiting for Guffman and the later A Mighty Wind.
After painting a picture, Alice gives some love to her dog, Sam. Alice then changes her clothes as well as her look. Later, Sam chews on the furniture so Alice scolds him. She decides to teach him a command "come here". Soon, Diana DeBore comes and says that Alice owes ยง120,000 and that she purchased the deed in case Alice can't pay. Alice says she'll find a way to pay off the debt and asks Diana to leave. File:TSPS_BiS_C1a.png| File:TSPS_BiS_C1b.png| File:TSPS_BiS_C1c.png| File:TSPS_BiS_C1d.png| File:TSPS_BiS_C1e.png| File:TSPS_BiS_C1f.png|