| - Jimmy hawks papers out on the front stoop of the Daily Planet several years ago. Perry notices his persistence and buys a paper, admiring the boy's tenacity.
Clark, meanwhile, slips away to deal with goons with positron guns that he makes short work of, who threaten him with "The Ten," who they indicate will take revenge on him for stopping their attack.
Lois scoops Clark.
Lamenting, Clark goes to Ma and Pa and they indicate he might find solace in a friend who can know his secret and be a source of confidence.
Perry reassigns Clark away from The Ten for missing the story Lois scooped him on. They head through the building, and again run into Jimmy, who tells Perry that he helps out around the Daily Planet for extra cash. Perry tells Clark to look into Jimmy.
At his desk, Clark looks through the building to where Jimmy was and finds a lot of living implements. Realizing Jimmy is hopeless, Clark grabs Perry and goes to the rescue, only to find him gone. As Superman, he finds Jimmy and puts him in touch with Kent and Perry, who take him to dinner, per Dick Tracy in the film.
Jimmy recalls is parents, one of whom disappeared into Gorilla City, his mother, and the father, who left him in the care of an older woman who Jimmy saw murdered for extortion money for The Ten.
After telling the story of his escape, they leave the diner to take Jimmy to the police station to prepare to testify. Hoods appear, snatch Jimmy, and haul him off to a warehouse. Superman follows after saving Perry from gunshots as Clark, and finds himself squaring off against The Ten.
They suck him down with a gravity generator that has the power of a black hole. A man in a giant mechanical suit steps into the generator, telling Superman that it can be set not to work on a given person. He starts beating Superman, but Jimmy smashes the machine and Superman prevails.
Clark becomes Jimmy's friend, as does Superman, and Perry offers him a copy boy position at the Daily Planet.