| - Like all pre-made Sims from Oasis Landing, he has the Future Sim hidden trait. He does not have any skills learned at the start of the game.
- Sword Emperor Regalia, Cyclotron (剣(けん)帝(てい)神(しん)器(き)サイクロトロン Kentei Shinki Saikurotoron), or simply known as Cyclotron, is the Partner Z/X of Suguru Raicho. A Metal Fortress packed with the latest technology, possessing the nickname of Jet-Black Lawrencium. On the orders of the Blue World's elite "Administrator Canopus", he is hunting down Lawrencium and Reia. He is very taciturn, and does not exchange conversation that are not related to mission with his partner, Suguru.
- File:Cyclotron Allstarsquadron21 BB.gif Write the text of your article here!
- Cyclotron is a space station-themed stage which appears in Dead or Alive 2 Ultimate.
- Le professeur Cyclotron est un chien anthropomorphe de l'univers de Donald Duck.
- The Cyclotron is a Nerf ball blaster that was released in 2003 under the Atom Blasters series. It comes packaged with six Ballistic Balls.
- Cyclotron was an android built by Superman. He was then programmed with all the powers and weaknesses of every superhero and supervillain in order to be the Justice League's tactician. Interestingly, Cyclotron was capable of little independent thought. __TOC__
- Na początku gry, Cyclotron jak każdy futurystyczny bot, posiada ukrytą cechę Sima z przyszłości oraz 10 punktów umiejętności technologii zaawansowanej.
- __NOWYSIWYG__ The Cyclotron is a fusion part, it can be fused with something.
- Cyclotron was an atomic scientist in the 1930s and 1940s named Terry Curtis (born Terrence Kurtzenberg, he had later Anglicized his name). In the past, he had had a brief romantic relationship with Dannette Reilly, the second Firebrand. Curtis was eventually kidnapped by the villainous Ultra-Humanite who sought to make use of the scientist's expertise with atomic energy. He was subjected to the Humanite's experiments and exposed to radiation which granted him superhuman abilities.