Spring courtier and Knight of the Knowledge of the Tongue. To those who can see her mien, Eclaire looks like she's made out of sweets, with chocolate for her skin, whipped cream for hair, and eyes of white chocolate. She's ostensibly the second-in-command of the Spring court, but this really just means that she takes care of recruitment and other boring things that Jenny can't be bothered with. She also runs a bakery downtown that serves as an entrance to the freehold. She's a Damn Good Cook, but the supplies of hedge fruit (or just 'secret ingredients' to mortals) that go into her creations have dried up now that access to the Hedge is limited. It's no secret around the freehold that she's paying top dollar for anything and everything edible from the Hedge.
Spring courtier and Knight of the Knowledge of the Tongue. To those who can see her mien, Eclaire looks like she's made out of sweets, with chocolate for her skin, whipped cream for hair, and eyes of white chocolate. She's ostensibly the second-in-command of the Spring court, but this really just means that she takes care of recruitment and other boring things that Jenny can't be bothered with. She also runs a bakery downtown that serves as an entrance to the freehold. She's a Damn Good Cook, but the supplies of hedge fruit (or just 'secret ingredients' to mortals) that go into her creations have dried up now that access to the Hedge is limited. It's no secret around the freehold that she's paying top dollar for anything and everything edible from the Hedge.