| - Citizen Journalist describes partisan, ideological or social movement activists who employ some tools of journalism without necessarily being bound by traditional journalistic norms such as objectivity.
- By submitting this form, I agree to be accurate, complete, fair and transparent in my postings on Bayosphere. My work will be my own, created by me and/or in collaboration with others. I will operate with integrity. I work in the community interest. As a citizen journalist, I report and produce news explaining the facts as fairly, thoroughly, accurately and openly as I can. If I do have such connections, I'll disclose them prominently, and my work may be labeled and/or categorized appropriately.
| - Citizen Journalist describes partisan, ideological or social movement activists who employ some tools of journalism without necessarily being bound by traditional journalistic norms such as objectivity.
- By submitting this form, I agree to be accurate, complete, fair and transparent in my postings on Bayosphere. My work will be my own, created by me and/or in collaboration with others. I will operate with integrity. I work in the community interest. As a citizen journalist, I report and produce news explaining the facts as fairly, thoroughly, accurately and openly as I can.
* Fair: I'm always listening to and taking account of other viewpoints;
* Thorough: I learn as much as I can in the time I have, and point to original sources when possible;
* Accurate: I get it right, checking my facts, correcting errors promptly and incorporating new information I learn from the community;
* Open: I explain my biases and conflicts, where appropriate. I may also provide reviews (such as a critique of a movie or book) and commentary with a point of view based on facts, but I will have no significant financial or otherwise direct connection (membership, affiliation, close relationship, etc.) with an interested party. If I do have such connections, I'll disclose them prominently, and my work may be labeled and/or categorized appropriately. I agree, as an active member of this community, to help uphold the integrity of this pledge by challenging and reporting inappropriate postings or abuse.