Thaddeaus, it's too dangerous to work here. Sure, the money's good, but there's been nothing but trouble since we broke into the ruin--the foreman down the shaft, the scaffold on poor Horace. He'd heard voices calling his name. Then the incident with the stew. An eyeball! Something's not right, Thaddeus. Oh, and that carbuncle on my neck is back! I swear it's a Tevinter curse. Half the men have left. I'm leaving today with the next lot. We can find work elsewhere. This isn't the only mine in Ferelden. --Karl
Attributes | Values |
| - Codex entry: A Miner's Letter
| - Thaddeaus, it's too dangerous to work here. Sure, the money's good, but there's been nothing but trouble since we broke into the ruin--the foreman down the shaft, the scaffold on poor Horace. He'd heard voices calling his name. Then the incident with the stew. An eyeball! Something's not right, Thaddeus. Oh, and that carbuncle on my neck is back! I swear it's a Tevinter curse. Half the men have left. I'm leaving today with the next lot. We can find work elsewhere. This isn't the only mine in Ferelden. --Karl
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expansion DAO
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location DAO
| - Examine the scroll on the entrance stairs of Silverite Mine
category DAO
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number DAO
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| - Thaddeaus, it's too dangerous to work here. Sure, the money's good, but there's been nothing but trouble since we broke into the ruin--the foreman down the shaft, the scaffold on poor Horace. He'd heard voices calling his name. Then the incident with the stew. An eyeball! Something's not right, Thaddeus.
Oh, and that carbuncle on my neck is back! I swear it's a Tevinter curse. Half the men have left. I'm leaving today with the next lot. We can find work elsewhere. This isn't the only mine in Ferelden.
See Also
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| - Thaddeaus, it's too dangerous to work here. Sure, the money's good, but there's been nothing but trouble since we broke into the ruin--the foreman down the shaft, the scaffold on poor Horace. He'd heard voices calling his name. Then the incident with the stew. An eyeball! Something's not right, Thaddeus. Oh, and that carbuncle on my neck is back! I swear it's a Tevinter curse. Half the men have left. I'm leaving today with the next lot. We can find work elsewhere. This isn't the only mine in Ferelden. --Karl