| - Klicktics look like giant Terran ants. They are approximately 1.3 to 2 meters in height. They have a set of antenna, two sets of arms, a set of legs, and a set of pincers coming out of the mouth. On each arm there is a four digit hand (3 fingers and a thumb). They have no hair on their bodies. Eye color ranges from dark black to almost brown. Skin color ranges from brown to reddish-brown to red based on clan. Average lifespan is around 150 years. An unusual trait about the Klicktics is the occurrence of genders. Like many insect hives, males and females occur disproportionately. Roughly 98% of the population is nonfertile females. Of the remaining 2%, half are male and half are fertile female (known as queens). Queens are capable of laying between 25 and 35 eggs a day which are fertilized by males and hatch roughly 3 months later. Klicktics are capable of communciating with other klicktics through their antennae. By pressing the antennae together, two klicktics can instantaneously pass information and conversation. Some klicktic scientists have theorized that this is a simple or rudimentary form of touch telepathy, but these speculations are mostly unsubstantiated and the Klicktics do not consider themselves a telepathic species. The communication is limited, preventing the reading of thoughts and feelings other then those consciously shared. It is possible for a Klicktic to read and download memories from another klicktic, but the link is so strong, it can not be broken until one of the klicktics involved dies. Therefore, use of this form of linking is limited to the deathbed ritual of the Kilikat.