Please leave this page in place for future content and Steamification BrentNewland (talk) 05:47, December 13, 2013 (UTC)
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- Crysis
- Crysis
- Crysis
- Crysis
- Crysis
| - Please leave this page in place for future content and Steamification BrentNewland (talk) 05:47, December 13, 2013 (UTC)
- Crysis is a science fiction first-person shooter video game developed by Crytek and published by Electronic Arts. It was initially released in November 2007 exclusively for Microsoft Windows, but was released for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation four years later. A separate game entitled Crysis Warhead was released on September 12, 2008, and follows similar events as Crysis but from a different narrative perspective. Crysis, Crysis Warhead and a multiplayer expansion called Crysis Wars were re-released as a compilation pack titled Crysis Maximum Edition on 5 May 2009. At the time Crysis was released, and years thereafter, it has been praised for its milestones in graphical design (commensurate with high hardware requirements).
- Dieses Wiki hat die Computerspiele "Crysis" und "Crysis II" zum Thema.
- This week on Zero Punctuation, Crysis.
- קריסס הוא משחק המחשב הארוך ביותר בעולם הניתן לשיחוק. משחק זה הוא בעצם דמו למשחק קריסס שתיים שהוא בעצם דמו למשחק קריסס שלוש. המשחק עצמו נכנס למיינסטרים של משחקי המחשב כאשר המחיר של המחשב שיכול להריץ אותו הגיע ל14 מיליון דולר.
- Crysis è un videogioco per nerd e bambini ultranovantenni.
- Crysis is a senior officer in the crew pirates that pilly and a lord of the flag Green Flame on the Viridian Ocean. Image:Pirate.png Arr! This article about a pirate in Puzzle Pirates be a stub. Ye can help YPPedia by [ expanding it].
- The Crysis is clan of the new generation of Rock Hard Gladiators.They broke of from Stickpage, and are inspired by Zetabrand. They believe in justice and freedom, they are the good guys. They have fought and defeated many foes and spared with the greatest of RHGs Theme: be hardcore main members: Samy ichiro, Kaizen, Red blade, Sober, Ken-x, and Turkid find them here Crysis' animations and Clan
- thumb Crysis es un videojuego de disparos en primera persona de ciencia ficción desarrollado por la empresa alemana Crytek y distribuido por Electronic Arts. Un escuadrón especializado es enviado a una isla coreana a verificar el proceso de una investigación, al llegar a la isla, extrañas criaturas comienzan a atacar a los miembros del escuadrón eliminando varios, luego se revela que son alienígenas, y el futuro de la humanidad está en peligro.
- The game is based in a future where an ancient alien spacecraft has been discovered beneath the ground on an island near the coast of the East Philippines. The single-player campaign has the player assume the role of United States Delta Force operator Jake Dunn, referred to in-game by his call sign, Nomad. Nomad is armed with various futuristic weapons and equipment, most notably a "Nano Muscle Suit" which was inspired by a real-life military concept. In Crysis, the player fights both North Korean and extraterrestrial enemies, in various environments on and around a tropical island in the Pacific near Korea.
- Crysis (ou kwaïzihs en anglais) est un jeu vidéo qui se voulait révolutionnaire à sa date de sortie, en 1985. Ses concepteurs, Crytek (Le nom Crytek signifiant "la technologie qui fait pleurer", du fait de la souffrance que subissent les acheteurs de Crysis), affirmaient avoir conçu le moteur 3D le plus abouti jamais conçu. Des propos qui n'ont pu être vérifié qu'il y a peu de temps : en fait, Crysis était à ce point révolutionnaire que les premiers PC capables de réellement le supporter, ne sont sortis qu'en 2009. Entre temps, on ne pouvait que contempler le boîtier du jeu. Durant des années, nombre de joueurs n'ont cessé de racheter de nouvelles cartes graphiques toujours plus puissantes, ruinant leurs économies dans l'espoir de faire correctement fonctionner le jeu. En 2008, la puissanc
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| - Crysis Wiki es un proyecto de Fandom dedicada a la saga Crysis de Electronic Arts.
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| - Please leave this page in place for future content and Steamification BrentNewland (talk) 05:47, December 13, 2013 (UTC)
- Crysis (ou kwaïzihs en anglais) est un jeu vidéo qui se voulait révolutionnaire à sa date de sortie, en 1985. Ses concepteurs, Crytek (Le nom Crytek signifiant "la technologie qui fait pleurer", du fait de la souffrance que subissent les acheteurs de Crysis), affirmaient avoir conçu le moteur 3D le plus abouti jamais conçu. Des propos qui n'ont pu être vérifié qu'il y a peu de temps : en fait, Crysis était à ce point révolutionnaire que les premiers PC capables de réellement le supporter, ne sont sortis qu'en 2009. Entre temps, on ne pouvait que contempler le boîtier du jeu. Durant des années, nombre de joueurs n'ont cessé de racheter de nouvelles cartes graphiques toujours plus puissantes, ruinant leurs économies dans l'espoir de faire correctement fonctionner le jeu. En 2008, la puissance des GPU et des CPU permit enfin à quelques joueurs fortunés de le faire fonctionner, affichant une image impressionnante : Mais ce ne fut qu'en 2009, avec la sortie des cartes graphiques de dernière génération, que l'on put réellement voir à quoi ressemblait ce Crysis révolutionnaire qui datait des années 80 :
- Crysis is a science fiction first-person shooter video game developed by Crytek and published by Electronic Arts. It was initially released in November 2007 exclusively for Microsoft Windows, but was released for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation four years later. A separate game entitled Crysis Warhead was released on September 12, 2008, and follows similar events as Crysis but from a different narrative perspective. Crysis, Crysis Warhead and a multiplayer expansion called Crysis Wars were re-released as a compilation pack titled Crysis Maximum Edition on 5 May 2009. At the time Crysis was released, and years thereafter, it has been praised for its milestones in graphical design (commensurate with high hardware requirements).
- Dieses Wiki hat die Computerspiele "Crysis" und "Crysis II" zum Thema.
- This week on Zero Punctuation, Crysis.
- קריסס הוא משחק המחשב הארוך ביותר בעולם הניתן לשיחוק. משחק זה הוא בעצם דמו למשחק קריסס שתיים שהוא בעצם דמו למשחק קריסס שלוש. המשחק עצמו נכנס למיינסטרים של משחקי המחשב כאשר המחיר של המחשב שיכול להריץ אותו הגיע ל14 מיליון דולר.
- Crysis è un videogioco per nerd e bambini ultranovantenni.
- Crysis is a senior officer in the crew pirates that pilly and a lord of the flag Green Flame on the Viridian Ocean. Image:Pirate.png Arr! This article about a pirate in Puzzle Pirates be a stub. Ye can help YPPedia by [ expanding it].
- The Crysis is clan of the new generation of Rock Hard Gladiators.They broke of from Stickpage, and are inspired by Zetabrand. They believe in justice and freedom, they are the good guys. They have fought and defeated many foes and spared with the greatest of RHGs Theme: be hardcore main members: Samy ichiro, Kaizen, Red blade, Sober, Ken-x, and Turkid find them here Crysis' animations and Clan
- thumb Crysis es un videojuego de disparos en primera persona de ciencia ficción desarrollado por la empresa alemana Crytek y distribuido por Electronic Arts. Un escuadrón especializado es enviado a una isla coreana a verificar el proceso de una investigación, al llegar a la isla, extrañas criaturas comienzan a atacar a los miembros del escuadrón eliminando varios, luego se revela que son alienígenas, y el futuro de la humanidad está en peligro.
- The game is based in a future where an ancient alien spacecraft has been discovered beneath the ground on an island near the coast of the East Philippines. The single-player campaign has the player assume the role of United States Delta Force operator Jake Dunn, referred to in-game by his call sign, Nomad. Nomad is armed with various futuristic weapons and equipment, most notably a "Nano Muscle Suit" which was inspired by a real-life military concept. In Crysis, the player fights both North Korean and extraterrestrial enemies, in various environments on and around a tropical island in the Pacific near Korea.
is Games
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