| - Zeta-Imperial Chemicals or for short Zeta-ImpChem or Z-IC, headquartered in Interlaken, Switzerland, is the second-largest European corporation, just behind Saeder-Krupp. The two corporations actually directly competes for the leading position in the chemical industry (the third rank is ocupied by the AG Chemie Europa consortium, a partnership including subsidiaries of both Z-IC and S-K). Z-IC also possess significant holdings in medical services, microelectronics and food. Major subsidiaries include Alxon Pharma, EuroMedis, Hoechst-Aventis, Monomed, Natal, and (most recently) Nestlé.
| - Zeta-Imperial Chemicals or for short Zeta-ImpChem or Z-IC, headquartered in Interlaken, Switzerland, is the second-largest European corporation, just behind Saeder-Krupp. The two corporations actually directly competes for the leading position in the chemical industry (the third rank is ocupied by the AG Chemie Europa consortium, a partnership including subsidiaries of both Z-IC and S-K). Z-IC also possess significant holdings in medical services, microelectronics and food. Major subsidiaries include Alxon Pharma, EuroMedis, Hoechst-Aventis, Monomed, Natal, and (most recently) Nestlé. Z-IC was formed from the merger of British ICI (Imperial Chemical Industries) and the Swiss-based pharmaceutical companies Clariant-Syngenta and Ciba-Lonza. Under the hood, Z-IC is known as one of the most ruthless and ecologically dangerous corporations in Europe. It is constantly under fire from both business consortiums and eco-activists for its questionable ethics and business practices, and its past is littered with various scandals and takeover attempts. The most recent attempt was Transys Neuronet, but that takeover eventually fell through. Z-IC’s primary shareholders include financial magnate Richard Bührle (12%) and chemist Bernard Gasser (37%). Though not considered a major corporate player due to its size, Z-IC has proven to be a constant problem for Saeder-Krupp in the chemical sector. Z-IC is based out of switzerland and has been rumored to be funded by another great Dragon. Though the rumors persist there has been no actual proof to these allegations. Z-IC continues to thrive, primarily due to the large number of breaktroughs the company has made in low cost manufacturing of goods. The company makes its home in Interlaken, Switzerland. With a second office locate in the UCAS.