| - Why it matters (introductory para needed)
- "Sport" is portrayed by actor Harvey Keitel.
- Sports refers to activities or games, either performed individually or as a team, that require any combination of one or more of the components of fitness (speed, accuracy, coordination, balance, strength, etc.), and is governed or adjudicated by a set of rules, regulations, or customs, and are most often competitive. Sports are almost exclusively for the purpose of entertainment or leisure, in fact, the very word "sport" is derived from old French, meaning "leisure". Competitive sports or games have probably been played since the beginning of man's existence.
- Sport is 'an activity done supposedly for fun or for fitness. 'Sport is frequently a game, usually competitive, played between two parties, often teams. In sports, there is at least a minor risk of injury. Many games have international bodies and also various kinds of associated negative activity which generate much complaint. There are exceptions - such as darts, dominoes and bog snorkeling.
- Sport is something commonly hunted, just as hunting is commonly for sport. This paradox has confused scientists for centuries, and in an attempt to fix it, they went fishing with their sons for the day to clear their mind.
- 8 Ball Pool Multiplayer is a online game for miniclip it is the most best pool game on the planet with 8m palyers a day
- Sport-wa aktiviti wiŧ ruls en keyi kīp pīpol aktiv en yoi in helŧ. Sport-wa keyi plei à indor or outdor.
- Sport is a strange creature who lives on Pirate Island.
- "Treib Sport - oder du bleibst gesund." Früher wurde Sport als Leibesertüchtigung bezeichnet. Dieser Begriff macht den Sinn und Zweck des Sports deutlich; er wurde eingeführt, weil manche Mitmenschen, auch heutzutage noch, keine Ahnung haben was Sport wirklich bedeutet. Sie werden häufig als faul oder Bewegungsmongoliker bezeichnet.
- Kariera ta pojawia się w podstawie gry. Pracować w niej mogą nastolatkowie, dorośli oraz emeryci. Na ostatnim szczeblu tej kariery zarabiamy 9099§ tygodniowo, co czyni ją najbardziej dochodową pracą w podstawowej części gry. Będzie wtedy po nas przyjeżdżał Ogrom 711 firmy Hwang Motorscena. Przydatne w karierze jest ukończenie studiów na kierunku Aktorstwa.
- thumb|350px|Sport může být i nebezpečný Sport je široký pojem pro podvratnou činnost, kterou lidem do hlavy nasadila žido-bolševicko-ekoteroristická lóže za účelem zvýšení odbytu tištěných obrázků z pexesa. - <b>Winston Churchill</b>
- Sport är olika former av fysisk aktivitet som tillfälliga eller organiserade delaktighet som syftar på att använda underhålla eller förbättra fysisk förmåga. Sport kan utövas individuellt eller i lag. Under 2001 berättade Doktor Daniel Jackson att Adrian Conrad ägde från varv till sportkläder fabriker. (SG1: "Desperate Measures") Under 2003 gjorde Tech Con Ultra Sport Dryck reklam av deras produkt Ultra-sport dryck under 59:e loop av Kon Garat. (SG1: "Space Race")
- In fact it is down in Andy's contract that no episode of the Bugle can be released unless some reference to one of these sports is included. Some controversy over issue # 39, when the only sport was John's opening anecdote when he mentioned a game of backgammon he played with Bolivian President Evo Morales. Andy was placated by Tom the Producer's promises that an upcoming issue would contain a special section where Andy would be free to rant about a recent football match he had watched, but while Andy's ire was pacified, his fans remain enraged. Fuck you Chris
- Der Sport ist eine Mordwaffe und nach § des "Buches, wo mit die Gesetze drinne ist (BwmdGdi)" verboten. (wörtl: "Sport ist Mord").
- Lo sport è una pericolosa epidemia virale organizzata, ideata dagli alieni comunisti e da Maurizio Mosca per ridurre l'umanità a una condizione di schiavitù perpetua. L'infezione si propaga in luoghi isolati e protetti da varie forze dell'ordine chiamati "stadi" e si manifesta fin da piccoli tramite la frenetica e convulsa iscrizione a corsi sportivi. I sintomi dello sport sono:
* Esecuzione frenetica fino allo sfinimento di gesti inutili e ripetitivi (nonché spesso dolorosi).
* Corsa ininterrotta e inutile per vari chilometri in luoghi dove l'aria è fortemente inquinata (come a Milano).
- Dieses Zitat verdeutlicht, dass die hinter dem Begriff Sport liegenden Bedeutungszuweisungen ganz wesentlich durch den umgangssprachlichen Gebrauch und den Kontext geprägt sind, in dem der Begriff Sport verwendet wird. Für den Deutschen Olympischen Sportbund (DOSB) steht beispielsweise die motorische Aktivität im Vordergrund. Denkspiele, die Dressur von Tieren, sowie Motorsport ohne Einbeziehung motorischer Aktivitäten entspricht daher nicht dem Sport-Verständnis des DOSB. Dennoch hat der DOSB Schach als Sportart anerkannt; das Internationale Olympisches Komitee (IOC) sogar Schach und Bridge.
- A survey undertaken by Smurf in August 2008 showed Board 8's interest in Sport spread in the following way: 1) Soccer +204 2) Basketball +171 3) American Football +165 4) Hockey +151 5) Baseball +139 6) Tennis +91 7) Golf +46 8) Boxing +43 9) Track and Field +42 10) Swimming +41 11) Table Tennis +40 12) Volleyball +35 13) Lacrosse +32 14) Dodgeball +31 15) Rugby +30 16) Bowling +24 17) Badminton +21 18) Handball +18 19) Wrestling +18 20) Martial Arts +18 21) Skiing +18 22) Ultimate Fighting +15 23) Cycling +13 24) Auto Racing +10 25) Curling +9 26) Archery +9 27) Canadian Football +9 28) Hurling +8 29) Darts +8 30) Gaelic Football +7 31) Gridiron Football +7 32) Water Polo +6 33) Bushido +6 34) Rugby League +6 35) Cricket +5 36) Gymnastics +5 37) Snowboa
- baseball softball football soccer golf tennis cricket lacrosse gymnastics red rover rugby polo water polo quiditch doom hockey basketball curling '. For the British version of the same definition, see something we'll never be good at. It is a known fact that the only sure fire way to succeed in school is to be good at a sport. If you are on a varsity team, you could theoretically set the school on fire and still be rewarded with As.
- Sport – zespół zabaw ruchowych i nie tylko polegający na tym, aby uczestnicy ruszyli się z domu, gdzie tylko piją piwo i oglądają mecze w telewizji. Wyróżniamy różne typy sportów: zwykłe (piłka nożna), waleczne (kung-fu), bitwa o ostatnie skrzydełko oraz specjalistyczne (palenie czarownic) lub skoki z taboretu (ewentualnie też ich różne kombinacje jak pięciobój nowoczesny). Głównym celem sportu jest stłumienie w sobie potrzeb seksualnych. Zmęczony sportowiec nie ma ochoty na seks (która kobieta weźmie do łóżka spoconego dziada). Najlepsi sportowcy spotykają się na Igrzyskach Olimpijskich.
- Sport (узб. «Sport» telekanali) — спортивный государственный общедоступный телеканал Узбекистана. Входит thumb|123pxв НТРК Узбекистана. Вещание ведётся на узбекском и частично русском языке на всей территории Узбекистана, на 24-часовой основе. Штаб-квартира находится в Ташкенте.
- Why do teens need gym in school? In some high schools there is no gym. Teens need gym to exercise because they are in worse physical shape than they were twenty years ago. Teens need to exercise so they can stay healthy. Teens also need to exercise so they can stay strong. Some teens believe that gym is a waste of time and it’s boring. Yet, research shows that doing exercise can help stay strong and in shape and it won’t be a waste of time. Schools are not helping are not helping teens with their health problems so at home teens choose to sit and watch T.V.
- Sport (or, primarily in North America, sports) is all forms of competitive physical activity which, through casual or organised participation, aim to use, maintain or improve physical ability and provide entertainment to participants. Hundreds of sports exist, from those requiring only two participants, through to those with hundreds of simultaneous participants, either in teams or competing as individuals.
- De Sport of Sportpraeses is een praesidiumfunctie. De Sportpraeses organiseert sportieve activiteiten op clubniveau (skiën, schaatsen, paintball,...). Hij is tevens verantwoordelijk voor het samenstellen van de ploeg in de interfacultaire competities (interfac). De resultaten van hun 'recruteringen' vind je hier. De KDA heeft vaak verschillende Sportpraesessen. Ofwel worden ze opgesplitst volgens geslacht (Sport Vrouwelijk en Sport Mannelijk), ofwel worden ze over de campussen opgesplitst (Sport RUCA en Sport UIA). KDA Sporten: Deze lijst is nog niet volledig. Gelieve deze aan te vullen
- In India, several traditional indigenous sports remain fairly popular, among them kabaddi, kho kho, pehlwani, and gilli-danda. Some of the earliest forms of Asian martial arts, such as kalarippayattu, musti yuddha, silambam, and marma adi, originated in India. The Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna and the Arjuna Award are the highest forms of government recognition for athletic achievement; the Dronacharya Award is awarded for excellence in coaching. Chess, commonly held to have originated in India as chaturaṅga, is regaining widespread popularity with the rise in the number of Indian Grandmasters. Pachisi, from which parcheesi derives, was played on a giant marble court by Akbar. Tennis has become increasingly popular; this stems from the victorious India Davis Cup team and the recent successes of
- Selon les recherches du docteur en sportologie Guy Carlier, le mot sport viendrait, contrairement à ce qu'affirmaient jusque-là, et à tort, les dictionnaires épistémologiques les plus sérieux, de l'abréviation de la devise de la monarchie l'empire la République romaine SPOR, Senatus Populus Oï ! Romanus, La route mène à Rhum ; cependant, le sport fut de tous temps pratiqué, la mythologie grecque, par exemple, témoigne d'un réel intérêt de ses protagonistes (Atlas et Sisyphe, notamment) pour l'haltérophilie. Plus précisément, le sport peut être défini par deux éléments indispensables :