| - Below is the stats used in the D6 system for NPC'd Imperial Dungeoneers. They represent the "average" Imperial Dungeoneer. Dexterity: 3D Blaster 5D, brawling parry 4D, dodge 5D, melee combat 7D+2, melee parry 4D+1 Knowledge: 2D Intimdation 6D+2, law enforcement 5D Mechanical: 4D Beast riding 4D+1, repulsorlif toperation 6D Perception: 3D Command 6D+2, con 3D, search 4D+1, sneak 4D Strength: 3D Brawling 4D, climbing/jumping 4D+2, lifting 4D, stamina 4D Techincal: 3D Computer programing/repair 4D, demolition 6D, first aid 4D+2, security 5D+1
| - Below is the stats used in the D6 system for NPC'd Imperial Dungeoneers. They represent the "average" Imperial Dungeoneer. Dexterity: 3D Blaster 5D, brawling parry 4D, dodge 5D, melee combat 7D+2, melee parry 4D+1 Knowledge: 2D Intimdation 6D+2, law enforcement 5D Mechanical: 4D Beast riding 4D+1, repulsorlif toperation 6D Perception: 3D Command 6D+2, con 3D, search 4D+1, sneak 4D Strength: 3D Brawling 4D, climbing/jumping 4D+2, lifting 4D, stamina 4D Techincal: 3D Computer programing/repair 4D, demolition 6D, first aid 4D+2, security 5D+1 Equipment: Dungoneer armor (light duty: +1D to all attacks), Dungoneer armor (heavy duty +3D to physical, +2D to energy), blaster rifle (5D damage), stunner pistol (5D stun damage), glop grenade (3-meter blast radius, holds all targets with a Strength of 6D), buzz-knuck (STR+1D damage, 6D stun damage), power sword (STR+3D damage), neuronic whip (STR+1D damage, 4D damge (stun or normal) for five rounds), 24 wrist binders, stun baton (STR+1D damage, 5D stun damage)