| - Darth Zash, originally known simply as Zash, is a human female Sith witch who lived during the era of the Great Galactic War and the resulting Cold War. As a Force-strong member of the Sith Order, she was trained in the tradition of the Sith Inquisitors under the auspicies of the reconstituted Sith Empire. She is the true main antagonist of the first act of the Sith Inquisitor Storyline in Star Wars: The Old Republic.
- Darth Zash, previous known as Lord Zash, originally known simply as Zash, is a human female Sith Lord of the Sith Empire. She is a Force-strong member of the Sith Order who was trained in the tradition of the Sith Inquisitors under the auspicies of the Sith Empire and its ruling Dark Council. After years of study in the art of the dark side, Zash rose to prominence in the higher echelons of Sith politics and was eventually promoted to the rank of Sith Lord. Under the moniker of Lord Zash, she delved into research of ancient Sith magic and rituals, and her expertise gained her a position as a supervisor of acolyte training at the Sith Academy on the holy world of Korriban. Although she was an enthusiastic seeker of knowledge and power, the dark side took an extreme toll on her body, decayin
- Darth Zash originalmente conocida como Zash fue una Bruja Humana que vivió durante la era de la Gran Guerra Galáctica y el resultado de la Guerra Fría Como un fuerte miembro de la Orden Sith, ella fue entrenada en la tradición de los Inquisidores Sith bajo los auspicios de el reconstituido Imperio Sith. Después de años de estudio en las artes del Lado Oscuro, Zash saltó a la fama en los escalones más altos de la política Sith y fue promovida al rango de Lord Sith. Bajo el apodo de Lord ganado su posición de supervisora de el entrenamiento de acólitos en la Academia Sith en el santo mundo de Korriban. A.A pesar de que era una buscadora entusiasta del conocimiento y poder, el lado oscuro tomó un peaje extremo en su cuerpo, su piel se descomposición, robándole su juventud.Se las arregló para
- Darth Zash, originally known simply as Zash, was a Human female Sith witch who lived during the era of the Great Galactic War and the resulting Cold War. As a Force-strong member of the Sith Order, she was trained in the tradition of the Sith Inquisitors under the auspicies of the reconstituted Sith Empire. After years of study in the arts of the dark side, Zash rose to prominence in the higher echelons of Sith politics and was promoted to the rank of Sith Lord. Under the moniker of Lord Zash, she delved into research of ancient Sith magic and rituals, and her expertise gained her a position as a supervisor of acolyte training at the Sith Academy on the holy world of Korriban. Although she was an enthusiastic seeker of knowledge and power, the dark side took an extreme toll on her body, de