| - Ace is running through the forest, swiftly jumping from tree branch to tree branch, as he searchs for Eternal Weapon Twenty-four, the Symbol of Granting. He's running so fast, everything around him seems slow. Ace then jumps into the air, flying high above the trees. As he approaches the ground, he quickly fades out before landing on the top tree branch, appearing on the ground an instant later. 'My phasion ability never ceases to amaze me...' thought Ace as he looked at his hand. Ace then decides to walk instead while observing the area for artifacts that could possibly aid him in finding the Symbol of Granting. 'If I can find the Symbol, I can gain permanent use of the advanced chakra nature that I have stored in my Nagata' wonderd Ace as he saw an eagle in the sky, flying around in large circles. Suddenly he picks up a unusual chakra frequency within 30 metters of him. He stays calm as he places his right hand on his sword, Metrochronus. The chakra frequency gets closer by the second as he stops in his tracks, with complex patterns spreading arcoss the iris of his eyes. Ace senses someone nearby as his Omegatri completes activation. "Only cowards hide in the shadows. If you're a shinobi truely worth my time, show yourself now, or step aside..." said Ace as he lookd in the direction of the signature. "Katon: Gokakyuu No Jutsu!" roared a voice as a fireball rolled it way towards Ace. Ace knew he could simply avoid the attack with no effort, but decided to show that he meant business by counter-attacking. Ace formed the fire handsign swiftly as he roared "Katon: Hyper-sonic Phoenix Flower Jutsu!" Suddenly tiny spheres of super heated fire shot from his mouth in extremely rapid success. The spheres rapidly expanded as they traveled toward the hiding figure. Being clearly outdone in terms of their fire techniques, the figure jumps out the way just in time to feel the intense heat given of by the blasts. Suddenly Aces fire spheres completely engulfed her fireball jutsu, before crashing into the ground, melting the dirt into glass before blowing up. The dusk quickly clears as Ace has a Kunai to his neck. "So you must be the person I'm looking for..." said Sake. "Regardless of who I am, I won't be going down easily..." said Ace as he jumped through her kunai to a nearby tree, turning around and facing her seconds later. 'How is that possible?.... He must be highly skilled since what ever he did required no handsigns, and his chakra flow wasn't disturbed' thought Sake as she put her hand down. "Are you Ace of the Omegatri?" asked Sake. "Yes I am...but who are you?" asked Ace. "You think I'll just tell you about me? You're highly mistaken, but even if I did, it doesn't matter because I'll be leaving shortly and you'll be coming with me, or..." said Sake before she was interupted. "Or what? You'll kill me? I won't judge you so try your best and do your worst... I lost my lover and my daughter a long time ago, so what do I have to lose? Over 99% of my clan is dead, and I'm one of the last. I'm going down a path of my own choosing..." replied Ace. "I'm warning you now, so get out my way, before I'm forced to hurt you..." said Ace as he looked at Sake. "You're too beautiful and talented to kill people the way you do..." said Ace. "I didn't come here for compliments, I came here to retrieve you and report back to base" replied Sake as she jumped back several feet from Ace. "Whatever suits you is fine, and I respect your wishes, but me being captured by you is out of the question... Why do you need me anyway?" asked Ace while thinking. "Sake began staring at Ace. "Sorry, but I can see through and negate Genjutsu, so you Illusory Techniques are usless against me" said Ace. Sake expression changed. “Sorry your journey to find a sword will half to wait. I’ve been watching you for a while now; your power …could be useful hmhm…” Sake saying as she began reaching to her back to take off the large shuriken. “…So try to put of a show.” Her expression turned into being rude because of his sympathy toward her on the point of capturing him. She throws the shuriken watching as it spun and circled the area before reaching to the side of Ace in attempt to injure him. Ace merely stepped sideways to vavoid the already close shuriken. He dodged it, but his cloak got cut in the process. "That's no ordinary shuriken..." thought Ace as he looked at the weapons trajectory, clearly knowing it was on its way back. The Shuriken flew into the air and come right back around, just like a boomerang. Ace ran past a tree as the shuriken closed in on him, cutting complelety through the tree with ease, only slowing down a tiny bit. Ace ran towards a tree before jumping up and grabbing a branch, flipping almost 360 degrees. Ace could see the shuriken in slow motion as it began altering its trajectory based on his movements. Ace then swung above the giant shuriken, before grabbing Metrochronus and plunging in front of the projectile. It sliced the shuriken in half, causing the two halves to spin uncontrollably into to nearby trees, impaling them. "That take care one threat" said Ace as he realized that he was in a trap. "You did well, creating a trap while I was distracted" complimented Ace as he analyzed the chakra strings all around him. Sake was further angered at Aces complement, only fueling her rage. "Feel the heat! Unleash - Katon: Fire Grid Inceneration!" (Note: A-Rank Fire Jutsu, Low chakra consumtion. I'm sorry for giving Sake a new jutsu without premission - Record then Delete this note from story with you edit it. Thx.) Suddenly fire quickly travelled down every chakra sting surrounding Ace, growing hotter with every passing second. Ace could feel the heat coming his way and formed a handsign, but realized that the chakra strings began moving. Ace wrapped his cloak around himself just as the strings gripped his body, before emmiting a great deal continous flames. Aces cloak was fire resistant and yet he could feel the heat from them. Ace knew he had to do something fast or he would be in great trouble. Ace concentrated his EMS chakra, attemping to absorb the radiation he was feeling. He suceeded partially while taking the rest of the heat himself. The chakra strings disappeared as Sake closed in on Ace. Sake charged toward Ace holding the ‘Ram’ hand seal “[1]Tajuu Kage Bunshin no jutsu (means "Multiple Shadow Clone jutsu)" a number of ten shadow clones appeared beside Sake as she ran, some ejecting into the air holding Tantō in each hand. As a skilled medical ninja she added chakra on the bottom of her heels adding speed (a basic technique chuunin learn). All ten entered Aces personal space surrounding him almost completely in order to weigh his options down, even though there is still many, all trying to cut him with no hesitation. Each using there own style of attacks and strategy. Ace formed the EMS handsign. "EMS Release: Invisibility Cloak!" said Ace before he jumped back, becoming invisible in the process. 'Shadow Clone Jutsu... shes very skilled, but I'll take more than that to take me down' thought Ace as he targeted a Clone with his Omegatris Event Horizon Ocular Focus. An tiny event horizon appeared in front of a shadow clone. Suddenly it screamed as its chest collapsed in on itself, killing it itstantly before it went away in smoke. Ace then looks at another as she swings a Tantō towards him. Ace turns sideways as he places his left hand on her left forearm and his right hand on her left shoulder, breaking her arm shortly after. The clone disappears shortly after, with three more taking her place. Ace does a backflip and counter-attacks the clones as the real Sake stands nearby watching. Suddenly Ace backs into a tree, cornered by the other 9 clones. One clone dashes at him from the front, one from the right, & one from the left. All three clones that surrounded Ace holds a Tiger hand seal indicating a jutsu while at the same time breathes out ash. The ash created a gray fog that quickly cased everything near the tree and further in it. Once the ash is out the all three clone’s attaches there teeth together and the ash will burn. The size of the fire was over minor, the three user’s made sure of this as the real Sake creates another clone beside her during the explosion. Both attaching the Eye of tsukuyomi on the right side of there face (Fused with her chakra, when she puts it on this activates when direct eye contact is made with the wearers clay chakra fused eye by an individuals sited in the area. Must meet there eye to work and it can have 1 of two effects. the first effect is that the eye releases a brilliant flash of light that blinds anyone looking towards it. The second effect is a powerful jolt of pain that is activated when the users chakra network is disrupted by genjutsu, this would break most genjutsu. Also in profile). Waiting as the explosion clears slowly revealing a missing tree as it starts to slowly rain. The other six clones throw their Tantō at Aces sides and above him, while the other three dash forward with their Tantō, ready to stab him. Ace realizes that he has no other choice but to use it. Ace uses his Omegatri to swiftly destroy the five Tantō flying at him, while simultaneously unleashing his Inner Guardian. In an instant, Ace stabs a clone with his ethereal sword, and pierces another with the Saber of Piercing. As the three clones fly at Ace, his Inner Guardian grabs two and crush them in its hands. It rises the Shield of Empathy which blocks a Tantō, causing the clone to get stabbed in the heart, killing it. The remaining four clones take their spots, making distance from Ace, as his Omegatri deactivates. "EMS Release: Gamma Ray Laser!" said Ace as a beam of high energy gamma rays fire from his mouth towards Sake. The four clones jump in the way to defend her, while she bends back. The last Tantō swiftly makes its way towards Ace, stabbing him in the shoulder. The gamma ray easily penetrates the clones while Sake jumps several meters into a tree, avoiding the gamma radiation. "So finally got me" said Ace as he grabbed the Tantō, removing it from his shoulder, with a little stream of blood streaming from the wound. 'Radiation Chakra.... He's more intresting than I thought' Sake thought as she looked at him from the tree. "I have no intentions of giving up, so if you want me, you'll have to bring reinforcements to help you fight, take me down yourself, or kill me right here..." said Ace as his Inner Guardian disappeared. Sake smiled. "Based on your outfit, I can tell your in the Akatsuki, and I've been looking for a strong team, but I would of never thought they'd track me down to recruit me. I always thougt they would come to take me out" said Ace as he looked at Sake, who stared at him intensely. "If you want me in the organization so bad, you could of just asked, but since we've already started fighting, lets make a deal. If I win, you'll let me go, but if I lose, I join your organization, no questions asked. So, Sake, what do you say?" asked Ace as he stood up, concentrating chakra on his wound, healing it just enough to slow the bleeding slightly, rain landing on his face as his hair drapes above his face. “If I win you say…what an interesting offer, my first intentions were to recruit you with no violents but on the other hand…” saying as she unzipped her cloak to get a better view on the famous Ace Korimachi, “…you did try to kill me first.” It started to rain a little harder upon the area. The clouds darkened and thundered repeatedly but this was not her doing, only nature. “Perfect day hmhm...You know your pretty good” saying Sake. “How is that?” Ace replied while finishing the last moments of closing the wound but not fully. “Your power is not anything I have ever seen before, what exactly is your clan known for? Wisdom, courage…” she raises her right hand toward the sky filled with darkened clouds as they danced over each other. Her clay eye still locked onto Ace’s eyes knowing that he has no clue what it does, she activates it releasing a brilliant flash of light that blinds him towards it while a extremely loud aggravating noise was heard from every direction. "...Power" Whispering, Yumi was the only one able to see at this moment since the continuous blinding light, her version of Kirin, Yumi's Kirin, the screeching noise. She directed the dragon/ lightning downward to destroy the area but if necessary sparing Ace’s life but leaving injury’s. As Ace heard the roar of Sake's Kirin, it seemed like time itself stood still. 'How... How could I listen to her while letting her prepare her technique? I'm ususally on top of things... I could of absorbed the blinding light because its just radiation... It slipped my mind... Now I may pay the price... With my life... But l refuse... to go.... alone.....' thought Ace before everything come to again. He used his base speed to move several centimeters while rising the Empathy Mirror slightly, but it was futile. Yumi's Kirin touched Aces Guardian, which remained after he deactivated his Omegatri, and Ace felt something before a tremendously loud explosion occured. "BOOOOOOOOOOMMMMM" sounded the explosion and debri and smoke went everywhere. Several minutes later after the smoke cleared, Ace was lying on the ground, the top half of his cloak was destroyed, exposing his muscular features. His hair fluttered in the slight breeze as his left arm and halve of his chest was covered in burn marks. 'That must be the Helixian Clans Symbol' thought Sake as she formed several handsigns before touching him and disappearng to a nearby make-shift shelter she made to hide out in while she was traveling the country for info. She placed Ace on the mat and preformed several handsigns before holding her hand over Aces wounds to heal them. 'Its out of my nature, but since he can be useful, he needs to be up to full strength' thought Sake as she continued healing Ace. After 15 minutes Aces wounds were completely healed so she left the room and went into the next room, pressing a switch that opened a secret passage way. "He's more extraordinary than I thought. That ethereal being that surrounded him was very versitile and automatically disposed of my clones. The spear he pierced my clone with had an unusual blade. His eyes intrest me the most. Event Horizon Ocular Focus... That ability is very powerful indeed. The Symbol of Granting... I have to get to know him better if I ever want him on any team with me..." Sake wondered as she walked into her personal room, lying on the bed afterwards. 'I need some rest before I head back to base, but I need someone to keep an eye on Ace' thought Sake as she make several shadow clones. Two clones guarded the room with Ace in it and one clone guarded the entrance to the shelter. SEVERAL HOURS LATER..... Sake woke up and went upstairs to find Ace still unconsious and after studying him for several second, he slowly came to. Ace could see Sake looking at him as he slowly opened his eyes. "Wh...where am I?" said Ace. "You're at a disclosed location. I took you here after you fell out unconsious during our battle. You lost, so you must join Akatsuki" said Sake as she reassured Ace of the deal they made. "I never go back on my word, so I will join your organization as promised" replied Ace as he layed his head back down. "I have to admit... Even though you're not my type, you're ways of thinking keeps me wondering about you. If I may ask... Is Sake your true name?" asked Ace. “Yes its accurate, Yumi Sake is my full name. Why do you ask?” Asking as well, while glancing at the swords she sat near the bed when she first brought him in. She couldn’t stop thinking about the unusual power they possess, she doesn’t know how many swords he has but shes seen two so far. She stares back into his eyes trying to study them, there deactivated but she can still imagine the power he must have been holding back or didn’t get the chance to use. "Tell me about your swords...over there." pointing to them with interest and a smile. I just wanted to know the name of the person that battled and defeated me, as a keepsake and so I can put a unique name with that remarkable face. About the swords, well The first sword, is my personal sword, Metrochronus. I made it from a synthetic element I developed in my time when my home village, Hexoshigakure, was still around. Its indestructable, and weighs absolutely nothing because of a property called Weight Neglect, and because it weighs nothing, I can swing it at unimaginable speeds, defying the laws of physics to a degree. The other sword, is actually a saber, also known as The Saber of Piercing aka, Eternal Weapon Seven. Its also one of the the legendary 25 weapons of Hexoshigakure. The mirror I used earlier is the Shield of Empathy aka Eternal Weapon Two. All of the Eternal Weapons hold great power in their own right, and in the hands of the right user, they can be a true force to be reckoned with. They also have ethereal forms, specifically created for use with the Helixians Clans Inner Guardians, a combination of the users Will and a their chakra. Sake smiles as she absorbed the knowledge while listening to Aces words of wisdom. "To be honest, if I had of had just 15 more seconds of consiousness, and if we had of been fighting til death, I would of used "http://narutofanon.wikia.com/wiki/Jet_Release%3A_Kiranix_-_The_Electric_Inferno_Dragon_-_100km_of_Absolute_Annihilation" with my Phasion technique, which would of granted me absolute safty while completely destroying everything around me for 62.14 miles, but concidering the circumstances I was in, it would of killed me as well. But since you intrest me so much, it would of went against my nature to do you like that. Ace said as he closed his eyes slowly. Sake thought about the attle and the possible outcome of his alternate situation. "With you being as talented as you are, the last thing I would espect you to be doing is working for Akatsuki..." said Ace as he turned his attention towards Sake, who was looking at him. "My wife was killed... by a member of the akatsuki, and... and another member, who took my daughter would later... be responsible for her suicide..." said Ace hesitantly as he closed his eyes, bringing back the mental effects of the news when he first recieved it, years ago. Sake could see the pain in his closed eyes in a way she couldn't quite grasp at the time. Ace then placed both of his hands on his face, in an attempt to conceal his emotions from Sake, not wanting to seem emotional, but it didn't work as well as it seemed, as she clearly knew why he was doing it. “What a collection of swords.” Saying as she continued on listening. After the story she notices his actions toward it, emotion was cased away from her life besides hate. “Well…my sensai tried to kill me so I joined the Akatsuki to get revenge on him and the village he’s from.” Saying bluntly but with a calm expression as she looked down toward her fingers twirling around each other. “I don’t truly know the feeling of losing someone or joining the group that caused the tragedy but I do know how it feels to be emotionally tortured. I was thrown off a cliff and feel into the river below to die by him, Shiro Sensai. Now I know why he did that, I was considered a threat to the village’s council, my attitude and power had it written. Now I must take back what belonged to me, my home… friends….village.” Saying as she places her hand on one of his shoulders. “Being tortured runs in a cycle that we must overpower, out think, outmatch. I’ve grown stronger and I’m sure you have to.” Saying as she smiles ever so kindly at him. Ace took hands from his face as he slowly sat up. "I appreciate your simpathy, but whats's done is done, and the ones responcible no longer exist. I blame myself for not doing my best to defend them, and although I've grown stronger since then, it still haunts me til this day, erupting when I least expect it" said Ace. Sake looks on as Ace gathers his stuff. "I guest we should get going and start heading towards the base" said Ace as he got up out the bed, grabbing Metrochronus and putting it in its shaft, while the saber transforms into its ethereal form, disappearing shortly after. "So I guess its time for me to follow the leader" said Ace as he opened the door, allowing Sake to pass through first. Ace close the door behind him as he left the shelter. Sake and Ace began walking side by side as they headed toward the Akatsuki Base. "Hey!" says a voice coming from the trees. "I won't let you guys leave this place at all". All around the 2 Akatsuki members lies paper bombs waiting to explode. Suddenly a figure jumps from the trees in a hooded cape with the Senju Clan symbol on the back indicating the clan he belong to. "You guys are members of the Akatsuki, an organization that once threatened the Shinobi world itself. A organization that killed hundreds maybe thousands of innocent people." says the man with great affection. "Therefore i cannot let you escape from here. Your going to become one with this forest and your souls and bodies will reside here for all eternity always being under the surveillance of me." The man removed his hood from his head and glared at Ace and Yumi.