| - Born as one of 5 children in the worker camp of the mining company her father worked for, Gael was the offspring of Anthony Black and Sharna Granger, middle child of her still living siblings Greg & William. Her parents, for lack of better word, named her Gael after her fathers first fling. Something she resented him for until his disappearance, not that she cared he had gone. She never cared for much even to this day. As for her family, she never heard anything more of them, to her they were a figment of her imagination, a stain on her past life.
| - Born as one of 5 children in the worker camp of the mining company her father worked for, Gael was the offspring of Anthony Black and Sharna Granger, middle child of her still living siblings Greg & William. Her parents, for lack of better word, named her Gael after her fathers first fling. Something she resented him for until his disappearance, not that she cared he had gone. She never cared for much even to this day. Her father was away working the majority of the time in the local mines and her mother struggled to raise both her and her elder brother. Like any younger sibling she was picked on and bullied, her hair pulled, mud shoved in her face, the usual antics. Her father, favouring Greg would always return home, walking straight past her and into the house, and each night she would sit alone outside the front door of the house with her dolls, lost away in a far away land of her imagination. By the time Gael was granted access to pre-school she was a recluse, prefering to stay by herself at all times. Huddling away in corners, shying away when asked questions by the teachers, even refusing to play. The fact she already had an elder brother didn't help, as him and his friends would often find some way to scare her or hurt her feelings. Her recluseness as she aged often made her the brunt of many a joke, but she was a hard worker and her teachers saw this within her, so unlike her brother the teachers ignored she was usually picked out for special projects, this irritated her elder brother, got only contempt from her father, and caused the other children to abuse her even more then they had already. By the time her younger brother Daniel was born, Gael was very very much alone. When it came to light her mother had been having an affair with a Chiss, and an illegitimate half breed brother was born, her family was torn apart. Having no love for her father, and resenting her mother and the small pink thing for breaking up the farce of a family she had, Gael put in with one of her teachers for a school transfer into a boarding school. The application was accepted, due to her grades and she was sent away to the "Heart Of Kathol" boarding school, her fees being paid via government funding as long as she maintained her grades. She easily maintained her grades all the way up through her schooling. Boycotting all of the usual pre determined classes for females. Excelling beyond most of her male counterparts in classes such as Mechanics, sports, computer operation & Politics. She signed up for martial arts classes and won her first junior tournament in her 13th year of life. She took to the pistol ranges at regular intervals. Her teachers and Dean equally surprised that she had turned from one of their quietist recluses into a busy, overactive Tom Boy. She easily attained the required grades to enter university, going down the branch no one would ever have foreseen, Graduate courses in both Astronautical Engineering and Politics. She also became head of the University student association, student Social Committee, and aide to her local Political Party leader, delving deep into planning & development. She finished University, have passed completed both years with flying colours, and she was instantly pressed into a full time job as Junior aide to the political party she had been working for part time. Something she would later regret. As for her family, she never heard anything more of them, to her they were a figment of her imagination, a stain on her past life.