| - In 2373, Julian Bashir was captured by the Dominion on Meezan IV and sent to Internment Camp 371. This Founder took his place with the mission of helping Dominion forces travel to Cardassian space and hatching a plan to cripple Federation, Romulan and Klingon forces. It spent a month keeping up appearances before carrying it out, including playing darts and racquetball with Miles O'Brien. In the meantime, the Dominion had been negotiating incorporating the Cardassian Union, and had to move a fleet into the Alpha Quadrant. After the crew of Deep Space 9 planned to collapse the Bajoran wormhole with a phase-conjugate graviton beam perfected by the Trill Science Ministry, the Bashir-Changeling sabotaged the station's emitter array. This instead stabilized the wormhole and allowed the fleet through. Later, when Dukat promised to retake DS9 with the new forces, the Changeling attempted to destroy the Bajoran sun, thereby wiping out the combined Federation, Klingon and Romulan fleets gathered to do battle with the Dominion. It stole the runabout the USS Yukon and killed its crewmembers in order to modify it with an explosive device composing of trilithium, tekasite, and protomatter and fly it into the sun. It was, however, intercepted and killed by the USS Defiant before he could carry it out. (DS9: "In Purgatory's Shadow", "By Inferno's Light")