*Fiend's Sanctuary x3
*Soul Charge
*Pot of Greed
*Monster Reborn
*Soul Exchange
*Change of Heart
*Magical Dimension
*Card Destruction
*Magic Formula
*Brain Control
*Soul Taker
*Swords of Revealing Light
* Ancient Rules x3
* Book of Secret Arts
* Horn of the Unicorn
* Fusion Sage
* Monster Reborn
* Graceful Charity
* Makiu, the Magical Mist
* Polymerization x3
* Pot of Greed
* Summoner's Art
*Heart of the Underdog x3
*Swords of Revealing Light x3
*Monster Reborn
*Graceful Charity
*Snatch Steal
*Dark Hole x2
*Pot of Greed
* Burning Land
* Horn of the Unicorn
* Monster Reborn
* Polymerization x3
* Pot of Greed
* Snatch Steal
* Swords of Revealing Light x2
* Brain Control
* Card Destruction
* Exile of the Wicked
* Magic Formula x2
* Graceful Charity
* Multiply
* Mystic Box
* Monster Reborn
* Sage's Stone
* Swords of Revealing Light
* Soul Exchange
* Brain Control
* Polymerization x3
* Monster Reborn
* Mystic Box
* Multiply
* Swords of Revealing Light
* Spell Shattering Arrow
* Makiu, the Magical Mist
* Brain Control
* Horn of the Unicorn
* Advanced Ritual Art
* Monster Reborn
* Makiu, the Magical Mist
* Mystic Box
* Polymerization
* Black Magic Ritual x3
* Multiply
* Graceful Charity
* Spell Shattering Arrow x3
*Polymerization x3
*Wasteland x3
*Monster Reborn
*Makiu, the Magical Mist
*Graceful Charity
*Swords of Revealing Light
*Burning Land x2
*Pot of Greed
*Horn of the Unicorn x2
*Monster Reincarnation
*Monster Reborn
*Attack the Moon! x3
*Swords of Revealing Light x2
*Burning Land
*Pot of Greed
*Horn of the Unicorn x2
*Mystical Moon
* Brain Control
* Card Destruction
* Polymerization
* Monster Reborn
* Sage's Stone x2
* Mystic Box
* Graceful Charity
* Swords of Revealing Light
* Spell Shattering Arrow
* Dark Magic Curtain x3
* Breath of Light
* Dark Hole
* Graceful Charity x3
* Lightning Vortex
* Monster Reborn x3
* Polymerization x3
* Pot of Greed
* Raigeki
* Soul Charge
* Swords of Revealing Light
* Brain Control x2
* Dark Hole
* Horn of the Unicorn
* Advanced Ritual Art x2
* Monster Reborn
* Monster Recovery
* Mystical Space Typhoon x2
* Polymerization
* Black Luster Ritual x2
* Swords of Revealing Light x2
* Raigeki
* Brain Control
* Card Destruction
* Change of Heart
* De-Fusion
* Diffusion Wave-Motion
* Double Spell
* Exchange
* Magic Formula
* Monster Reborn
* Polymerization
* Pot of Greed
* Reinforcement of the Army
* Soul Charge
* Summoner's Art
* Swords of Revealing Light x2
* A Feather of the Phoenix x1
* Dark Magic Attack x2
* E - Emergency Call x3
* Knight's Title x2
* Mystical Space Typhoon x2
* Polymerization x3
* Reinforcement of the Army x3
* Thousand Knives x2
* Dark Hole x1
* Dark Magic Curtain x3
* Ectoplasmer x3
* Infected Mail x3
* Messenger of Peace x2
* Monster Reborn x1
* Ookazi x2
* Soul Exchange x1
* Swords of Revealing Light x1
* Thousand Knives x3
*Change of Heart x3
*Graceful Charity
*Change of Heart
*Graceful Charity
*Nightmare's Steelcage x2
*One Day of Peace
*Spirit Message "I"
*Spirit Message "N"
*Spirit Message "A"
*Spirit Message "L"
* Card of Safe Return x2
* Infinite Cards x2
* Jam Breeding Machine x1
* Nightmare's Steelcage x3
* One Day of Peace x1
* Polymerization x3
* Pot of Greed x1
* The Dark Door x3
* Big Bang Shot x3
* Fiend's Sanctuary x3
* Foolish Burial
* Mausoleum of the Emperor
* Mystical Space Typhoon x2
* Swords of Revealing Light x3
* Book of Moon x1
* Dark Hole x1
* Soul Charge x1
* Spellbook Library of the Crescent x2
* Spellbook of Eternity x2
* Spellbook of Fate x1
* Spellbook of Life x1
* Spellbook of Power x3
* Spellbook of Secrets x3
* Spellbook of the Master x2
* Spellbook of Wisdom x2
* Spellbook Star Hall x2
* The Grand Spellbook Tower x2
* Black Pendant
* Dark Hole
* Double Summon
* Enemy Controller
* Fissure
* Rush Recklessly
* Shard of Greed
* Xyz Unit
* Burden of the Mighty x3
* Messenger of Peace x3
* Pyramid of Wonders x3
* Shard of Greed x3
* Solidarity x3
* Wave-Motion Cannon x2
* Black Pendant
* Fissure
* Fusion Gate x2
* Fusion Recovery
* Fusion Sage
* Magical Mallet
* Mystic Plasma Zone
* Polymerization x3
* Rush Recklessly
* Swords of Revealing Light
* Pre-Preparation of Rites x3
* Prediction Ritual x3
* Rank-Up-Magic Astral Force x2
* Rank-Up-Magic Numeron Force x3
* Xyz Override x3
* Xyz Territory x3
* Xyz Unit x2
* Ancient Rules x2
* Axe of Despair
* Fire Formation - Tenki x2
* Fire Formation - Tensu x2
* Lucky Iron Axe x3
* Mystical Space Typhoon
* Nobleman of Crossout x3
* Mystical Space Typhoon x1
* Reinforcement of the Army x3
* Scrap Factory x3
* Scrapstorm x3
* Scrapyard x3
* Summoner's Art x3
* Supply Squad x2
* Terraforming x2
* Dark Hole
* Foolish Burial
* Mystical Space Typhoon x3
* Night Beam x2
* Raigeki
* Soul Charge
* Allure of Darkness
* Cost Down x3
* Dark Hole
* Mist Body x3
* Nightmare's Steelcage x3
* Swords of Revealing Light x3
* Ancient Rules x3
* De-Spell x1
* Mesmeric Control x1
* Pot of Greed x1
* Stop Defense x1
* Summoner's Art x1
* Dark Hole x1
* Polymerization x2
* Pot of Greed x1
* Salamandra x1
* Shield & Sword x3
* Advanced Ritual Art x2
* Allure of Darkness x1
* Dark Hole x1
* End of the World x3
* Mystical Space Typhoon x1
* Raigeki x1
* Dark Hole x1
* Gaia Power x3
* Graceful Charity x2
* Polymerization x2
* Pot of Greed x1
* Raigeki x1
* Shield & Sword x1
* Dark Hole x1
* Inzektor Axe - Zektahawk x3
* Inzektor Sword - Zektkaliber x3
* Mystical Space Typhoon x2
* Pot of Duality x1
* Soul Charge x1
* Verdant Sanctuary x2
* Dark Hole x1
* Jam Breeding Machine x3
* Level Limit - Area B x1
* Mage Power x3
* Mystical Space Typhoon x2
* One Day of Peace x1
* Scapegoat x2
* Swords of Revealing Light x1
* Terraforming x3
* Token Sundae x1
* United We Stand x1
* Wetlands x3
* Gold Sarcophagus x1
* Graceful Charity x1
* March of the Monarchs x3
* Soul Exchange x3
* Swords of Revealing Light x2
* Temple of the Kings x3
* Banner of Courage x2
* Black Pendant
* Dark Hole
* Fighting Spirit
* Fissure
* Heart of the Underdog
* Molten Destruction
* Rush Recklessly
* Shard of Greed
* Supply Squad
* Swords of Concealing Light
* Ancient Rules x3
* De-Spell x1
* Mesmeric Control x2
* Monster Reborn x1
* Pot of Greed x1
* Summoner's Art x3
* Black Pendant
* Bound Wand
* Divine Sword - Phoenix Blade
* Fighting Spirit
* Fissure
* Lightning Blade
* Reinforcement of the Army
* Rush Recklessly
* Shard of Greed
* Summoner's Art
* The Warrior Returning Alive
* Wonder Wand
*Fusion Gate x2
*Fusion Sage x1
*Reinforcement of the Army x2
*Pot of Greed x1
*Mystical Space Typhoon x3
*Polymerization x2
*Scapegoat x3
*The Warrior Returning Alive x2
*Raregold Armor x3
* Cestus of Dagla x3
* Dragged Down into the Grave x2
* Graceful Charity x3
* Monster Reborn x1
* Pot of Greed x1
* Spell Reproduction x1
* Swords of Revealing Light x3
*Magic Triangle of the Ice Barrier x3
*Medallion of the Ice Barrier x3
*Mystical Space Typhoon x1
*Salvage x1
*Surface x2
*Swords of Revealing Light x2
*Water Hazard x1
*Dark Hole x1
*Fusion Gate x1
*Fusion Recovery x1
*Fusion Sage x1
*Graceful Charity x1
*Messenger of Peace x3
*Mystical Space Typhoon x3
*Polymerization x3
*Pot of Greed x1
*Raregold Armor x1
*Reinforcement of the Army x2
*Scapegoat x1
*The Warrior Returning Alive x1
* Gishki Aquamirror x3
* Mound of the Bound Creator x2
* Mystical Space Typhoon x2
* Salvage x3