| - Since we're tweaking the spoiler tag, perhaps this would be a good opportunity to write an actual spoiler policy akin to the Caption policy page rather than linking to Wikipedia for this. Such an article would ideally go at Transformers Wiki:Spoiler. As for what would go on such a page, I'll get the ball rolling with the following:
* Spoiler tags are removed six months after publication/airtime/movie release.
* Spoiler tags are not used on cartoon episode or comic issue pages. If you read the plot summaries on these articles you should not be surprised if you get spoiled. Anything else that should go in there?--RosicrucianTalk 19:49, 16 November 2007 (UTC) Six months seems excessive (and would cause lots of clutter when people forget to remove them in half a year). One month would be better. Interrobang 19:55, 16 November 2007 (UTC) Six months is excessive. For comics, I'd suggest a week, but if some feel a month is necessary, I think that's about the top window. --ItsWalky 19:58, 16 November 2007 (UTC) Eh, I tried to err on the side of caution. I don't mind if it's shorter.--RosicrucianTalk 20:00, 16 November 2007 (UTC) The problem with measuring the spoiler-time from when the comic issue is published, is that some of us only buy the trade paperbacks. I suspect, however, if I suggest it should be "one month from when the trade paperback is released", I'll meet with a lot of resistance . . . (And let's not get into those of us who don't watch the shows on TV, but buy the DVDs . . . ) JW 20:10, 16 November 2007 (UTC) Are we setting an automatic removal thingermabob of some sort? Or is someone going to religiously purge spoiler tags from articles once a month? 'Cause otherwise, it's relatively moot. I'd say anything from 2-4 weeks is entirely reasonable. I know I don't always make the trip to the comic store every week, and some people wait for the trades... though if we wait for the trades, nobody's gonna remember to do cleanup. I know I never even see the damn things, let alone know when they come out... -- Repowers 20:45, 16 November 2007 (UTC) I'd say two weeks max for comics. In the majority of instances, if you haven't picked up the book within two weeks of publication, it's your own damn fault and I frankly can't work up any sympathy for you being spoiled, ESPECIALLY if you're going to wait the six-plus months plus for a damn trade collection to come out. (And this is coming from someone who sometimes has month-long gaps bewteen comic store visits). Waiting for trades is going back to "well, people in Botswana haven't seen the episode yet" ridiculous extremes. Same for movies. TV shows are a little trickier, since even with VCRs and Tivo, you're more at the whim of when the channel reruns it. So say... a month? --M Sipher 21:30, 16 November 2007 (UTC) Moving the discussion over here because now that the image policy is done I think I'm going to start working on this next.--RosicrucianTalk 19:18, 27 April 2008 (UTC) Whatever we go with, I favor a universal window of time during which things are considered "spoilers." Makes things simpler, unless there's a really good reason why one medium deserves different protection than another. A month from general release seems fair enough to me. - Jackpot 22:11, 27 April 2008 (UTC) I favor a week. I don't like spoiler templates in the first place, and a month is entirely too much. I'd also make a point to not use the template in stuff clearly labeled "plot", "summary", or the like. That those contain spoilers should be evident. —Interrobang 22:17, 27 April 2008 (UTC) I don't think most people really have the time to stay on top of all the fiction immediately like that. I think it's pretty common (and I cite myself as an example) to go to the comic shop about once a month and clean out a subscription box, or let TV shows queue up on the TiVo or in the download folder until free time comes up. I do think our spoiler-window should be a single unit of time for simplicity, but I think a month is closer to realistic than a week for what we can expect of people's habits. - Jackpot 22:38, 27 April 2008 (UTC) That doesn't really work with current television shows, since then you'd be putting several templates (four, usually; depending on how many new episodes are aired in a month) into a small space, making for a unpleasant sight. —Interrobang 00:32, 28 April 2008 (UTC) I'm not sure what you mean by that. Edit: Wait, no, I think I see what you mean. For instance, the Sari Sumdac "Fiction" section would have a bunch of spoiler tags for various pieces of information, according to the corresponding source episodes (which would each have different expiry dates). Hm. Well, how about a rule like "one month or until the next episode/issue comes out, whichever comes first"? - Jackpot 00:50, 28 April 2008 (UTC) I guess that works. —Interrobang 01:13, 28 April 2008 (UTC) I added a category to the spoiler template, to make it much easier to track down the various instances of it and remove them when the time period expires. This should make it more viable to have longer "spoiler periods" if desired.KrytenKoro 09:05, 14 May 2008 (UTC)