| - Garven "Dave" Dreis was the commander of Red Squadron, and a T-65 X-wing starfighter pilot for the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Hailing from the planet Virujansi in the Inner Rim, Dreis originally served with the Rarefied Air Cavalry, fighting in the Clone Wars that took place from 22 BBY to 19 BBY. During the Battle of Virujansi, Dreis had the opportunity to fly alongside the "Hero With No Fear," Anakin Skywalker. In the wake of the Clone Wars and the subsequent Declaration of a New Order, Dreis joined the Rebel Alliance—an organization dedicated to shaking the Galactic Empire's hold on the galaxy—after seeing the Empire commit atrocities on his homeworld.
| - Garven "Dave" Dreis was the commander of Red Squadron, and a T-65 X-wing starfighter pilot for the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Hailing from the planet Virujansi in the Inner Rim, Dreis originally served with the Rarefied Air Cavalry, fighting in the Clone Wars that took place from 22 BBY to 19 BBY. During the Battle of Virujansi, Dreis had the opportunity to fly alongside the "Hero With No Fear," Anakin Skywalker. In the wake of the Clone Wars and the subsequent Declaration of a New Order, Dreis joined the Rebel Alliance—an organization dedicated to shaking the Galactic Empire's hold on the galaxy—after seeing the Empire commit atrocities on his homeworld. Dreis served the Alliance in numerous battles, adopting a fatherly approach to commanding his men, and supervised the instruction of new recruits personally. In 0 BBY, he was posted at the Alliance's base on Dantooine, leading Dantooine Squadron, and was transferred to Yavin 4's Great Temple shortly afterward. Placed in command of Red Squadron, Dreis took the call sign "Red Leader," and the nickname "Boss." From there, he led Red Squadron in an attack on the Empire's Death Star superweapon, which was moving to destroy the Alliance base. When an attack run on the battlestation's vulnerable thermal exhaust port from pilot Jon Vander's Gold Squadron failed, Dreis was forced to make his own attempt. He almost succeeded, but his proton torpedoes failed to enter the Death Star's exhaust port. Dreis was subsequently shot down by the Sith Lord Darth Vader.