| - Home to the few herb-gatherers willing to try their luck in the Mistvale. The Grenge (W . "Fish-tellers") , a family of Dwarves exiled long ago from Khazad-dum , maintained the fords over two small streams flowing north into Shading Lake . For reasons clear to noone living , the Arnorian engineers who laid out the Great East Road did not build culverts over these streams . The Grenge , who also owned the Birchline , a small inn at the western crossing , kept to themselves most of the time . Welsi and Tis , the only Dwarven women living publicly in western Eriador , wrapped scarves around their faces . Their general air of exhausted resignation warded off most stares ; the four male Dwarves in the family seldom had to resort to violence to defend their honor or privacy . The source of the s
| - Home to the few herb-gatherers willing to try their luck in the Mistvale. The Grenge (W . "Fish-tellers") , a family of Dwarves exiled long ago from Khazad-dum , maintained the fords over two small streams flowing north into Shading Lake . For reasons clear to noone living , the Arnorian engineers who laid out the Great East Road did not build culverts over these streams . The Grenge , who also owned the Birchline , a small inn at the western crossing , kept to themselves most of the time . Welsi and Tis , the only Dwarven women living publicly in western Eriador , wrapped scarves around their faces . Their general air of exhausted resignation warded off most stares ; the four male Dwarves in the family seldom had to resort to violence to defend their honor or privacy . The source of the shame that drove this family from their home city about TA 1440 had never been revealed . Since the Mistvale was known to be somewhat haunted and hard on the nerves of anyone who worked here , the Arthadan reeve at Mich Hollow was grateful to have someone willing to keep the place up . He ased no questions about the Grenge . Tormin Grenge , the family patriarch , was an undead creature , the victim , some three hundred years back , of his dabblings in alchemy and his own obtuse nature . The surviving members of his family kept him under control , using some old and powerful family charms . He , in turn , warded off the other spirits in this vale and provided sound advice about herbs and potions to anyone brave enough to visit "Old Crazy's " stinking , windowless shop , hidden in the woods just behind the inn . It had been years since Tormin sank his teeth into real , quality man-flesh . Welsi told anyone visiting Tormin to sign no deal without consulting her . Those who failed to heed her warning had accidentally signed away important body parts . Tormin always tried to make at least a finger or hand part of any business conducted , and he enforced his contracts with magic . Welsi used one of her charms and a book of Arthadan trade laws to counteract his spells .