| - Mimir (pronounced "ME-meer"), also spelled as Mímir, is one of the oldest Norse gods, as well as the guardian of the Well of Knowledge. He was beheaded by the Vanir, during their conflict with the Aesir. Afterward, the god Odin carried around Mímir's head and it recited secret knowledge and counsel to him. Hearth and Blitz used to work for Mímir, until being released from their service by Odin.
- Mimir is a technique which has been called the ultimate of manipulation. It allows the user to manifest the energy, in total, associated with a certain object or concept, which can be intangible or tangible. This energy is referred to as a Reidamashi (True Spirit), and allows the user to gain complete control over that concept, as well as simply access to the energy.
- A mimir is a magical construct that serves as a living encyclopedia. They are typically made of a silvery metal and often take the form of a disembodied head. Morte pretends to be one of these, but possesses his own free will and is not made of metal. If pressed on the issue, he will admit to the Nameless One that he is not, in fact, a mimir.
- Mimir is a minor character in Valkyrie Profile. She is a Vanir goddess who at some point was beheaded. She did not die, however, instead Odin kept her head. Mimir has great powers of prophesy and her knowledge of the pending advance of Ragnarok causes Odin to summon Lenneth Valkyrie to recruit and train Einherjar . Lyseria , a human sorceress, is said to have been descended from Mimir.
- Virus.MSWord.Mimir or Mimir is a virus that runs on Microsoft Word program.
- Mimir is the Aesir’s data decryption and information specialist and direct link to the systems of ODIN itself, while also acting as the keeper of all secrets held by the Aesir. He is voiced Barry Dennen.
- Mimir ist das Nördliche Portal zu Leviathan an Yggdrasils Baumrinde, aus dem Portal kommt ein Wasserfall, der in Octa Mündet. Urd ist nicht das einzige Portal nach Leviathan, an Yggdrasils Südlicher seite befindet sich das Portal Urd und in einer seiner Wurzeln die ins Tiefenreich führt, das Portal "Hvergelmir"
- Mimir: Te zadziwiające wielu pierwszaków (jak setki innych planarnych "cudów codziennych") urządzenia najczęściej kojarzone są z formą charakterystycznych, metalicznych ludzkich czaszek - stąd właśnie (i ze względu na ich osobliwe działanie) bierze się jedna z ich potocznych nazw: Gadające Czaszki. Pomimo tego, mogą one przyjmować niemal dowolny kształt, w zależności od woli twórcy. Można więc natrafić na mimiry w kształcie czaszek zwierząt, ale też kul, dysków, kostek, liści i kwiatów słonecznika, choć zdarzają się i bardziej wymyślne formy. Łączy je stosunkowo niewielki - zazwyczaj - rozmiar i materiał, którego są wykonywane - dziwny, srebrzysty metal o wielobarwnym połysku. Niektórzy kłapią, że to właśnie ten materiał decyduje o ich działaniu. Mogą to potwierdzać próby kopiowania mimiró