| - Outside Freedom HQ, Amy runs and lunges at Fiona with her hammer, with Fiona asking what was going on. Amy then revealed the reason why she was upset: she was looking for Sonic and thought he was with Fiona. She then confronted and asked Tails, but he told her about her dark secret: she had been cheating on Sonic with Scourge. While dodging blows, Fiona admitted that she and Sonic were not in a serious relationship, though she briefly slipped in a smug grin before jumping and landing on top of Amy's hammer and telling her Sonic would not believe her anyway. To the surprise of both, Sonic (who had been watching the scuffle) casually butted in and told Fiona that he wanted to talk.
| - Outside Freedom HQ, Amy runs and lunges at Fiona with her hammer, with Fiona asking what was going on. Amy then revealed the reason why she was upset: she was looking for Sonic and thought he was with Fiona. She then confronted and asked Tails, but he told her about her dark secret: she had been cheating on Sonic with Scourge. While dodging blows, Fiona admitted that she and Sonic were not in a serious relationship, though she briefly slipped in a smug grin before jumping and landing on top of Amy's hammer and telling her Sonic would not believe her anyway. To the surprise of both, Sonic (who had been watching the scuffle) casually butted in and told Fiona that he wanted to talk. As they walked, he confronted her about lying and her disappearances. She became indignant at first, but then faltered when Sonic pointed out that she had suddenly taken an interest in him after Scourge's impersonation of him. Scourge then showed up, telling Sonic he had caught on to the charade. Fiona then admitted that when she knew about the switch, she had tried to find the same attraction in the real Sonic and thus began to date him. Unfortunately, she found him too much into the "hero thing." Scourge then taunts Sonic, bringing up his failed love lives, one after the other. Tails suddenly intervened, begging her not to do so and trying to appeal to her good nature. She gently tells him that despite his intellect, he didn't realize one thing - "you can't count on anybody." before slapping him across the face. Sonic immediately runs to Tails, who just tells Sonic to "just get em'." Fiona then cited Sonic of his abandonment of her back in the mining camp. An enraged Sonic protested and charged at Fiona, but is suddenly attacked by Scourge, who despite admitting his past relationships, liked Fiona because she chooses to be with him and evil. Sonic attacked him with a spin attack, but Scourge ducked away, causing Sonic to end up under a broken tree. He then confronted his counterpart, saying that the two were no different and that all it would take for Sonic to become evil was "one bad day". Sonic then trips Scourge, countering that Scourge would be just like him if he showed "a little bit of decency". Scourge was rendered speechless by this, but suddenly Fiona appeared and kicked Sonic away. While helping Scourge up, she calls Sonic weak and that it's all about "survival of the best" before being interrupted by Amy and Tails, who teamed up against the two. Outnumbered, Fiona and Scourge then left the scene via Warp Ring. Tails felt dismayed by Fiona's departure but admitted that he could always count on Sonic and the others to do what's right. However, he suddenly runs off, saying he needed to see his mother before showing signs of sorrow. Antoine then appears, asking what is wrong with Tails and Sonic explains Fiona's betrayal to him. Antoine then says he has something to take care of and walks away, with Sonic and Amy wondering what he means...