Log Title: Ebony's Debut Characters: Ace, Chameleon, Ebony, Major Bludd, Mockingbird, Over Kill, Raven Location: Southwest United States Date: 10 February 2010 Summary: Scarlett's opposite number, Ebony, arrives in the regular world, much to the alarm of the Joes and the complete consternation of Over Kill.
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| - Log Title: Ebony's Debut Characters: Ace, Chameleon, Ebony, Major Bludd, Mockingbird, Over Kill, Raven Location: Southwest United States Date: 10 February 2010 Summary: Scarlett's opposite number, Ebony, arrives in the regular world, much to the alarm of the Joes and the complete consternation of Over Kill.
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| - Log Title: Ebony's Debut Characters: Ace, Chameleon, Ebony, Major Bludd, Mockingbird, Over Kill, Raven Location: Southwest United States Date: 10 February 2010 Summary: Scarlett's opposite number, Ebony, arrives in the regular world, much to the alarm of the Joes and the complete consternation of Over Kill.