| - :Tim: Ow! My eye!
:[Cleveland sits in couch, reading newspaper]
:Cleveland: Ese no bueno
:[Rallo jumps on couch and takes the newspaper from Cleveland and throws it at Roberta]
:Roberta: A homeless blanket touched me!
:[Rallo grabs remote from Roberta]
:Rallo: Yeah. Toddlers and Tiaras. Five-year-old anorexics forced to get spray tans.
:Roberta: Hey! I was watching whatever that was.
:[Both Roberta and Rallo fight their way up stairs as the doorbell rings]
:Cleveland: [Annoyed] I hope that's a child murderer.
:[Cleveland opens up door, finds to be Robert]
:Cleveland: Close enough.
:[Roberta, Robert, Jr., Rallo walk into the Skate Park, Dogs bark]
:Robert: Now, all the dogs are blindfolded, so it's a fair fight. But if they start wilding out, we're going to have to scram right quick.
:[Robert looks towards Jr.]
:Robert: Junior, they'll come after you first, 'cause of they'll smell your salty meat sweat. But you big, you can handle them.
:Junior: That genie was right, salty meat sweat was a bad wish.
:Donna: No Rallo!
:Cleveland: No Junior!
:Donna: No Roberta!
:Cleveland: No clean towels!
:Donna: They're in the dryer!
:Cleveland: Who's going to watch them now that Junior is gone?!