| - Fruit
- A floral food resource often used by Domestics Traders in foods. This Flora resource can be harvested by a floral farm.
- (These are the same uses as other types of food.)
- They are similar to some of the crystals which can also be found on the ground in some areas. Fruits can be found in Presto's Edge and Presto's Grove.
- Fruit can be picked up for points. Melons are worth 10 pts., bannanas 4 pts., etc., etc., Enemies drop fruit.
- Fruit is a Food type which is usually sweet. Like other food it is an edible item which will regenerate Hit Points and Mana Points for a specific number of seconds each. There are several NPCs to buy fruit from. Some specific uses to fruit are creating decorated cakes or making Fruit Juice, check table of fruits you may use for this here. List/Sorted
- Fruit is a category of goods containing the most commonly foraged commodities. At any uncolonized island, players can choose to forage for commodities and will usually be rewarded with one unit of any of ten types of fruit. These can be sold at marketed islands as a small reward to the players, but some types of fruit are also bought by stalls and shoppes. All fruit has a mass of 125 kg and a volume of 100 L.
- Les Fruits sont un certain type de nourriture nécessaire aux créatures pour survivre. Absent de Creatures 1 comme catégorie à part, mais introduit dans Terra Nornia. Les Fruits sont généralement produits par des plantes. Fruit Catégorie:GenreCatégorie:Nourriture
- Fruit is a food item that provides a moderate morale bonus. This item is called Apples in the original game and in With Fire & Sword. Fruit is very cheap and ideal for low level players. Apple trees can be found in a few villages.
- Fruit is a Stanfield Organization crew chief played by Brandon Fobbs.
- Perhaps the character is being tempted in some way. Fruits of labor. Fruits are often rewards, earned or stolen. - B
- The section of a fungus that produces spores is also called a fruiting body. In common language usage, fruit normally means the fleshy seed-associated structures of a plant that are sweet and edible in the raw state, such as apples, oranges, grapes, strawberries, and bananas. On the other hand, the botanical sense includes many structures that are not commonly called "fruits", such as bean pods, corn kernels, wheat grains, and tomatoes.
- Fruit, or frit disisum, is the little known virus that affects 3.4% of the human population, although it remains unknown.
- Fruit is some sort of mystic food that grows on trees. They say that fruit is very healthy, but this has been proven false. There are different sorts of fruit: Apple, Pear, Orange, Banana, Pineapple and so on. Fruit, unlike a Tennis Ball, is unable to bounce, however, Link once saw a banana fly, wich proves that fruit can fly or they are shot by Ganon.
- Fruit is a Season 2 episode of The Mr. Men Show.
- Fruit is a resource.
- Fruit is another episode of season 2.
- In broad terms, a fruit is a structure of a plant that contains its seeds. Fruits are often eaten at the Mess halls in both Stargate Command and on Atlantis. The people on Destiny have also gained some supplies of fruit. (SGU: "Faith") Lt. Colonel John Sheppard gave a fruit basket containing fruits from the various Pegasus trading partners to Colonel Samantha Carter when she arrived on Atlantis, which was in fact originally a gift from Dr. Rodney McKay. (SGA: "Reunion")
- Fruit refers to a variety of food found around RuneScape. Players can eat some fruits to regain hitpoints, or use them as ingredients in other food items with the Cooking skill. Members can grow some fruits with the Farming skill, often in a fruit tree patch. However, most berries are grown in a bush patch, and some fruits are grown in allotments.
- The Armada was an agricultural colony which produced crops of fruits that fed people throughout a sector. (TNG - The Space Between comic: "Space Seeds")
- These are still left in the game and can be retrieved, but they are majorly incomplete:
* Limes, lemons and coconuts are all worth 1 fruit.
* Mangos and strawberries are worth 2 fruit.
* Pineapples and grapes are worth 3 fruit.
* The Yin Yang Yuk item is incomplete, and instead just gives 1 fruit.
- Fruit, which is harvested from orchards, is a one charisma, one hunger point food whose effect is identical to vegetables.
- A fruit is a type of crop available on FarmVille. The fastest growing crops in FarmVille fall under this category. Fruit can bought from the market, in the fruit subsection under the seeds section.
- Fruit is a type of food in Club Penguin. The Adventure Party: Temple of Fruit party was heavily based on it. There is a temple made of it.
- Fruit is a trading item in Suikoden V. Like every tradable item, fruits can be bought at Trading Posts.
- Fruit is a new type of item. Bloons of the fruits color have a 1% chance to drop it, starting from round 25.
- The mode can be played in 2 to 5 players with the gamepad player acting as the thief who is trying to steal all the pieces of fruit around the stage. Meanwhile, the other players are watching the main screen which displays the entire stage and are trying to identify which character was the thief. The thief has to either take all the fruit or let time run out for the portion to end. While the thief is out on the stage, he can use the environment to his advantage. Hiding behind the bus or smoke or in a huge crowd can confuse the investigators. Once the main portion ends, the investigator each take the gamepad to guess who the thief was.
- Fruit refers to a variety of food found around RuneScape. Players can eat some fruits to regain life points, or use them as ingredients in other food items with the Cooking skill. Members can grow some fruits with the Farming skill, often in a fruit tree patch. However, most berries are grown in a bush patch, and some fruits are grown in allotments.
- Fruits are a type of food needed by creatures to survive. Not present in Creatures 1 as a separate category, but introduced in Terra Nornia. Fruits are generally produced by plants.
- Along with the debut of Yoshi in this game debuted round fruit which Yoshi could eat. They grew on bushes and were the equivalent of one coin. Pinker variants were worth more.
- Here are the Fruits of Webkinz World. You can find them at the WShop or grow some of them in a Garden.
* Apple
* Bananas
* Blueberries
* Cherries
* Coconuts
* Dragon Fruit
* Fruit Punch
* Fruit Salad
* Grapefruit
* Green Grapes
* Kiwi Fruit
* Orange
* Papaya
* Peach
* Pear
* Pineapple
* Pumpkin*
* Raisins
* Raspberries
* Strawberries*
* Strawberry Yogurt
* Tomato*
* Watermelon*
- In the past, Rei had saved a young girl from being run over by a car, and quickly became friends with her. Now, he has crossed paths with her again in the present day when the girl's mother was killed and possessed by a Horror.
- Fruit are food items found in Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout Tactics, Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas and in Fallout 4. Most fruits, such as apples, pears, and cacti fruits had survived the Great War unmutated, although there were exceptions, such as the mutfruit. __TOC__
- Any fruit.
* Common fruit are:
* Apples
* Bananas
* Oranges
* Peaches Source: Guide to Glorantha
- Fruit is a cheap source of food in Quest for Glory V: Dragon Fire that is sold by Marrak. It is available for 1 Drachma, and has a weight of 25q. Every hero starts with 5 units of it.
- Fruit give Kya special health benefits; they are sold at Amata's Shop and can always be purchased again.
- The fruit consists of an apple and some grapes. They look sweet, fresh, and juicy.
- right Les fruits poussent sur les arbres du village dans tous les jeux de la série Animal Crossing. Au début du jeu, le village ne compte qu'une seule sorte de fruits, considérée comme une variété commune par les villageois. Les commerçants locaux achètent les fruits communs 100 Clochettes, et les fruits non communs 500 Clochettes. Il n'y a que 5 types de fruits pouvant être communs : les pommes, les cerises, les oranges, les pêches et les poires. Les noix de coco ne sont pas considérées comme une variété commune, car elles n’apparaissent que sur la plage du village du joueur.
- In regards to appearance, the fruit is mostly pink with yellow accents. The fruit little birdie attempted to eat cannot be interacted with, except for one instance in which it can be examined. More can be seen hanging off of trees, if Samus looks at them in Search View. The object is only present in the room where Samus first encounters little birdie, but then is never seen again apart from in the background.
- 4 c. diced, peeled fruit or berries (half should be apple, up to 1 cup can be rhubarb) 1-4 tablespoons raw sugar or other natural sweetener juice of ½ lemon ¼ teaspoon cinnamon or 1 cinnamon stick (optional) 1-2 teaspoons quick-cooking tapioca, if using berries or juicy summer fruits
- Fruit (Anteriormente conocido como Fruit Computers) es una empresa fabricante de computadoras fundado en que aparece en Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories, Grand Theft Auto IV , Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars y Grand Theft Auto V. La compañía es una parodia de Apple. Su logo tiene una semejanza con los genitales. La empresa tiene acciones en el . Su slogan es:
* THINK Simple.
* THINK Minimalism.
* THINK Overpriced.
* You are not thinking hard enough. Maybe you are a To$$er. Traducido sería:
- As a food, fruit makes an excellent and healthy snack. It is also served as a side-dish, in or with drinks or desserts. As a decoration, images of fruit are parts of various patterns and logos. A bowl of fruit is sometimes set out for eating, but also as an attractive item. Bowls of fruit are a standard for still life art. Fruit is also found outside our homes. Fruit trees are popular and decorative, especially in the spring when in bloom. If you don't have room in the yard (or no yard), some fruit trees can be grown in containers indoors. Other fruit may be grown in the garden.
- In botany, a fruit is a part of a flowering plant that derives from specific tissues of the flower, one or more ovaries, and in some cases accessory tissues. Fruits are the means by which these plants disseminate seeds. Many of them that bear edible fruits, in particular, have propagated with the movements of humans and animals in a symbiotic relationship as a means for seed dispersal and nutrition, respectively; in fact, humans and many animals have become dependent on fruits as a source of food. Fruits account for a substantial fraction of the world's agricultural output, and some (such as the apple and the pomegranate) have acquired extensive cultural and symbolic meanings.
- miniatur|Das Fruit-Logo, 2013 miniatur|Das Fruit-Logo, 1982 Fruit (dt. Frucht, passend zum Logo) ist ein Elektroartikelhersteller aus Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories, Grand Theft Auto IV, Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars und Grand Theft Auto V, der 1975 gegründet wurde und an der BAWSAQ notiert ist. Fruit ist eine Parodie auf Apple. Während die Gestaltung des Logos dem von Apple gleicht, erinnern die vier bunten Farben an das alte Windows-Logo. In Chinatown Wars stellt das Unternehmen Huang Lees Laptop her. Fruit arbeitet mit ThriftEx zusammen.
- Slang words in general and gay slang are not always possible to trace as they often cross-pollinate in various subcultures and thus overlap and like most languages change with time with new words being introduced and others dropped altogether.
- In April 2151, the transporter aboard Enterprise NX-01 had been cleared for bio-transport, which Malcolm Reed took as meaning fruits and vegetables, but Travis Mayweather informed him it was cleared for beaming Humans. (ENT: "Broken Bow") In 2364, Groppler Zorn offered Commander William T. Riker something from a bowl of Earth fruits. Riker asked for an apple, but there was none available. The Farpoint Station entity then created a second bowl filled with red apples. (TNG: "Encounter at Farpoint" ) One of the Bandi merchants at Farpoint Station sold fruits. (TNG: "Encounter at Farpoint" )
- right|80px Fruit – firma zajmująca się elektroniką, wspomniany w Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories, Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories i Grand Theft Auto IV, oraz występujący w Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars i Grand Theft Auto V. Firma ta powstała w 1975 roku. Ma w swojej ofercie telefony, komputery stacjonarne, laptopy itp., firma jest także notowana na giełdzie BAWSAQ. Posiada również własny magazyn w Port Tudor oraz własną stronę internetową – Fruitcomputers.com. Firma jest wzorowana na korporacji Apple Inc..
- Fruit are common items that grow from fruit trees and palm trees in all Animal Crossing series titles. They can be eaten in most games and are sometimes requested by villagers. Each town starts with one of five types of fruit as its native fruit: Apples, Oranges, Cherries, Pears, and Peaches. There is a 20% chance for the town to have any given native fruit. Native fruits sell for 100 bells, but other fruits sell for 500, with the exception of Island fruits being 250 bells.
- There are 5 basic Fruit food items in-game, each with a cooked version. (1 additional Fruit in Reign of GiantsFile:Reign of Giants icon.png and 2 additional Fruit in Shipwrecked.File:Shipwrecked icon.png) Berries and Cave Bananas can be found naturally in the world, however the rest of the Fruits have to be Farmed by planting Seeds. (Coconuts File:Shipwrecked icon.png are obtained by chopping down fully mature Palm Trees and Coffee Beans File:Shipwrecked icon.png are harvested from Coffee Plants.)