Eva Zeisel (born Eva Amalia Stricker, November 13, 1906) is a Hungarian industrial designer known for her work with ceramics, primarily from the period after she immigrated to the United States. Her forms are often abstractions of the natural world and human relationships. Work from throughout her prodigious career is included in important museum collections across the world. Zeisel declares herself a "maker of useful things.". Zeisel currently resides in New York where she continues to design furniture as well as glass and ceramic objects.
Eva Zeisel (born Eva Amalia Stricker, November 13, 1906) is a Hungarian industrial designer known for her work with ceramics, primarily from the period after she immigrated to the United States. Her forms are often abstractions of the natural world and human relationships. Work from throughout her prodigious career is included in important museum collections across the world. Zeisel declares herself a "maker of useful things.". Zeisel currently resides in New York where she continues to design furniture as well as glass and ceramic objects.