| - Trata sobre la mitología de los Yökai, criaturas humanoides con poderes, la mayor parte de las cuales son capaces de cambiar de forma y entre las que se incluyen tanto Yökais buenos, que tratan de ayudar a los humanos, como malos, que quieren dañarlos e invadir el mundo humano.Kitaro es un joven Yökai, último superviviente de la tribu de los Fantasmas, del tipo "bueno" que ayuda y salva a los humanos de las garras de los yökai "malos" con la ayuda de sus compañeros. Como todo Yökai, Kitaro tiene poderes, entre los que se incluyen transformar su pelo en peligrosas espinas y lanzarlas usándolas como armas, transformar sus manos en pistolas y sus dedos en balas, o fundir cualquier objeto gracias a sus ácidos estomacales.
- Gegege no Kitaro (ゲゲゲの鬼太郎 Gegege no Kitaro) is a 2007 Japanese film based on a Shigeru Mizuki manga series and directed by Katsuhide Motoki.
- GeGeGe no Kitaro(ゲゲゲの鬼太郎GeGeGe no Kitarō) is a manga series created in 1959 by manga artist Shigeru Mizuki. It is best known for its popularization of the folklore creatures known as yōkai, a class of spirit-monster to which all of the main characters belong. It has been adapted for the screen several times, as anime, live-action, and video games. A new anime series has been made every decade since 1968.
- GeGeGe no Kitarō (ゲゲゲの鬼太郎) is a manga series created in 1959 by manga artist Shigeru Mizuki. It is best known for its popularization of the folklore creatures known as yōkai, a class of spirit-monster to which all of the main characters belong. It has been adapted for the screen several times, as anime, live action and video games. A new anime series has been made every decade since 1968.
- GeGeGe no Kitarō is a well-known (in Japan) manga and anime that is largely credited for bringing back knowledge of traditional yōkai and folktales to modern generations. Written by Shigeru Mizuki, it was originally known as Hakaba Kitaro (Kitaro of the Graveyard). The story focuses on the adventures of yōkai boy Kitaro, who fights for peace between the yōkai and humans using a variety of strange abilities and tools. "Ge ge ge no ge" is a sound effect meant to represent ghostly laughter.