Suggest that all the residents of [Your Holding] be examined for symptoms.
"I've fed [him/her] cabbage seed and fig tree ash to induce vomiting," Maester Lucas explains, "and sage tea with mulberry leaves to cleanse the blood."
Ask what cures Maester Lucas has tried.
Wonder if Maester Lucas still thinks the [lord/lady] was poisoned, or if it's an illness.
Try slapping and shaking the body.
Maester Lucas and Rona examine the [lord/lady]'s body. "There's no medical reason [he/she] won't wake. [He/She] is breathing and can even swallow broth."
Offer to care for the [lord/lady] and give him a break.
Ask whether the [lord/lady] will ever make a recovery.
Maester Lucas shrugs hopelessly. "It's hard to say. [He/She] has been unconscious for a week. I've never heard of someone coming back from that."
"A poison, I'd expect to have killed by now, if [he/she] didn't recover. Some strange illness perhaps?" He shakes his head. "I just can't say."