| - Ornitholestes is a special enemy in Final Fantasy X, created in the Species Conquest of the Monster Arena when three of each Reptile species fiends have been captured, with the exception of the Cave Iguion, which is only encountered when capturing fiends is not possible.
- Ornitholestes was a species of theropod dinosaur that lived during the Jurassic period.
- Ornitholestes is roughly 2 meters (6.5 ft) in length.[4] The head of Ornitholestes is relatively small.[5] Nonetheless, the skull is more robust than that of many other small theropods, such as Compsognathus and Coelophysis, and this enables Ornitholestes to deliver a powerful bite.[6]
- |} Ornitholestes est une créature du centre d'entrainement de Mi'ihen dans Final Fantasy X. Il apparait après que trois exemplaires des ennemis suivants aient été capturés : Dinonyx (forêt de Kilika), Ipiria (route de Mi'ihen), Raptour (route des Mycorocs), Mélusine (plaine foudroyée), Yowie (grotte du Priant volé) et Zaurus (ruines d'Oméga).
- Ornitholestes is a genus of theropod dinosaur which lived during the late Jurassic period in what is now North America (150-139 MYA).
- Ornitholestes was a small coelurosaurian predator that lived in Norht America in the late Jurassic Period.
- A crew from the American Museum of Natural History found the first remains of Ornitholestes (or "bird robber") at Bone Cabin Quarry near Medicine Bow, Wyoming, in 1900. It is consisted of a skull and partial skeleton. This is the same quarry where workers found Apatosaurus, now mounted in the American Museum of Natural History. Height. 3 feet Length. 7 feet
- Ornitholestes was a bipedal carnivore.[2] Its head was proportionally smaller than that of most other predatory dinosaurs, but the skull was heavily built, with a short snout and robust lower jaw.[3] The orbits (eye sockets) were quite large, measuring over 25 percent of the skull's length.[4] There is no indication of a bony eye ring.[5] Paul (1988) and Foster (2007) both estimated that Ornitholestes weighed 12.6 kg (27.8 lb).[35] John A. Long and Peter Schouten (2008) suggested a slightly higher figure, 15 kg (33 lb).