| - More to come.
- Mick is a minor character in Professor Layton and the Last Specter.
- Mick was one of Thin Kinkle's underlings. He went to help Bradley dispose of the body of James James, but both were killed by Gilly.
- When Roger suffers a heart attack in "Roger Passes the Bar", he decides to sell it to an investor named Toby who cleans it up into only a simulation of a dive bar for a more friendly appearance, and kicks the undesirables like Mick out. Roger tries to buy back his bar, but is instead talked into becoming the spokesman for the new chain, "Roger's Spot". Speaking at a seminar at The Hotel Ritchey, Roger bumps into Mick who has finally become clean and sober and is there for an AA meeting. As he speaks, Roger realizes that his heart isn't in the new venture when he tries to introduce Mick and instead sabotages the chain, succeeding in regaining control of his bar.
- Mick is the star of the Mick series, & mascot of GamerX Inc.
- Mick ist ein Charakter in Professor Layton und der Ruf des Phantoms. Er wohnt in London.
- The Mick was an underling of Enrico Balazar. The only time he is mentioned is in reference to Balazar's card houses. Mick was killed by Balazar for knocking one of them over in a fit of rage over being the only one handling a drug shipment.
- Mick Appeared in the second episode of Gilmore girls, played by Sean Gunn- the same actor who plays Kirk.
- Mick was a henchman of Tony Zucco.
- Mick was a Battle School Student. He was first introduced in Ender's Game.
- Born on August 3rd,1965 to an irish mother and father,Mick was the oldest of 4 ,when he was 5 his mother often abused him and threatened ot cut his heart out while his father sodomized him this tore apart at his mental state causing him to snap,In 1979 at the age of 14 he murdered his whole family.He was sent to jail for life but Eli Spencer broke him out he joins umbrella corp 2 years later in 1981.27 years later he helps Eli elimnate old enemies
- Mick (Aragaki Kojirou in the Japanese version) is a character from the MegaMan Battle Network series. He appears in MegaMan Battle Network 6 and Rockman EXE Beast. He has a NormalNavi in the games and none in the anime.
- Mick is a character appearing in Pokémon: BW Rival Destinies.
- Mick was a pilot who had engine troubles with his plane with his companion. Tintin, who was walking with his dog Snowy, took a closer look but at the orders of Mick, his accomplice shot Tintin who was brought to a hospital.
- Mick is a lifeguard instructor of Zac Blakely and Cam Mitchell.
- Es uno de Los Sietes entrenadores Siniestros en Pokemon Aventura Avanzada
- The Smilodon Dopant also known by his true identity Mick is the pet of the Sonozaki Family, namely Ryubee Sonozaki. Unlike the other members of the family, Mick is more of a neutral character and only acts on Ryubee's orders, and goes into the ownership of the Narumi Detective Agency after Ryubee's death.
- 350px|rightMick (richtiger Name: Michael Roggers) ist ein Underground Fahrer aus Carbon Qwn the City. Zusammen mit Sara und Micks Bruder (Der Spieler selber) waren die drei die Leitung des Teams Lucky Seven. Bei einem Rennen kam Mick ums leben und selber landete in einem Koma. Bei der Entlassung aus dem Krankenhaus stellt sich heraus das der Unfall geplant wurden war. Um so das Team Lucky Sevens aufzulösen. Kategorie:Personen Kategorie:Person aus Carbon: Own the City
- Mick_ is currently an NNGO member. He resides in Port Láirge, Ireland and he is a Level 2 Baker. In August 1456, Mick (along with other NNGO members) revolted in Imleach, Ireland and gained control of the town until the counter-revolt. This was followed by the 4th of September, 1456 when Mick revolted in Lios Mór, Ireland and gained control of the town for a single day, before the counter-revolt led by Galdun.
- Mick is labeled The Delinquient in Total Drama Borneo
- Mick, known as Aragaki Kojirou (新垣 コジロー Aragaki Kojirou?) in the Japan, is a character from the Mega Man Battle Network series. He appears in Mega Man Battle Network 6 and Rockman.EXE Beast. He has a NormalNavi in the games and none in the anime.
- Deze droid werkte in de laatste jaren van de Galactic Republic vaak samen met de CLE-004 Window Cleaning Droid Buffy om de gebroken ramen in de hoofdstad te repareren en reinigen. Zo was het deze droid die het nieuwe slaapkamerraam van Senator Padmé Amidala installeerde in 22 BBY, toen Obi-Wan Kenobi na de mislukte aanslag met Kouhuns door Zam Wesell door het raam was gesprongen.
- Mick was an employee of heroin dealer Aron "Basher" Bashir, based in West Ealing, London. During Day 9, Derrick Yates holed up at Basher's council estate while he worked on a hardware component, leading Mick to ask Basher how long he and his girlfriend would be staying. Basher brushed him off and told him not to worry about it.
- Mick is a character featured in RAGE. He is a resident of Wellspring and the owner of Mick's Garage. During the quest "Renting a Garage" Mick offers to rent out part of his garage to the protagonist, as long as he goes to Mick for all his vehicle needs. He mentions he was a former racer when the protagonist does some races and tells that the protagonist is a fine driver. After the mission "Subway Town" is completed, if Raine travels back to the Northern Wasteland, Mick will still offer tow services for $150 for each tow.
- Mick Mekkapik ist in etwa 92cm groß, hat violette leicht verkniffene Augen und ist im angenehmen Alter von 130 Jahren. Sein Kopf ist kahlgeschoren und gezeichnet von einigen mehr und weniger gut verheilten Wunden. Seinen leicht verfilzten Bart trägt er auf aristokratischer Weise getrimmt.