| - Traianvs, unlike his 4 predecessors, was a super military guy. He also continued repairing Domitian’s damaging rule. Until 50 years ago, Britannia’s native kingdoms had obligingly paid more tribute to Rome than could be reasonably extracted through taxation had Britannia been under Rome’s control. Since then more independent Briton kingdoms had formed and proved un-abiding to Roman interests. Starting in 854(101), Traian and 5 Legions would conquer much of the island by 886(133). The lands of the Picts were still in retreat by the time Traian left the Legions in Britannia to face Dacia in 859(106) until 862(109). The Dacian king Decebalus escaped however and caused unrest in northern Pannonia. Traianvs veered his armies north, crushing all Celtic and Germanic tribes. In his pursuit of the king Traianvs added Germania Ulterior province in the process as well as organising the tribes of the Cimbrian peninsula into the protectorate of Tribus Saxones. Finally Decebalus and his armies were destroyed in 865(112) near modern day Traiania on the Viadua(Oder) and Traianvs moved his operations to the east where he fought the Parthians and Armenians. The Armenians were conquered, the Parthians routed, although Traianvs stopped before the Parthian capital, Ctesiphon. These triumphant victories brought great morale to all in the Empire, making them look forward to future expansion and heroism. In 870(117) the Bosporvs kingdom and the western Cavcvs became Roman Protectorate states. Later that year Traianvs died at the age of 64. Hadrianvs: Originally considering the Mesopotamian holdings too vulnerable, the still reeling Parthians as well as Rome’s continuing unchallengeable might over the air and the incredible speed of rail troop deployment made Asia Minor unshakably under Roman control (at least for a while). Hadrianvs had little worry left in the East but Germanic and Pict tribes were always causing trouble and were continuously put down, each time the rebels came back slightly weaker. In 873(120) it was found that rich iron deposits existed in Scandia, this would not have been found had the most southern portion of the Scandian regions not stayed in Roman hands. Hadrian had no personal intention of invading Scandia what with Britannia still being conquered but he considered such a campaign must come to pass. The mineral deposits would do well along with Dacia's mines to fund the empire's infrastructure. Until Hadrianvs' death in 891(138) he had laid out a perfect plan of invasion. Spies had located and continued to follow all important Scandian kings, important towns and ports were mapped, and Roman installations in Tribus Saxones were augmented with more ships, planes, and vaposcvrr lines. Scandia would fall in 6 months from the time the campaign was enacted, if it ever were. Hadrianvs had spent much of his reign travelling amongst the provinces but died before visiting them all unfortunately, otherwise his death was uneventful. Image:Empire 891(138).png