| - The following is a full transcript of the video "episode_12.avi". The video is shot using a handheld mini-DVD camcorder of Taiwanese/ Chinese make, format standard three-inch mini DVD-R. Obtained courtesy Mr. A. Original intention seems to be personal use/ limited distribution. Portions of video seem to be shot using nightvision. Total length of video is listed as twenty-four minutes though there are frequent cuts and scenes of total darkness. All names are edited to protect privacy. Participants are Ah., Al., Ba. and Cy. students from the location of the shooting [No. 32 High School]. Cy., the only female in the group, handles the camera though camera is passed to Ah.. Ah. and Al. are carrying seventy-five-watt LED floodlamps while Ba. carries several breaklights. Cy. wears a LED headlamp in addition to camera light. Location of video is indoor emergency platform stairway of No. 32 High School, third floor. Entrance is located in auditorium, third floor exit is located outside, ground floor. Cy.: We really going to do this? Ah.: Come on. Too late to chicken out now. Your guy's here anyway. Ba.: First one to ground floor gets double fries. (Ba. snaps a breaklight) Lets do this. Al.: What's in there anyway? Ah.: Ah, newbie. Nothing. You just need to do this, OK? You're point. Al.: C'mon guys, that's unfair. Ah.: You've got the biggest flashlight. Ba.: Actually, we don't know what's in there. Remember to edit out this BS before we get this to the others. (Ba. turns to camera, addresses to audience) Welcome to the twelfth episode of 'Ghosts of 32 High School' brought to you courtesy of the Camera Club, G-hunting division. We have our standard team here (Camera pans to the rest of the team, everybody waves) and guest star Cy.(Camera flips to show Cy.'s face. She waves) as cameraman. Cy.: -woman. Ba.: In this episode we will be investigating the infamous stairwell. (Camera snaps to entrance to emergency stairway) Everybody knows the rumors, so lets cut right to the action. Remember guys, piracy is a crime. You should get only the originals. Ah.: Flashlights on. Nightvision on. (The door budges and opens a quarter of the way. There is a sound of air rushing and the camera focuses on the darkness inside. Stairway is not lighted at all) [notes : There are lightbulbs and switches and cabling, but light won't switch on] Ba.: It's stuck. Ah.: Friggin' door. Ba.: Something's behind it. It hit something. Ah.: Woohoo, it's happening already folks. Jot this down, newbie. Ba.: C'mon. Lets get in, one by one. Ah.: You hear that? Ba.: I swear I hit something. Like a leg or whatnot. Ah.: Shh. You hear it Cy.? Cy.: No. What am I supposed to be hearing? Ah.: A sort of knocking, scratching. Ba.: I swear- Ah.: Shut the fuck up! (Ba. turns to Ah., shocked) It's a rapping kind of sound. Ba.: Yeah, I hear it. So what, must be mice or something. Let's go down. Not even the first landing and somebody chickens out. Ba.: Lets go then Ah.: For the folks who've been underground, this stairway here (Pause) was built several months ago. Seems the admins crapped it out real bad. I mean, no lights. Just lightbulbs. (Camera is passed to Ah., who turn it upwards) And they won't switch on. It's pitch-black in here. Ah.: Nice touch there. You can see S. Road from here. Ba.: Yeah. (Ba. shines the floodlamp outside, illuminating a car on the street) Ah.: This stairway used to be the prop cupboard. Yeah, stereotype right? I mean, ghost of the mannequin torso and stuff. (Laughs) Anyway, there's supposed to be- Al.: Fuck. I saw something. Ah.: And newbie freaks out. Al.: Really. There was a light down there. Just a blip. Al.: OK. I'm getting out of point position. Ah.: Newbie, stay there. Ah.: Supposed to be blood coming out of the walls and stuff. Ba.: And the flying shoe. Ah.: Hear that Al.? If you see any flying footwear- Al.: God, can't see anything in here. Ah.: You're doing it wrong newbie. You're supposed to switch on the flashlight. Al.: Ba.'s got the flashlight. Ba.: Yeah. Ba.: Cy., you got my breaklights? Cy.: No. You were holding them, remember? Ba.: You got 'em Al.? Al.: No. How did you get my flashlight anyway? I was holding it just before we went inside. Ba.: I was holding it. You must've left my breaklights upstairs. Al.: No, I- Ah.: OK. So fuck-up. Normal. Let's continue people. Ba.: Editing this's gonna suck. Ah.: Anyway, the other supposed haunting is a guy dubbed 'The Hangman' cause he's supposed to float around with a noose around his neck. Supposed to be the ghost of a worker who killed himself here. Al.: I also heard something about the lightbulb. Ah.: Good call newbie. The 32nd lightbulb is supposed to be the only lit lightbulb. Ba.: Standard stuff. But the main legend is- Cy.: What was that? (Nightvision is off, camera pointed to Al. and Cy.. No clanging sounds) [notes : Why? Conserve battery?] Al.: Guys I saw something. Cy.: I-I think I saw something too. Ah.: OK. Ba., can you flashlight this? Ah.: Not there. A bit further up. Ba.: I'm pointing it straight. Ah.: Why can't I see anything then? Cy., you see something? Ah.: Fucking cheap-ass. Ba.: Batteries nearly dead. Better save it. Ba.: Can't see a thing. Ba.: Al., let me borrow yours. Al.: Mine is that one. Ba.: Ah., you got the other light? Ah.: Nah. I gave it to newbie there. Switch it on. Al.: You didn't. Mine got borrowed by Ba.. Ah.: Cy.? Cy.: Not on me. I thought you handed it to Ba.. Ah.: There were two lights right? Own up newbie. You dropped them somewhere. Al.: No I didn't. You must've forgot them upstairs or something. Ah.: Noob. You pay replacement. Al.: Guys, come on. I didn't even touch a flashlight. Ba.: Lets just go on downwards. Al.: Light ahead. Cy.: Yep. I see it. Ba.: Lightbulb. The 32nd you think? Ah.: So viewers, one myth confirmed. There is, in fact, a lighted lightbulb down here. Al.: It's on a landing, I think. Ba.: Must be the way out. Typical, they only decorate the way in and out. Ah.: And that's the end of our journey folks. Fourth landing. Ah.: Some fuck-ups and a light down here. No ghosts. Ba.: That's all folks! Al.: Just in time, huh? Cy.: Yeah, my lights ran out too. Ba.: What. The. Fuck. Al.: Shit. Shit. Cy.: What's wrong? Al.: It's a fucking room. Just brick walls and shit. Cy.: Guys? The stairs still go down. Ah.: Fuck the admins. Were they trying to kill us or something? Cy.: I'm scared. Shit no, I'm terrified. Ba.: Don't worry Cy., the real exit's probably just one landing down. Ba.: Fuck! Cy.: Ohgodohgodohgod Ah.: Shh. Let's just go back up. Al.: OK. Ba.: Cy., don't cry. Cy.: That wasn't me. Al.: I'm not waiting to find out. Ah.: Al.! Al.! Fuck you! Al.: Fuck! It was behind us! Fuckfuckfuck Ba.: Al., what was that? Al.: Fuck don't know. Fuck. Ah.: Something. Cy.: Oh god. I saw its face. Ah.: Like what? Cy.: A mask I think. One of those creepy mannequin plastic thingies with no mouth and no nose. Cy.: Oh god. It had four eyes. Ba.: Shit. Not now. Cy.: The sockets were glowing. But there were these two round things under it. Al.: I saw the black ones. The face was glowing. Ah.: Cy., you take the camera. You're point. Ba.: Fuck it caught up! (After approx. two additional landings Cy. trips and presumably falls unconscious. The camera hits the stairs, facedown) [notes: How far does this stairwell go?] [notes: Postscript. Whatever was chasing those people is still in there. The mini-DVD was found in the auditorium in bad shape, along with two seventy-five-watt floodlamps and sticks of breaklights. Also found was a bloodied headlamp. None of the people made it out, all are missing presumed dead. Parents have not been notified] Credited to Slamet