| - On the Viewing Globe, we see a violent storm clouds roll in and lightning strikes about, but no rain in sight. It then showed some dried up lakes oceans and pools as well as plants all shriveled up. A reporter then appeared on the Viewing Globe covering this whole thing. "Scientists are baffled by the extraordinary water shortage that the world is facing. Weathermen around the world have joined forces to investigate the massive cloud coverage that is apparently sapping and collecting the world's water supply." The reporter reported through the Viewing Globe "Ayi, yi, yi, yi, yi! This is terrible. The whole planet is in danger." Alpha cried out "There's got to be a way to release the water from that cloud bank." Billy stated "We've got to come up with something fast. The Aquitian Rangers can't last much longer." Curtis stated "Alpha, you, C-3PO, R2, Frank, Paul, Luke, and Billy must devise a mechanism that will reverse the cloud's polarity and cause it to return the water." Zordon instructed "Right, Zordon." 3PO stated "Is there anything we can do?" Young Kimberly inquired "Just hope for rain." I told her After having absorb all of the water on Earth, Hydro Hog now has set his sights on the city of Angel Grove. "Now that I have taken all of the Earth's water supply it is time to destroy this planet starting with this lovely city. Hahaha." Hydro Hog mentioned laughing evilly "Not so fast, you water sucking vermin." A voice called out "Who said that?" Hydro Hog questioned Hydro Hog turned around to see that it was Dex. "And what can you do to stop me punk?" Hydro Hog questioned "I call upon the powers of Light and Truth to become Masked Rider. ECTO PHASE ACTIVATE!" Dex yelled out crossing his arms together before bringing them back down to his side Suddenly, Dex transformed into the Masked Rider. "And who are you suppose to be bug boy?" Hydro Hog questioned "I am known as the Masked Rider, defender of all that is good and true." Dex told him getting into a fighting stance "Just you alone won't be enough to defeat the all powerful Hydro Hog." Hydro Hog told him Suddenly, Ninjor comes flying in on his cloud. "No one in the fight against evil will never be alone." Ninjor stated Ninjor then jumped off his cloud landing next to Dex. "It's been a while Hydro Hog." Ninjor told him "Ninjor, one of the keepers of Ninja powers. I thought you be stuck in a bottle somewhere?" Hydro Hog inquired "That just shows to what you know hydro breath, it's time that you return the Earth's water supply to their proper places at once." Ninjor told him "You and your bug friend over there will have to defeat me first before I even think about putting all the water back." Hydro Hog challenged "Then challenge accepted Hydro Hog." Dex told him Dex and Ninjor then begin fighting Hydro Hog. Dad, Luke, Billy, Alpha, 3PO, R2, and I are busy working on a laser beam type device that will hopefully release some of the water in those storm clouds to rehydrate the Aquitians. We then see Zack, Curtis, Justin, Kira, Stevie, Preston, Tommy and Jason walk in each carrying a gallon jug of water. "We found some water." Justin told us "That's the first good news we've had all day." Alpha mentioned "You were right, Alpha. It was in the Command Center's earthquake readiness kit." Young Jason stated "You guys should get that to Delphine and the other Aquitian Rangers, right away." Billy told them "I've sent the other Rangers out in search of more water. I'll tell them to join you." Alpha told them Suddenly, the alarms started going off. "What's going on Zordon?" I questioned "It appears that Hydro Hog is currently in Downtown Angel Grove and is currently battling Dex and Ninjor." Zordon told us We all then turn towards the Viewing Globe and see that Dex and Ninjor are indeed fighting Hydro Hog. "Man, they really could use our help." Curtis mentioned "I agree Curtis, you, Zack, Preston, Paul, Luke, and Billy must go and assists them while Frank stays here and finishes on working on the deivce with C-3P, Alpha, and R2." Zordon instructed "Right Zordon." Luke stated "Don't worry guys, as soon as we get some rain fallen, I will join you." Dad assured "Right dad, see you out there." I told him "And I shall inform the other remaining Earth Rangers to meet you in the city." 3PO stated "Thanks, 3PO." Luke thanked Zack, Curtis, and Preston then handed their jugs over to Justin, Kira, Stevie, Tommy and Jason. "Let's get rollin guys." Zack stated "IT'S MORPHIN TIME!" I yelled out "GREEN BULL RANGER POWER!" Curtis yelled out before a Green Bull helmet appeared "RUBY RED PANTHER RANGER POWER!" Billy yelled out before a Ruby Red Panther helmet appeared "SILVER HAMMERHEAD SHARK RANGER POWER!" Luke yelled out before a Silver Hammerhead Shark helmet appeared "CRIMSON RED LION RANGER POWER!" Preston yelled out before a Crimson Red Lion helmet appeared "GOLD COUGAR RANGER POWER!" I yelled out before a Gold Cougar helmet appeared "BLUE WOLF RANGER POWER!" Zack yelled out before a Blue Wolf helmet appeared Once Morphed, we teleported out of the Command Center. "Justin, Kira, Stevie, Tommy, and Jason. You five must hurry and get those water to the Aquitians. Time is critical." Zordon told them "Right Zordon, we're on it." Kira told him "Teleporting them now Zordon." Alpha stated pushing a few buttons "We're out of here." Young Jason stated They are then teleported out of the Command Center as well. "So what do you think, Alpha? Is this Hyper-Ionization beam gonna work?" Frank inquired "I am relatively sure it will work, Frank. But, just how effective it will be, I'm afraid I cannot say." Alpha told him "Well, it's just got to relieve enough water from that cloud to get the Aquitian Rangers back on their feet." Frank told him "Right." Alpha agreed "Beep, beep, beep." R2 beeped "Oh I agree R2, let's hope we are not to late." 3PO mentioned The Aquitians continue to struggle trying to get energy back into their bodies. Suddenly, they see Justin, Kira, Stevie, Tommy, and Jason teleport down into the empty pool. They then rush over and they go and give the Aquitians each a gallon of water and hold it while they drink it. "Here, drink this." Young Tommy told Delphine "Thank you." Delphine muttered in between gulps Jason does the same for both Cestro and Cestrea, Justin helps out Aurico, Stevie helps out Tideus, and Kira helps out Corcus. "We're going to figure this whole thing out, Delphine. Just hang on." Young Tommy assured Rita peers through her Repulsascope seeing everything that is happening down there. "Ah yes." Rita muttered She then turns towards Lord Zedd. "HA! That Hydro Hog has really done the job. There's no way the little Power Brats could revive those Alien Rangers with a few drops of water. Hahaha!" Rita told him laughing evilly "Yes, my putrid pet. Soon, the Command Center shall cease to exist, and then the Zeo Crystal shall be..." Lord Zedd started to say But Rita cuts in. "Ours. Hahaha!" Rita finished laughing some more "Ah, yes. Ours." Lord Zedd repeated Dex and Ninjor continue to fight off Hydro Hog. Dex and Ninjor manage to regroup next to on another. "Hydro Hog is much stronger then I had originally thought." Ninjor stated "We have to hang in there my friend, I am sure that Paul and the other Rangers will be here soon." Dex told him Suddenly, blasts fired hitting Hydro Hog straight on making him stagger back a bit. Dex and Ninjor then turn towards where the blasts came from to see that it was Paul, Luke, Preston, Billy, Zack, Curtis, Richie, TJ, Cassie, Ashley, and Carlos Morphed. They then rush over to them. "You two ok?" Richie inquired "We are now my friends, thanks." Dex thanked "No worries man, just glad we got here when we did." I told him "Oh most of the remaining Earth Rangers have showed up to the party. Ready for round two?" Hydro Hog questioned "You won't win this round you hydro freak not while we are still breathing." Preston told him "That's right." Carlos agreed "Then come and get me you do-gooders." Hydro Hog challenged "Let's do it everyone." I told the others "Right." The others agreed We all then charged in and started fighting Hydro Hog. Aisha had slowed her pace a bit as the sun is not barely above ground with the starts slowly appearing in the sky. "I wish I had some kind of sign as to where the village is." Young Aisha mentioned Aisha looks up towards the sky and then suddenly sees a group of stars light up with lines going through them forming a shape. 'Is that the Ursa Major constellation?' Young Aisha thought to herself Suddenly, the lines that had formed the star lined bear turns yellow before shooting off towards the right. Aisha follows where it goes towards to find what appears to be a campfire going. "That has to be the village." Young Aisha muttered Aisha then rush off towards that direction. A few minutes later, She had enter the village and sees an older woman sitting next to a camp fire and heads over towards her. "You look lost young one, can I help you?" The woman inquired "I'm sorry to bother you miss, but I am looking for the elder of this village. I was told she knows almost anything and everything around this area." Young Aisha told her "You have found her young one, my name is Ashalla." Ashalla greeted Aisha looked at her in shock. "You're the village elder?" Young Aisha inquired "Yes, now please set down and tell me why you have come looking for me." Ashalla told her offering her a seat next to her Aisha then sat down next to her and was offered a blanket and Aisha gladly takes it and raps it around her to keep warm. "Now tell me young one, what is that brings you to me?" Ashalla wondered "Well, I was sent on an important quest to find a crystal." Young Aisha told her "A crystal?" Ashalla inquired "Yes, I need the crystal to help my close and dearest friends and family back home to fix a mistake that was made by some evil people who seeks nothing but total destruction." Young Aisha explained "And this crystal is not something you seek out for personal gain?" Ashalla questioned "That's right, this is something that is bigger then whatever problems I may currently be dealing with." Young Aisha told her "I have often called on the power of my personal talisman when I am unsure or if someone close to me needs help. I give it to you now to help you help your love ones." Ashalla told her She then opens up a small chest near her feet, revealing an eerie green glow from within, Aisha gasps and slowly reaches into the chest, picking up the glowing object. It's the final Zeo Subcrystal, which changes its illuminating color to Orange upon contact with Aisha and then Orange energy flows through her arms and upperchest as she holds it. The glowing stops as Aisha admires the crystal "This is what I was sent here to find." Young Aisha mentioned "I am glad you were able to locate what you were looking for." Ashalla told her "Thanks Ashalla, you don't know how much this means for me and all my friends and family back home." Young Aisha thanked "You are welcome child, now I suggest that you stay the night here as it is not safe to travel through the desert at night. It be best to wait til sunrise." Ashalla told her "Thank you kindly Ashalla." Young Aisha thanked Adam, Rocky, Trini, Tanya, Kimberly, and Kat come running in with more water using a wagon to hall all of them towards the edge of the pool. "We managed to find a few more bottles of water." Young Kimberly called out "Way to go, guys." Young Jason told them Jason, Justin, Kira, Stevie, and Tommy quickly go towards the pools edge and they each recive a full gallon jug of water. "We just have to do everything we can to keep them hydrated." Justin mentioned They then rush over towards the Aquitians and give them more water. Kimberly takes one and gives it to Aurico. "They're not doing so well, are they?" Young Kimberly inquired Tommy slowly shakes his head and sighs. Frank installs a small green liquid tube into the laser device. "Done." Frank announced "Alpha, bring up the cumulous cloud on the Viewing Globe and aim the Hyper-Ionization beam directly into it." Zordon instructed "Right away, Zordon. Ayi, yi, yi! I hope this works." Alpha cried out as he pushed a few buttons bringing the clouds up in the Viewing Globe "Frank, the Aquitian Rangers' vital signs are beginning to weaken. Proceed at once." Zordon told him Frank nods and does so, turning the laser device towards the Viewing Globe. "Right, Zordon. Alpha, 3PO, R2, Cross your digits. Here goes." Frank tells them He fires the orange beam into the Globe, causing it to seemingly ride along the transmission signal and fire off into the massive mass of clouds. The violent thunderstorm raging within the forced evaporation structure gets broken into by the ion-ray, Frank holds tight onto the control grips of the laser gun. "That's it, Billy. You've got it. Steady now, steady." Alpha told him Suddenly, they begin to see raindrops fall from the clouds. "Yes it worked, Master Frank good work." 3PO told him "Thanks 3PO." Frank thanked "Frank, you best Morph and join your son and his friends in the city and help them with Hydro Hog. I am sure that the Aquitian Rangers will join you all just soon as they rehydrated enough." Zordon told him "Right Zordon, I guess its time for one more round up." Frank mentioned "Good luck old friend and may the power protect you." Zordon told him "IT'S MORPHIN TIME!" Frank yelled out "GORILLAZORD!" Frank yelled out Luke and I jump in the air preparing to kick Hydro Hog to the ground but he manages to block our kicks and we twirl around in the air and recover enough to land on our feet. "Man, this hydro freak sure is strong." Luke mentioned "No kidding." I agreed "Face it Rangers, you won't be able to defeat the might Hydro Hog." Hydro Hog told us Suddenly, we then see my dad now Morphed come through the air and throwing a double punch in Hydro Hog's chest sending him flying to the ground. We then rush over to him. "Dad you made it." I told him "Yep and the Aquitian Rangers should be fine as I was able to release some rain that were in the clouds over the Angel Grove Public Pool." Dad told us "Great work Frank." Billy told him "One more won't make much of any difference your all going down." Hydro Hog stated "We'll see about that one Hydro Hog." TJ stated "Come on guys, let's take him." Dad stated "Right." The rest of us agreed We all then charged in and began fighting Hydro Hog again. At the pool, several discarded empty bottles are laying around. Suddenly, the rain starts falling from the sky as they were trying to get more water. Tommy looked up towards the sky with a smile on his face. "Yes, it's raining." Young Tommy cheered "Billy, Frank, Paul, Luke, 3P0, R2, and Alpha, to the rescue." Kira mentioned The Aquitians then raise their hands into the air adsorbing as much of the rainwater as they can and as quickly as they can. "Better... much better." Delphine muttered Just as quickly as it began, the downpour ends, the beam blasting having been only a temporary solution. "Oh no, the rain is stopping." Young Trini stated "It is enough. Enough to finish the Hydro Hog." Aurico told them The Aquitians arise from the ground, reenergized and rehydrated. "Careful, you guys aren't fully rehydrated yet." Stevie cautioned "IT'S MORPHIN TIME!" Delphine yelled out "WHITE AQUITAR RANGER POWER!" Delphine yelled out "BLACK AQUITAR RANGER POWER!" Corcus yelled out "PINK AQUITAR RANGER POWER!" Cestrea yelled out "BLUE AQUITAR RANGER POWER!" Cestro yelled out "YELLOW AQUITAR RANGER POWER!" Tideus yelled out "RED AQUITAR RANGER POWER!" Aurico yelled out Dex gets hit with Hydro Hog's anchor sending him to the ground. The rest of us then go over to him. "You ok Dex?" I questioned "I'll be fine my friend." Dex assured "That's what you think bug boy. Time for to do the same thing I did to your Aquitian friends." Hydro Hog stated Suddenly, six color streaks of light shot passed us and towards Hydro Hog knocking him to the ground. The streaks then land next to us to reveal the Aquitian Rangers. "Rangers of Aquitar, Full Power." Aurico called out "Power of water, power of light, powers unite." All six Aquitian Rangers called out "So you six didn't learn your lesson the first time huh?" Hydro Hog questioned standing up "Hey, you six ok to do battle Delphine?" I questioned "We're ok now Paul, we manage to get enough water to be rehydrated just enough to help you defeat the Hydro Hog." Delphine told me "Cool." I stated "Huh-huh! Nothing stops me, once I get a thirst for a planet." Hydro Hog told them "Wrong, Hydro Hog." Cestrea told him We all then charged in and started fighting him once more. He manages to dodge and deflect our attacks and sends us to the ground. "How do you like those apples?" Hydro Hog questioned "Let's show them what we are really made of." Carlos stated "I'm with you my friend, Electro Saber activate." Dex called out Suddenly, a handle appeared out of Dex's belt and he pulls on it bringing out his Electro Saber. "Cool little trick bug boy." Hydro Hog told him "Energize saber." Dex called out His Electro Saber then begins to glow and he jumps into the air and slashes down on Hydro Hog a few times. He then jumps back into the air. "Rider Kick." Dex called out Dex then starts spinning as his feet starts glowing and kicks Hydro Hog dead center sending him crashing to the ground. Dad then pulls out Xavier and points its face towards Hydro Hog. "Eat eye lasers, hydro freak." Dad told him Dad then fired Xavier's eye beams towards Hydro Hog hitting him straight on making him stagger back a few feet. "Ninja Blades." TJ, Cassie, Carlos, Ashley, Richie, Preston, Curtis, Zack, Billy, Luke, and I called out as we pulled out our Ninja Blades from our backs "Aquitian Sabers." Aurico, Tideus, Corcus, Cestrea, Cestro, and Delphine called out as they pulled out their Sabers from behind them Ninjor then pulled out his own sword. "Energize." Ninjor, Aurico, Tideus, Corcus, Cestrea, Cestro, Delphine, TJ, Cassie, Ashley, Carlos, Richie, Curits, Zack, Billy, Preston, Luke, and I called out Our Sabers then begin to glow our Ranger colors while Ninjor's begins to glow blue. "Ninjetti Shadow Slash." The eighteen of us called out We then rush towards them as we use our ninja speed and glow our Ranger colors and slash down on him before landing back near dad and Dex sending him to the ground. "It's gonna take more than a polliwog like you to stop me." Hydro Hog told us standing up He then ditches his fin-saber and brings out miniature water mines. "Here, catch." Hydro Hog told him Hydro Hog then throws them towards us. "Everyone, duck." Dad called out We all then jump out of the way just as the mines hit the ground exploding. "We need to put an end to those meddling Alien interlopers as well as these remaining Earth heroes." Lord Zedd stated "Hah. It's time to make our monster grow. And then we can squash those Ranger Runts like flies." Rita told him Lord Zedd and Rita then combined their staffs together making them touch. "Make our monster grow. Hahaha!" Lord Zedd and Rita called out laughing evilly as lightning fired out of their staffs firing towards Earth Suddenly, Hydro Hog grew thirty stories tall. "Hoooahh. Getta load of me, I'm gonna crush you all like sea-lice." Hydro Hog stated "Good luck my friends, I'll be down here rooting for you." Dex told us "Thanks Dex." I thanked "Let's get going guys." Luke stated "Yeah, time to take this water hog down for the count." Zack added "I need Thunder Zord power now." Dad called out "Gold Gorilla Thunder Zord power now." Dad called out Just then, the Gold Gorilla Zord came barrowing down through the mountains. "Alright, let's do it." Dad stated Dad then hopped into the Gorilla Zord's cockpit. "Gold Gorillla Zord convert to Warrior Mode now." Dad called out as he placed Xavier into the slot in the console next to him Suddenly, the Gorilla Zord transformed into its Warrior Mode. "Power up." Dad called out I then grab out my Power Coin from my Morpher and the others do the same too. "Cougar." I called out as my Power Coin begins to glow "Hammerhead Shark." Luke called out as his Power Coin begins to glow "Wolf." Zack called out as his Power Coin begins to glow "Bull." Curtis called out as his Power Coin begins to glow "Lion." Preston called out as his Power Coin begins to glow "Panther." Billy called out as his Power Coin begins to glow "Jaguar." Richie called out as his Power Coin begins to glow "Elephant." TJ called out as his Power Coin begins to glow "Bat." Carlos called out as his Power Coin begins to glow "Deer." Cassie called out as her Power Coin begins to glow "Penguin." Ashley called out as her Power Coin begins to glow We then let our Power Coins go and they float in the air next to us. "Ninjetti unite, Ninja Zords arise." We all called out Suddenly, beams of light shot out of our Power Coins and collided. Then both sets of our Ninja Zords appeared and formed together to form the Ultra Ninja Zords. "K guys, let's do it." I told them "Right." The others agreed I nodded and we grabbed our Power Coins and put them back in our Morphers. "Ultra Ninja Zords power up." We all called out We all then jumped into our Zord's cockpits. "Cougar Zord ready to attack." I called out placing my hands on the controls "Wolf Zord ready to go." Zack called out placing his hands on the controls "Panther Zord all systems are online." Billy called out placing his hands on the controls "Hammerhead Shark Zord ready to prey." Luke called out placing his hands on the controls "Lion Zord time to go hunting." Preston called out placing his hands on the controls "Bull Zord ready to strike." Curtis called out placing his hands on the controls "Jaguar Zord ready for battle." Richie called out placing his hands on the controls "Elephant Zord time to charge in." TJ called out placing his hands on the controls "Deer Zord ready to run." Cassie called out placing her hands on the controls "Penguin Zord time to swim." Ashley called out placing her hands on the controls "Bat Zord systems in the green and ready to scare some bad guys." Carlos called out placing his hands on the controls "Power of the Ninjetti, I summon forth the remaining Zentar and Phadeos Ninja Zords now." I called out Suddenly, the remaining Ninja Zords of Zentar and Phadeos appeared and combined together to form the Ultra Ninja Zords. "Ultra-Warrior Ninjetti Megazord, begin transformation sequence now." I called out Just then the Ultra Crane, Ultra Frog, Ultra Wolf, Ultra Ape, and Ultra Bear Zords came together to form the Ultra-Ninja Megazord. Then the Ultra Falcon Zord attach to the back of the Ultra-Ninja Megazord, then the Ultra Lion Zord's head attach to the Ultra Wolf Zord's head fist, then the Ultra Stingray Zord attach to the back of the Ultra Falcon Zord, then the Ultra Swan Zord formed the helmet on the Ultra Crane Zord's head, then the Ultra Frog Zord's legs folded up and the Ultra Panther and Ultra Bull Zords became the legs, then the Ultra Jaguar and Ultra Zebra Zords' legs transformed into wheels and attach to the Ultra Panther and Ultra Bull Zords, then the Ultra Deer Zord attach to the left shoulder, then the Ultra Elephant Zord's head attach to the Ultra Ape Zord's head fist, then the Ultra Bat Zord attach to the Ultra Wolf Zord's side, then the Ultra Dragon Zord wrapped around the waist of the Megazord, then the Ultra Penguin Zord attach next to the Ultra Dragon's head, then the then the Ultra Hammerhead Shark attach to the right waist side, and the Ultra Cougar Zord attach to the left waist side. Once join together created Ultra-Warrior Ninjetti Megazord. "Ultra-Warrior Ninjetti Megazord battle action." All of us called out together "Power of Water, Power of Light, Powers Unite. We need Shogun Zord power now." The six Alien Rangers called out Instantly, all five of the Shogun Zords appeared. The six then hopped into their respective Shogun Zords. "Red Shogun Zord power up." Aurico called out "Blue Shogun Zord power up." Cestro called out "Black Shogun Zord power up." Corcus called out "Yellow Shogun Zord power up." Tideus called out "White Shogun Zord power up." Delphine and Cestrea called out "All systems are a go Delphine." Cestrea mentioned "Right. Time to activate Shogun Megazord power." Delphine called out Just then the Red Shogun Zord became the body, the Blue and White Shogun Zords became the arms while the Black and Yellow Shogun Zords became the Legs then all five Zords combined together and the Megazord head appeared onto of the Red Shogun Zord's head. "Shogun Megazord Battle Ready." Aurico, Cestrea, Cestro, Corcus, Tideus, and Delphine called out "Ninjor is ready for action." Ninjor stated growing thirty stories tall Hydro Hog, wields his sword and comes towards us. "Even with we being outnumbered three to one, this is gonna be easy. Heha." Hydro Hog stated laughing evilly Hydro Hog then slashes down on us a few times. Ninjor then pulled out his own sword. "Let's see how you fair with this." Ninjor told him Ninjor then goes on the attack slashing down on him a few times. "Not bad, but time for you to take a seat." Hydro Hog told him Hydro Hog then punched Ninjor a few times before kicking him to the ground. "Twin Sabers." I called out Just then, the Ultra-Warrior Ninjetti Megazord pulled on both the Ultra Cougar's head and the Ultra Hammerhead Shark's head to summon two sabers. "ULTIMATE NINJETTI ICE SKATING DOUBLE SLASH ATTACK!" We all shouted out Just then, both sabers energized with lightning, then ice fired out of the Ultra Penguin's mouth freezing Hydro Hog's feet to the ground. Then the Ultra-Warrior Ninjetti Megazord started rolling down the ice path and then started spinning around towards Hydro Hog. "Oh nice trick Rangers, but it won't stop me." Hydro Hog stated Hydro Hog manages to break his feet from the ice and swings his sword around and blocks our attack just like hitting a baseball to which causes us to go to the ground. "We just lost forty five percent of our power supply." Billy mentioned "Hang on guys." Dad stated as he grabbed a sphere from behind him He then places in the slot in front of him. "Gold Gorilla Thunderbolt fire." Dad commanded Suddenly, three fire balls shot out of the Gorilla's mouth shooting straight towards Hydro Hog. "Batter's up Ranger." Hydro Hog mentioned Hydro Hog then swung his sword like a baseball bat hitting all three attacks sending them straight to the Gorilla Zord. All three fire balls hit the Gorilla Zord straight on sending it to the ground. "Oh man, that did some serious damage." Dad mentioned "Let us try Rangers." Cestrea stated "Let's do it." Aurico told his teammates "Shogun Megazord Fire Saber activate now." Aurico, Cestrea, Cestro, Corcus, Tideus, and Delphine commanded Just then the Shogun Megazord pulled out its Saber and the Saber ignited and then went to strike Hydro Hog. But, Hydro Hog manages to catch the saber in his hand stopping the Shogun Megazord's attack all together. "Uh-uh-uh. You don't get to win like that this time. Face it Rangers, I've got you outclassed." Hydro Hog stated "He blocked our attack." Cestrea stated "And that's not all I am going to do to you fish freaks." Hydro Hog told them Hydro Hog then hits the Shogun Megazord's arm upwards and then slashes down on the Megazord a few times before jabbing it in the chest with his sword. The Shogun Megazord then fall to the ground next to Ninjor and our other Zords. Rito and Goldar attempt to disarm the Implosion Generator they brought with them. They have several tools out the central detonator of the bomb is placed atop some suitcases, as they sit around it. Rito picks his nose-hole and flings the booger off. "So, how do we turn this thing off?" Goldar inquired "Easy. It's hammer time." Rito stated picking up a hammer, and prepares to bash the device into pieces. Goldar prevents him from hitting it. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Not that." Goldar told him Rito drops the hammer and sulks. "I'll do it myself." Goldar told him "Oh, I never get to have any fun." Rito whined Justin, Kira, Stevie, Trini, Tanya, Adam, Rocky, Tommy, Kimberly, Kat, Jason, and Aisha were teleported back to the Command Center after the Aquitians were rehydrated enough to join the battle. They all watch the battle take place on the Viewing Globe and see that both Megazords are down with Hydro Hog gloating. "The Shogun Megazord and Ultra-Warrior Ninjetti Megazord are down Zordon, we have to help them." Young Tommy stated "The Hydro-Hog is too powerful for the two Megazords alone. It appears they need additional power." Zordon stated "Wait a minute, the other Megazords, we can use the Megazord Remote Device to summon the other Megazords to initiate the Warrior-Battleforce Megazord." Justin suggested "Excellent idea, Justin. Alpha, activate the Megazord Remote Device at once." Zordon instructed "Right away Zordon." Alpha stated as he hurried over towards the Megazord Remote Device "Haha. Nothing can stop me now." Hydro Hog stated Suddenly, blasts fired out hitting Hydro Hog straight on sending him staggering backwards a few feet. "Hey, where did those blasts come from?" Preston wondered "Guys look over there." Cassie stated We looked towards where Cassie was looking to see that it is the all the other Megazords. "Awesome, it's the Megazord, Prehistoric-Gator Megazrod, Tiger Zord, and Rhino Zord." Richie stated "Zordon and the others back at the Command Center must have activated the Megazord Remote Device and summoned them." Billy mentioned "Good cause, we sure could use all the fire power we can get." Luke stated "So, more Zords have came out to play huh?" Hydro Hog questioned "Ninjor, can you distract Hydro Hog for a few moments for us?" I questioned "No worries my friends, Ninjor always has you covered." Ninjor told us Ninjor then gets back up and picks up his sword and charges into Hydro Hog. "So you want to go another round do ya, Ninjor?" Hydro Hog inquired The two begin to clash blades with one another. While they are duking it out, the Aquitian Rangers and my dad jump into the Ultra-Warrior Ninjetti Megazord's cockpit. "I call upon the Dragon Dagger." Preston called out Suddenly, the Dragon Dagger appeared in his hand. "Dragon Zord, arise." Preston called out Preston then started playing the Dragon Dagger and then a few moments later the Dragon Zord rose up from the ocean and joined us. "I call upon the power of Titanus and Tor the Shuttle Zord." I called out Suddenly, we then see both Titanus and Tor come rolling down through the mountains. We then see Hydro Hog punch Ninjor in the chest making him stagger back a bit. "And your suppose to call yourself a great ninja warrior? Well I am not that impressed Ninjterd." Hydro Hog told him "Ninjterd, that's the last straw, time for you to really feel the wrath of a ninja warrior." Ninjor stated as he pumped his fists in the air "Say what now blue boy?" Hydro Hog questioned "Time teach you a lesson in manners, I need ninja power now." Ninjor called out Suddenly, Ninjor transformed into his Ninja Battle Mode. "Behold the power of Ninja." Ninjor called out "So, you wanna play rough?" Hydro Hog questioned "Time for you to feel the heat." Ninjor stated as he charged up his fire disc He then shot his fire disc at Hydro Hog hitting them straight on causing them to fall to the ground. "Ok Rangers let's do this while he is down." I told them "Right." The others agreed I then push a few buttons and then slots for the Power Coins appeared in front of each of us. I took out my Cougar Power Coin from my Morpher and placed it in its slot next to me. The others do the same with their Power Coins. They all then begin to glow. "Warrior-Battleforce Megazord begin transformation sequence now." We all called out Just then, the Ultra-Warrior Ninjetti Megazord attach to the back of the Shogun Megazord back to back. The Gorilla Zord's, Rhino Zord's, and Tiger Zord's heads then attach to the front body of the Shogun Megazord, Tiger on top, Gorilla in the middle, and Rhino on the bottom. The Thunder Megazord then attach itself to the White Shogun Zord's arm while the Megazord attached to the Blue Shogun Zord's arm. Then the Prehistoric-Gator Megazord then pointed its drill arms in the air and connected with the bottoms of the Black and Yellow Shogun Zords to become the legs. Then the Dragon Zord's chest plate came out of the body and the rest of it went on top of the Shogun Megazord with the Dranon Zord's head becoming the head over the Red Shogun Zord's head. Then finally, Titanus and Tor opened up their backs and the remaining Zords came down and each leg attach into each back of the Carrier Zords with the Dragon Zord's chest plate placed in the center of Titanus's chest. "Warrior-Battleforce Megazord online." We all called out "Should I be impressed?" Hydro Hog wondered as he looked up our giant Megazord "Gorilla Cannon fire." Dad commanded Suddenly, a big blast fired out of the Gorilla's mouth hitting Hydro Hog straight on sending him to the ground. "Thunder Punch." Curtis called out Suddenly the arm with the Thunder Megazord attach to it punches forward and shoots an energy blast shape like the Thunder Megazord straight at Hydro Hog sending him back to the ground. Hydro Hog then staggers back to his feet. "Time to get prehistoric with this hydro freak, Dino Punch." Zack called out Suddenly, the arm with the Megazord attach to it punches forward and shoots out an energy blast shape like the Megazord straight towards Hydro Hog hitting him straight on making him fall to the ground. "Oh, I think I'm going to be sick." Hydro Hog muttered struggling to get back up to his feet "Alright, I say we give him the big bang." I told them "I'm with you brother." Luke stated "Then let's do it, Warrior Cannon Power up." I called out Suddenly, the Warrior-Battleforce Megazord begins charging up and began to glow all of our colors as well. "What's with the pretty light show Rangers?" Hydro Hog questioned "Weapons are all charged up Paul." Billy informed me "Great, then let's do it." I told them We then have the Warrior-Battleforce Megazord roll forward. "Wait, wait, wait. Can we talk about this?" Hydro Hog questioned backing up a few feet "Warrior Cannon fire." We all commanded Suddenly, all of the weapons fired massive blasts shaped like all of our Zords towards Hydro Hog hitting him straight on. It then caused a massive explosion destroying him completely. "Yes we did it." Cassie cheered "Thanks to Hydro Power, mission is accomplished." The six Alien Rangers called out "Excellent work, everyone. We have proven to Zedd and Rita once more that the power of good and truth will always triumph over evil." Ninjor stated Dex had watched the whole thing unfold and he had a smile on his face under his helmet. "Good work my friends." Dex commented Everyone else back at the Command Center cheered and slap each other fives as Hydro Hog was destroyed. "Yippee. Haha! Heh-heh." Alpha cheered laughing happily On the Viewing Globe, the now demorphed Aquitian Rangers and Earth Rangers appears. "Zordon, we must go in search of water. We are teleporting back to the lake." Delphine stated through the Viewing Globe "We cannot possibly thank you enough, Aquitian Rangers. Now go rest, and rehydrate yourselves." Zordon told them "We're ready to be teleported back to the Command Center Zordon." Frank stated through the Viewing Globe "Stand by for teleportation." Alpha stated pushing a few buttons Suddenly, Dex, Ninjor, TJ, Cassie, Ashley, Carlos, Richie, Curtis, Zack, Billy, Preston, Luke, Frank, and Paul teleport back into the Command Center having powered down and Paul, Luke, and Preston returned to his normal height. "Way to go guys. You manage to defeat Hydro Hog." Young Jason stated "Thanks man." I thanked "I just wish Aisha would get back. We really need that crystal." Young Adam stated Alpha pats him on the shoulder. "Alpha, we must find a way to make contact with Aisha. Begin scanning all temporal dimensions for her biorhythms." Zordon instructed "Right away, Zordon." Alpha told him as he begins pushing a few buttons Ashalla and Aisha were standing at the edge of her village at the crack of dawn with Aisha holding onto her Zeo Crystal. "Are you ok in making your journey alone?" Aisha nods her yes. "Yes, it isn't that far and I have make sure to go back to where I had originally came here." Young Aisha told her "Very well then Aisha." Ashalla told her She then hugs her tightly for a few moments before letting them go Aisha then waved goodbye and walked off back towards where she had first started her journey. "Safe journey, little one." Ashalla called out waving goodbye towards Aisha On the Viewing Globe, a static transmission begins to appear on the Viewing Globe. "Zordon, I'm getting a signal through the time hole." Alpha informed The signal becomes clear, showing Aisha wandering through the African plains. "It's Aisha." Young Tanya cheered "She's ok." Young Rocky stated "And she has the crystal." Young Kat mentioned "Hooray." 3PO cheered "Beep, beep." R2 beeped "Prepare for transmission and teleportation. It's time to bring Aisha home." Zordon instructed Aisha had just managed to reach the spot where she had originally came in through the Time Vortex. "Ok, now how do I get back?" Young Aisha inquired Suddenly, a hologram image of Zordon appears in the big blue cloudy skies above. "Aisha, do you have the crystal in your possession?" Zordon questioned through the hologram image Aisha looks up towards Zordon's image and smiles. "Yes Zordon I do." Young Aisha told him "Congratulations on finding the final Zeo Subcrystal Aisha." Zordon told her "Thanks Zordon." Young Aisha thanked "Are you ready to return home Aisha?" Zordon questioned through the hologram "Yes Zordon I am." Young Aisha confirmed Suddenly, the Time Vortex suddenly opens above her with an Orange Trinagle symbol appearing in the center the Zeo Subcrystal. The Orange energy then fires off and then Aisha is sucked into the Time Vortex. Just then Aisha was teleported in by the Time Vortex. "Aisha, welcome home." I told her walking up to her "Paul, it would only seem fitting that you put the final piece together with the others." Young Aisha stated as she handed me the crystal I take a look at it. "Paul now is the time to put the Zeo Crystal in order." Zordon told me "Right Zordon." I agreed I looked at my dad and he nods, as we both know this could be the last time we see each other until I make my journey to the afterlife. Alpha then heads over to the center table, where the Zeo Transformer is in place. He activates the device, and moves out of the way as I head over towards the Crystal Transformer. "Here goes nothing." I muttered looking at the final Zeo Subcrystal With one more sigh and quick glance at my dad, I then ready the crystal. I then hold the Subcrystal above my head, aiming it into the slot next to the other eight Subcrystals inside the Crystal Transformer. The Subcrystal Aisha brought back begins to glow Orange, as I placed it into the Transformer, along with its fellow Zeo Subcrystals. They all begin to glow in nine different colors, the colors now mixing into a vibrant rainbow as they hum loudly, and the Transformer starts to spin around. "It's working, Paul. Oh, isn't it wonderful?" Alpha inquired I nodded. Then suddenly, the now completed Zeo Crystal in the center of the device starts to cast out a beam of bluish white energy into the sky. Suddenly, the entire Command Center begins to shake and we are all knocked off our feet. Rito and Goldar also feel the vibrating affects. "Ah! The implosion device, it's going off." Rito cried out Goldar grabs the central bomb sphere off the quaking stack of cases. "No, it hasn't, you nincompoop." Goldar told him "Yes, it is." Rito whined "It's still ticking." Goldar pointed out Out in space, Earth frozen, still in place. In a quick white flash, the nine energy symbols of the Zeo Crystals appear surrounding the atmosphere, Red and Silver Stars, Blue and Orange Triangles, Green and White Squares, Yellow Parallel Bars, and Pink and Purple Ovals. They begin to spin around Earth in a counterclockwise motion, causing the world to follow their direction. The physical reversal to Earth caused by the Orb Of Doom is being undone. "The Zeo Crystal and all its power shall be ours in mere moments." Lord Zedd stated Rita, watches the whole thing take place through her Repulsascope. "Ah, yes. We'll let those Power Punks have a few moments of power, and then take it all away. Oh, it feels so good to be so mean." Rita stated The two begin to laugh evilly. "Not to mention that the original Gold Ranger well once again be just a mere memory as he will no longer exsit in the living world." Scropina pointed out "That you are right Scorpina. That is part of the reason why I wanted the Rangers to bring together all the Zeo Crystals so that with the Earth back in its proper time, that old washed out Ranger will no longer stand in our way in taking over the Earth." Lord Zedd told her In the park, Bulk and Skull swing around on the swing set in their normal street clothes. "Okay, the first one who gets the highest wins." Young Bulk stated "Alright." Young Skull agreed They then start swinging trying to out swing the other. Bulk manages to get the highest. "I win." Young Bulk cheered As they are in midair swing, a bright flash of white light engulfs them and as they come back down they are back to their proper age. "Altitude, baby." Bulk mentioned Suddenly, the two chains that were holding up Bulk's swing seat snaps sending him crashing down to the sandy ground. Skull just does his trademark laugh, laughing at him. "You're a loser, Bulkie." Skull told him Suddenly, the chains holding up Skull's swing also snaps causing him to go crashing down in the sandy ground next to Bulk. Bulk and Skull look at their broken swings trying to remember why they were here and swinging in the first place. "What're we doing here?" Bulk inquired Skull looks at the broken chains. "I won't tell anybody if you don't." Skull suggested "Mm-hmm." Bulk mumbled in agreement Skull laughs, and they rush off. I then sit up and look at the others to see that Tanya, Aisha, Rocky, Adam, Kat, Tommy, Jason, Trini, and Kimberly have returned back to their normal ages. "We're back." Tommy stated looking at himself "Ow." Rocky cried out bumping his head on the console "Way to go guys." Jason stated "It's great to have the rest of you back to normal again." Billy told them "Congratulations Rangers, on a job well done." Zordon told us as we stood up I then look around trying to find my dad to see him leaning on one of the consoles. "Dad." I called out as I walked over to him "Paul, its time we said goodbye son." Dad told me We then see my dad starting to fade. I go out to touch him but my hand just goes right through him, I then slowly drop my hand to my side. "I'm going to miss you dad." I told him trying to hold back my tears Kimberly comes over and puts her arm around my shoulder. "I'll miss you too Paul, but you are in good hands." Dad told me "Frank, you were a fine Power Ranger just know that your legacy well forever live on in all that is good and true. We will all miss you." Zordon told him "I as well Zordon, please all of you watch over my son." Dad said "You can count on it Mr. Golupski." Kimberly assured "Oh Ayi, yi, yi, I'm going to miss you Frank." Alpha cried out "Same here my friend." Dad told him "You have nothing to worry about Frank, Paul is in good hands we all shall watch over him. Just rest in peace Frank and always know that the power well always be with you and well protect you." Zordon told him "Thanks Zordon and take care of yourself Paul. I love you son." Dad told me "I love you too dad." I told him Suddenly, my dad fully disappears for good. Tears start rolling down my face as I can't hold them in anymore. Kimberly then brings into a hug and I just hug her tightly. "Everything well be ok sweetie." Kimberly told me as she rub circles around my back A few moments later we broke apart as I start to calm down. "Paul I know it must have not been easy for you to put the last Zeo Crystal with the others but you made the right choice." Zordon told me "I know Zordon, I'm just glad that I got to say goodbye to him in person this time." I stated "We must now bid farewell to our other friends." Zordon mentioned "We'll do that in person Zordon. Dex, Ninjor, you want to come with us?" I questioned "Yes my friend." Dex told me "I would also like to say goodbye to our Aquitian teammates." Ninjor stated Dex then grab my shoulder as the twenty of us Rangers, Ninjor, Justin, Kira, Stevie, and Dex teleported out of the Command Center. Goldar is still holding onto the main Implosion Device. Nervously, he tosses it into the air towards Rito. "I don't wanna hold it, you hold it." Goldar told him Rito, who has been biting his fingertips was barely able to catch it in time. "Ah, me? No way." Rito stated Rito jerkily places it back on the holster on the stack of cases in front of them. Goldar grabs it anxiously. "You're gonna make it go off." Goldar told him "Awe. Don't say 'go off'. No." Rito whined as Goldar clutches the bomb in his hands We then teleported down to the lake in front of the Alien Rangers and shake their hands. "Thank you my friends." I told them "Paul? Yes, of course. you, your, brother, and Prince Dex had done the same for us back on our home planet it was the least we could do." Delphine stated "I take it that now with the Earth and the rest of you restored to normal that your father's body stayed in the past and his spirit returned to the afterlife Paul?" Cestro inquired I sigh and nod my head yes. "Yeah he did, we both knew that it was going to happen when all nine Zeo Subcrsytals were reunited as one." I told him "Even though it was brief, he was a great man and fine Power Ranger." Cestrea told me "And always know he will always be alive in your heart." Tideus told me I smile towards them. "Thank you." I thanked "We've come to say goodbye." Jason told them "Yes, you must return to your planet and get well." Tommy told them "I don't even know how to thank you for everything you've done." Billy told them "Yeah guys, thanks for all your help." Luke told them "You would do the same for us all over again Luke." Aurico told us "In a heartbeat." Kimberly assured "We'll miss you." Adam told him "And we, you. But our own environment awaits." Cestro told us "We have learned much from your planet." Corcus told us "It was good seeing you again my friends I wish you save travels back home." Dex told them "Thank you Prince Dex." Cestrea thanked "Till we meet again Ninjor, Power Rangers of Earth, and Prince Dex Masked Rider of Edinoi." Delphine told us The six Aquitian Rangers then bow towards us "Until we meet again, Rangers of Aquitar." I told them as we bow at them The six Alien Rangers smiled at us and we smiled back towards them. "Take care my Aquitian friends." Ninjor told them The Aquitian Rangers then teleport away back to Aquitar. "I must also say goodbye to you my friends I must return to my family in Leawood." Dex told us "We understand Dex and thank you for all your help during the last few weeks." I told him "Think nothing of it my friend you did the same for me back on my home planet and helped me destroy Count Dregon for good a few months back, it was the least I could do." Dex stated "We're always here if you need us Dex." Curtis told him "Thank you my friends and I am always here for you as well. To the Power." Dex told us bring his hand forward I then reach out and shake it. "To the Power." I agreed "Take care Dex come back and visit anytime." TJ told him "Yeah we love to see you again." Aisha told him Dex smiled and then disappeared. "Now it is time for us to say goodbye Rangers, I must now return to the Temple." Ninjor told us "We understand Ninjor and thanks for everything." Richie told him "Think nothing of it my friends. True friends must always stick together. No matter the danger." Ninjor told us "You got that right Ninjor." I agreed "If you any of you shall need my help in the future, just know that I will always be there to help." Ninjor assured "Thanks Ninjor. Take care my friend and until we meet again." I told him "Until we meet again Rangers." Ninjor told us Ninjor then teleported away back to the Temple of Power. We all just stand there staring where our friends once were. I then feel a hand on my shoulder and turn to see that it is Kimberly smiling at me and I returned it. "We better get back to the Command Center guys." Kira mentioned "Yeah, I agree Kira. Let's get going guys." I told them The others nodded and we all then teleported back towards the Command Center. The Implosion Generator detonator clock has reached the fifty seconds remaining mark. Rito and Goldar stare as much impatiently as nervously at the central bomb sphere, both moaning and biting their fingertips worriedly. "I don't like this thing. Oh, the suspense is killing me." Rito mentioned Goldar's fearful teeth chatter as he bites his fingernails. "Alright, you numbskulls, Go get the crystal now." Rita ordered in their heads They quickly stand up and grab their swords. "Whoa finally. We're outta here." Rito stated "We gotta hurry. The Implosion Device is gonna blow." Goldar stated "Talk about cutting it close." Rito mentioned They then both vanish from the Storage Room. "Oh Zordon, it's sad to see Frank leave us after time was returned to normal. It was just like old times again." Alpha mentioned "I know Alpha, but we all knew that it was going to happen once the Zeo Crystal was put back together as one." Zordon stated Suddenly, Rito and Goldar teleported into the main control room. "Ayi, yi, yi, yi, yi!" Alpha cried out "Intruder alert. Intruder alert." C-3PO called out "Beep, beep, beep." R2 beeped Goldar then grabs the recently completed Zeo Crystal. "Goldar, Rito, I order you to leave the Command Center at once." Zordon ordered "Duhhh, we were just on our way out." Goldar informed him "Yeah and so is the Zeo Crystal, ciao, baby." Rito told him Suddenly, both Goldar and Rito instantly teleport out of the Command Center with the Zeo Crystal in their possession. We then teleport back into the Command Center. "Ayi, yi, yi, yi, yi!" Alpha cried out "Alpha, what's wrong?" I wondered "Goldar and Rito have stolen the Zeo Crystal." Alpha informed us Ashley then goes over to the device. "Oh no." Ashley muttered Suddenly the bomb reaches zero and then explodes. Suddenly the whole place starts shaking and sparks flying everywhere. "What's happening?" Trini wondered "Rangers, you must evacuate the Command Center." Zordon instructed "We can't leave you." Adam stated Suddenly, more explosions and sparks occurred causing us to stumble around some more. "Get out of here now, Rangers." Alpha urged "Yes, you all must hurry now go." 3PO told us "Beep, beep, beep." R2 beeped "Come with us, guys." Jason motion for them Another explosion occurred causing us to lose our balances a bit as more derbies fall to the floor. "Alpha, teleport them out, now." Zordon instructed "Ayi, yi, yi right, Zordon." Alpha cried out walking over to a console "ALPHA! NOOOO!" I shouted out I then run over towards him. "Ayi, yi, yi." Alpha cried out "No, Paul, What're you doing?" Kimberly called out I reach a console as it explodes causing me to shield my face and causing me to black out. "Teleportation sequence activated." Alpha stated The Rangers along with Kira, Justin, and Stevie are teleported away. "AYI, YI, YI, YI! ZORDON! I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO! AYI, YI, YI, YI, YI, YI!" Alpha cried out as more Derbies falls down More explosions occurred. We all teleported out of the Command Center falling to the ground, we stand up and look towards the smoke filled Command Center then suddenly it explodes causing us to fall to the ground again. A few seconds later we sit up. "Everybody okay?" Tommy wondered "Yeah, I think so." Katherine stated I then look around trying to find Paul to only see him laying on the ground not moving. "PAUL!" I yelled out "PAUL!" I heard Kimberly yell out I open my eyes and painfully sit up as the others run over towards me with Kimberly being the first one to reach me. "No please no." I called out looking at what remains of the Command Center "Awe man." Jason muttered "It's gone." Zack stated "Zordon and Alpha." Tanya stated "And 3PO and R2." Luke added "Do you think they could have survived?" Katherine wondered "I don't know." I muttered "Paul, what are we going to do?" Kimberly wondered I then shake my head sadly. "Bet this could be the end of the Power Rangers." I admitted Kimberly sadly moans at hearing that. "Forever." I muttered We all then stand up and look at what is left of the Command Center. 'This can't be how it all ends.' I thought to myself