| - It was a bright and sunny day in the low lying court of New Haven. The water that dripped within the elderly fountains seemed to gleam much like the smiles of those passing by. Citizens of the bustling town rushed back and forth through shops, stalls, and any cranny you could buy fruit. Our unsuspecting hero, Nilloc. was perched precariously above the city on a nest like structure near the old bell tower. He watched the scenes unfold with great amusement and curiousity. It always brought a smile to his face to see those he so carefully viewed. His stomach rumbled in anxiety though. Nilloc hadn't eaten in many-a-day due to his lack of funding. He wasn't the knight in shining armor he dreamed of being. force pushed him to snatch away as much as he could. The warm and homely scents of breads and cheeses drifted into his nose but his good will fought against them. He soon grew restless again, this time being forced from his perch onto the ground from the sweet smells. A cart was placed not fifty feet from him. It sat, unwatched by all, yet loaded to the brim with goods. "Just one taste" He thought. Nilloc crept towards the defensless store and as he came near, he reached out with his trembling hand. Right as he was about to grasp a tender looking piece of meat from the board; "WHAM". A knife was driven into the hard wood nearly an inch from his flesh. Nillloc quickly grapped the piece and ran as fast as he could. His pursuer, though a portly man, was quite fast on his short legs. He chased him up the stone path, avoiding all of the uneven rocks. It was easy to trip on the surface. Finally as they reached the great gates of the palace, the shopkeeper let out a grand shout with the last of the air in his overworked lungs. "Stop him" he screeched. At this the tired guards, weary from their overnight shift, grabbed Nilloc with a surprising amount of force. They dragged his body into the throne room with his legs limply drifting over the smooth tile floor. With one mighty bound they tossed him onto his knees in front of the crowned silhouette. The king took one glance at the young thief and simply grunted the words "Off with his head." Just when all spirits were lost though a young and sweet voice overcame the murmerous discussions echoing throughout the cave-like room. She emerged from a dense group in the center and knelt beside the battered figure of Nilloc. The youth took one glance at the young lady beside him and was instantly dazed with amazement. She had black hair that resembled the stones that all man treasured. Her eyes, soft like clouds. produced a welcoming sight that calmed even the belligerent king. Her dainty touch on his broad shoulder felt like the touch of something greater than that of a human but that of an angel. With a soft breath he asked "What is your name?" WIth this she replied in a heavenly voice, "My name is [INSERTNAME]."