| - The Amelatian Civil War, more commnly referred to as the Kinsekian Civil War or the Post Oligarch War in Kinsekian circles. Was an armed conflict between the pro-democratic 'Free Democratic Front' and the 'Socialist Front'. After the collapse of the Amelatian toltalitarian government, a national democratic coalition of pro-capitalist and pro-socialist parties ruled and tried to attain power throughout the state. Eventually, disputes between the political parties and increasing corruption on both sides increased tensions untill the coalition collapsed, with formentation of paramilitary organisations the military disintergrated and soon after pro-democratic forces, now reorganised into the Free Democratic Front (FDF) begun fighting government forces, who were initially controlled by the Soci
| - The Amelatian Civil War, more commnly referred to as the Kinsekian Civil War or the Post Oligarch War in Kinsekian circles. Was an armed conflict between the pro-democratic 'Free Democratic Front' and the 'Socialist Front'. After the collapse of the Amelatian toltalitarian government, a national democratic coalition of pro-capitalist and pro-socialist parties ruled and tried to attain power throughout the state. Eventually, disputes between the political parties and increasing corruption on both sides increased tensions untill the coalition collapsed, with formentation of paramilitary organisations the military disintergrated and soon after pro-democratic forces, now reorganised into the Free Democratic Front (FDF) begun fighting government forces, who were initially controlled by the Socialist Front. The Republic of White Highlands, led by Andrew Callaghan as President. Initially adopted a policy of non-intervention throughout the initial stages of the civil conflict, however as the pro-democratic forces were being pushed back, an ever growing percentage of people within the government wanted military intervention to secure the humanitarian position at least or to repulse the Socialist forces. A no-fly zone was declared in which Republican fighters targetted and bombed Socialist forces, before sending in a fully armed division to assist in the FDF victory. The FDF secured victory near the end of April, little more than a month after the initial conflict had begun. Since it's conclusion in 3529, many critics of Republican action have drawn speculation as to the legitimacy of the miltiary intervention. Citing the Republic's membership of the Soviet Federation. Controversially, some historians have even suggested or implied that the civil war was a result of Republican intentions to in the long term annex the Kinsekian country through it's prominence of Swamplandian Unionism. The legitimacy of the Republican foreign intervention is still a cause of instability and tension amongst the Communist and Nationalist factions of Kinsek to this day. Though it's effects on modern day Highlandic politics is seldom felt.